Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Wolfyoufeed, Dec 26, 2019.

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  1. “This is the Way”

    147 vote(s)
  2. “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    2 vote(s)
  1. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    DAY 53

    i'am so grateful to god for give me this chance to became a better version of me by doing nofap and to finally reach this point....

    this is so scary tho, im working on my delayed project right know this is so stressful and need a lot of energy... i even did not have a proper sleep lately and someday i even working on it between my "break time" in the office.

    i was in this situation last year but every time i found some obstacle in this project i choose to watch porn and just forget it.

    but now im very determined to finish this project

    what scared me is, all i need is one relapse, just one damn porn and it will destroy this project, failed it with me inside of it ofc

    i pray to god to finish this project and forever free from porn also

    stay strong fellow mando
    Gonarth, Wolfyoufeed and l'embellie like this.
  2. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    We have a new foundling! Well done!
    *places armor in your arms*
    Train hard.. earn your helmet, honor your fellow clan members... this is the way.
    hubbawulf1234 and Gonarth like this.
  3. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    Your making us proud Holley we are with you! Hate the monster that would make you fail.
    hollyman and Gonarth like this.
  4. Meep

    Meep Fapstronaut

    Day 4 things with the girl went dry but honestly with this meditation stuff makes me feel way more positive
    hollyman, Gonarth and Wolfyoufeed like this.
  5. Meep

    Meep Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah basically told her what we should do and she said to stop talking so it’s kinda weird and I still like her I’ve wanted to keep talking but I tried and it hasn’t worked so I just learned people don’t actually like me and that when I don’t feel love to speak up. Silence perpetuates violence.
    hollyman, Gonarth and Wolfyoufeed like this.
  6. Meep

    Meep Fapstronaut

    Fight for yourselfs speak up don’t be silent
    Gonarth likes this.
  7. Pokeballhard

    Pokeballhard Fapstronaut

    Back to day 7 *sharpening vibroknife*
    Gonarth and Wolfyoufeed like this.
  8. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    I don’t mean this to sound insensitive, because I obviously don’t know the situation. But it’s possible it’s just a bad time. Woman and Men are build differently with different strengths and weaknesses and then on top of that, we all have our personal ones. To be fair and completely balanced the Bible speaks on the matter of talking; where it says “there is a time to speak, and a time to be silent.”

    Now... discerning which is which.. that’s the challenge that may only come with time/experience. I’ve learned that another bible principle fits most of the time: “be quick to listening, slow to speaking, slow to anger” (James 1:19)

    A lot of times women just need to know your listening to them, even if what they say is irrational... acknowledge it.

    Day 83 *Head Nod*
    Meep and Gonarth like this.
  9. Back to Day 0. I am in despair right now. I once again blundered and relapsed. However, I am still not giving up. I will continue on this battle. I also fell by the wayside of some of my other challenges.

    Cold Shower: Day 3 of 30
    No YouTube Challenge: Day 0 of 10
    Wake up at 5.15 am: Day 0 of 4
    Wolfyoufeed likes this.
  10. hubbawulf1234

    hubbawulf1234 Fapstronaut

    Takes armor with great pride. Day 16 done. This is the way
    Wolfyoufeed and hollyman like this.
  11. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    thank you bro
    there is an app name "Your Hour" available on android and its so good to reduce mobile phone activities including youtube binge try it bro
    Gonarth and Wolfyoufeed like this.
  12. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    It’s probably the chaser effect. When this happens to me I have to pray with every single bad thought, fill the time with something productive, exercise if possible. We are so glad your living up to your name !
    Keep up the fight, you’ll get angry with the situation and that’s ok. I had to get angry enough to beat it. I learned to hate that “fallen” dark feeling. Everyone’s different and some of us need to be angry to quit. Or I could be wrong, you may need something different. As the Bible says “if you keep knocking the door will be opened.. keep asking and it will be given to you”.

    What I mean is keep fighting until you find the way YOU need to beat it.

