Failing Every Week

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by yesaddicted, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. yesaddicted

    yesaddicted Fapstronaut

    it was january 6 when i stared NoFap seriously.i didnt watch porn neither masturbdrated but at day 12 i watched porn and masturbrated i couldnt control my urges.Then from next day i started looking youtube nofap videos and stated again but after a week i was again in to it.But from then i am not able to cross even 3 days till now.I have been trying and trying but failing tried using all the blocker but nothing changed.i meditated 30 mins every day but even i wasnt able to control my urges.From today i am starting a new life with no social media and stating again.
    Prashanh4321 and Porn Kämpfer like this.
  2. It depends on your age as i see you are 19 and this is the peak of your testosterone.
    But no matter what the cost you should stop porn and masturbating
  3. Why are you trying to stop?
  4. yesaddicted

    yesaddicted Fapstronaut

    because i am addicted to it since i was 12.I has ruined my social life i am not able to speak confidently i have the feeling of shame within my self and i enjoy watching porn rather sports so i am alo weak at sports and other activities.
  5. @yesaddicted be like a fighter ,whenever you fall down stand again ,again , and again , stay in the battle field until victory .
    your testicles are able to handle your sperm , when they overproduce cum you will see a wet dream at the night and you will release that cum naturally . no need for masturbation .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Prashanh4321

    Prashanh4321 Fapstronaut

    Read brahmacharya book by swami sivananda. Glad you are 19 and taking it seriously. Try and try until you get success. I'm 28 and I couldn't cross 10 days too. But never stop trying.
  7. No, you decide that porn ruined your social life
    You decided its because of porn you cant peak confidently
    You decided its because of porn you feel shame
    You decided its because of porn you are weak at sport.

    What else happened because of porn - you cant speak French?

    To have social life you need to socialize and learn to be social.
    To be confident you need to become good at something and gain respect of your peers, that gives confidence.
    To not feel shame - you have to be honest and responsible.
    To be good at sports you are to spend allot of time training.

    You are confused, very much so. You decided that because you do not have qualities you did not spend time developing - you can just blame porn for it.
    Prashanh4321 likes this.
  8. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    just stop making excuses to pmo and you will be fine. if you're gonna feel like crap afterward then why risk all that you worked for? if you fail just man up and start over.

    you should be able to determine how long you're gonna go each time. if and when that testosterone peaks and you get huge urges, time to hit up a club or gym.
  9. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    porn addiction does affect your social life though. almost every person with it has said it, so i don't see how you saying otherwise is going to disprove anything.
  10. A brick falling on your head will affect your social life, being happy will affect your social life, being sad affects your social life, being hungry, not having coffee, not eating ...
    Everything affects your social life, its not a thing....

    You will improve your social life hundred times faster by being social instead trying to stop using pornography, that is what actually matters.
    It is just stupid to hear that someone wants to improve their social life by not using pornography - what in the world....
    Go and socialize - then you will learn to be social.

    Whats next? We will learn to ride a bicycle by dancing and meditating?
  11. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Get a porn block that comes with a PassCode. SafeSurf is a great mobile tool! What you also need to do is to release that sexual energy through exercise, or a new hobby / passion in life.
  12. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    I agree that very often porn addiction can be more of a symptom of a problem than an actual problem. However, overcoming a porn addiction and improving himself while doing so could very well lead him to be more confident or more motivated to improve his other issues, like a messed up social life.
  13. The issue is not that he wants to change his pornography use habits, the problem is that he expects that doing so will fix large list of problems that have nothing to do with pornography use.
    It same things over and over, stopping pornography use does not fix your problems.
  14. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    If its an issue with self confidence, stopping pornography use if you are addicted can absolutely help you.
  15. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    i agree but porn use makes it a lot harder. porn makes you lazy, unsocial, and its a lot harder to reciprocate ideas.
    whenever i jack off and socialize afterward i feel off. like i just don't know what to say or how to say it.
    but after a few days of nofap i feel like my body and mind is a lot more relaxed.
    its just a lot easier to do obviously you don't need to stop jacking off to socialize.
  16. You people can not be saved from your own ignorance.

    If you want to be miserable all your life - find something to blame.

    I am done trying to help, adeos
  17. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    well frankly nobody asked for your help so you can leave whenever.
  18. voodoochile

    voodoochile Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction messes with dopamine, so that you don't have the motivation to do other things. Like socialising.

    Why come on a forum for people looking to overcome their porn addictions to tell them they shouldn't bother? That's a bizarre thing to do.
  19. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    This reminds me of the early days of my story. Just like you I was addicted from an early age in the sense of couldn't have said no if I had wanted to. At that time I wasnt even trying so I used pm+ every day sometimes more than once a day, not to mention hours of sexual fantasy and lust, that was my drug of choice. As many times as I used pm+ I did a lot more lsf (lust and sexual fantasy) any way you slice it. Over the years i had all the pattern s you mentioned and they increased more and more each year of active addiction, you might find the same happen to you if you don't find a solution. It's really great that you meditate, that is generally a good thing to do, I did hear one caution (I'm not an expert, just trying to be circumspect) that it's possible to connect with negativity in meditation so it can be good to have a carefully vetted teacher plus open mindedness w while practicing it among other things but that is a while different topic. I'm just saying I know a lot of people who meditate who are clearly getting a lot of good from it, progressing and getting happier and kinder, and I know a few, only a few, who are clearly doing something else that I hope not to do because they are getting crazier and meaner.
    And as good as meditation is it isn't a fix for addiction. If you have addiction rather than just a bad habit then no blockers or meditation or improvements to diet excercise and sleep or ways of distracting yourself or self improvement projects will fix real addiction, though they will fix bad habits. Most usage of the word addict means "someone who uses an addictive substance or process." That definition doesn't cover the experiential data of these two groups of people in the world, one group who used then one of those good habits beat their bad habit and the other group who tried all those things and more and desire wants to stop but can't, not for as long as they want. At one point I went from using every three days on average to every thirty days but that wasn't what I wanted, I never wanted to just decrease my frequency. Plus I want happy. E eventually I found a solution that has kept this addict happily not having to use pm+ since 3/12/13. Meditation is part of it (not thirty minutes a day), blockers are not though they were slightly useful the first year or so. Things like that bought me about thirty seconds if that of relief from my addiction and then the big question is what do I do with those thirty seconds? If nothing changes then nothing will change, I needed to fill those thirty seconds with something very helpful, and if distraction had worked for me at all in those years I had sought a solution I would have tried it but it never worked for me. There's a much better way I think, but of course not all of us have the same experience of life so it's only much better for me, probably distraction is better for at least one person reading so this isn't meant to project my experience onto others. I just thought there might be someone like me who might be comforted by knowing they're not the only one and there is something that can work for the hopeless type of pm+ addict.
  20. @Randy Andy thanks for long post ! great efforts !