To you all on long streaks did your fetishes disappear

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. How long have you been pmo free have you rid yourself of the compulsiveness to pmo and the more bizzare, how's life ?

    Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to quit pmo longterm and this site and see what happens 2 years down the line will be be completely free of the whole internet porn addiction and it's normalcy
    WanderTruth likes this.
  2. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    Hard mode is the answer, but it'll take time, probably more than a year.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  3. Alexander.s

    Alexander.s New Fapstronaut

    I would like to know how people are doing now as well if their fetishes disappeared but maybe its not a good idea to figure that maybe we should see for ourselves.
  4. The longest I've gone is around 4 mos. What I have noticed is that my acquired fetishes don't completely disappear, but they quiet down to where they're basically not an issue in my daily life. If I decide to 'feed them' by binging on PMO, then they flare back up. But otherwise they fade into easily-ignored background noise.
    Ixthus and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Neurostudent

    Neurostudent Fapstronaut

    The post below outlines a lot about what you'll need to do to fully recover.

    It doesn't cover fetishes specifically, but it honestly says a lot about the recovery journey. I'll briefly connect it to fetishes though.
    1. You've created an association between arousal and some fetish
    2. Over time the strength of these connections becomes more powerful than connections for "normal" sexuality
    3. When you abstain, the connections for this fetish begin to weaken
    4. At this point you need to strengthen the connections you have for normal sexuality
    5. Although it is true that the connections will always be there, they will be so weak that you won't notice them
    I can relate this to my experience having quit smoking weed. I decided to quit because it started giving me extremely bad anxiety. It took me about 3 years to finally quit. Over the course of the last 3.5 years I got to the point where I really had no desire to smoke. I thought about smoking maybe once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. However, it was always a few seconds thought and I'd just move on thinking, "yeah I don't want to do that." When I talked to people about smoking it would honestly just be reminiscing about the funny experiences I had, but there was never any real desire to smoke weed.

    During the Christmas before this most recent one I decided to smoke weed, so at that point I had gone roughly 2 years without smoking. Immediately I became anxious. I said I didn't want to smoke again. That was that, didn't think anything of it. Then that summer came along and my friends were smoking a hybrid strain that had more CBD, and thus less anxiety. I thought you know what I'm hanging out with friends let's decide to smoke. I smoked again. Anxiety again. Finally decided to smoke weed that was just CBD over last Christmas break and even with no THC and only CBD I became extremely anxious. I know that no matter what strain it will be, I just don't want it because I just don't mix well with it.

    Throughout all that time, I never had the URGE to smoke weed. It wasn't something I thought about ever. Now, I'm at a point where I just don't want to smoke it. I had the thought of smoking a couple days ago, and like before I had decided to try it out that one Christmas I just thought, "I don't want to do that," and moved on.

    I have no idea if your fetishes will be like that. No idea at all. However, I think it probably will be something very similar. You'll remember that you used to watch them and think, "that's not really for me." Then you'll move on and not think about it for weeks. After a certain number of years you may even forget that you ever watched it unless someone talks about that fetish or you hear about it somewhere else. You've probably experienced this with shows you used to watch as a kid. Someone mentions it and you're like, "holy shit yeah! I used to love that show! I haven't thought about it in years!" That's what your fetish will be like.
    Alexander.s likes this.
  6. Short answer, yes. Sorta.

    This actually sums it up perfectly for me too. I reached 90 days today, not sure if that's qualifying as a "long streak" but it is for me. my fetishes are there as if memories, I have no desire to engage in them again but if I did feel like they'd quickly come back. Most days now they don't even enter my mind, nor does porn or masturbation either. When they do its usually quite easy to just move past it.
    Alexander.s likes this.
  7. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    The longer streak i achieved surpassed 140 days however much was achieved during that time period. The brain reprogramming was succesful and now consuming pornography is more unlikely nowadays. But regarding your question in a manner of parking, yes. They're gone . More specifically the messy ones i acquired through porn involving sadism, those involving torture or anything where i enjoyed the suffering of others, some De Sade level things. For a time i thought myself a monster, but my view of sexuality was distorted Because of the addiction. So once that was sorted out i went back to shall we say more regular or healthier parameters. Porn distorts your sexuality and perceptions in more ways one would believe.