    Day 84... This might sound really crazy. But I know people think I’m nuts and I’ve accepted that :) we are all in fact a little crazy. Yesterday I realized I’ve hit a second “flatline” meaning I’m in a state of not wanting sex. This time it feels like a switch that has been shut off. I know it’s there to switch back on but I’m happy it’s off. I always hoped and prayed that such a thing were possible but I feel it’s a real thing now. The way I view it is this: There are people in this world whose lives are often overlooked.. paralyzed, wheel charge bound, or amputated ones. Some of these people literally cannot have sex. Do they give up life? Heck no! Some of them climb mountains, get involved and win races, sports and other endeavors with more Willpower than 95% of the world.

    I am Wolfyoufeed... an average man and with Gods help, I’m not a slave to sex, PMO, emotions or improper view of my fellow humans. I chose to be HAPPY, even when I fail. I’m leaving this “switch” off, only using it to fulfill the natural needs of my wife, then shutting it off again every time.

    May this inspire you all who struggle by my side! This is the way!!!
    hubbawulf1234 and Gonarth like this.
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. I will download it.
    Wolfyoufeed likes this.
  14. I am definitely angry. Very angry with myself! I will need to channel this anger to becoming completely sober as you mentioned. I also need a change in strategy.
    Wolfyoufeed likes this.
  15. Day 1

    Back on track! It was easier yesterday than I thought it would. It was probably because I reverted back to using my relapse prevention strategy that I had somehow forgotten. I have also decided to redefine what porn means to me. Porn for me is now anything that arouses my sexual desire to cause me to want to masturbate compulsively. This includes text, all images (including scantily clad women on the streets), video, audio, and even thoughts of porn. I have realized that I entertain dangerous thoughts of porn to fill my mind unabated. While I will never be able to eliminate all sources of porn from my life, as this is a pornified and sex-crazed world, by defining what porn means to me can help me set better boundaries on how I use media and what I choose to set my eyes on.
    I have taken the hard step of eliminating internet usage from 7 pm onwards which constitutes the most dangerous time period for me. I tried this yesterday and it worked really well. Only drastic and austere measures that require commitment and self-discipline will see me eliminate porn from my life in addition to doing a lot of inner work.

    Cold Shower: Day 4 of 30
    No YouTube Challenge: Day 1 of 10
    Wake up at 5.15 am: Day 1 of 4
    No Using Internet From 7 PM: Day 1 of 30
    l'embellie and Wolfyoufeed like this.
  16. hubbawulf1234

    hubbawulf1234 Fapstronaut

    @Wolfyoufeed that's awesome to hear!

    Day 17 wrapped up! 27 days total. I'm so close to 30 days I can taste it
    Wolfyoufeed likes this.
  17. destroyer140

    destroyer140 Fapstronaut

  18. Still Trying

    Still Trying Fapstronaut

    2 days clean

    ...and feeling great. I've been very productive at work. I'm headed into the weekend clean. Hoping to get that Day 7 this time!
    Wolfyoufeed likes this.
  19. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    Welcome. We all begin on day 0 regardless of your real streak.

    But we have what we call bounty fobs. Choose a challenge for yourself and for every day you pass your challenge, you can add one additional day. You can do it until your challenge day matches up with your real streak.

    Examples of challenges:
    No Sugar, No Food (fasting), No Technology, No Phone, ect.

    *hands you blaster and Vibroknife*

    See me on day 7. This is the way
    Gonarth likes this.
  20. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    Day 85

    First night of decent sleep in over two weeks. I’ve been pushing myself for so long it was nice to rest and I decided I’ll have a “slow” morning. At least until my energy powered son wakes up haha. I spent a lot of time with him at the park yesterday and we did fun things i never imagine many would do.. sat in the sand and drew pictures, collected sticks, wandered to the fish pond and played scooped out algae, scaring the fish. Chased each other, jumped up and down, pretended to be trapped in a shallow hole and pulled each other out. Played a 3 year olds version of hide and seek.. he basically told me where he was going to hide while I counted and then “found him”.

    I also had an employer try to bully me into something, and with God’s help I didn’t give in to it, but instead I told him plainly that it was not something I would do and why. He let it go. I felt proud I defended myself.
    Gonarth likes this.