Porn, sexism and dark personality incubation

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Boxerito, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    This post is to expose another negative impact of porn on society. Porn, as we all know, it is the most mysoginist thing ever put on Earth. Now a psychology article shows connection, probably causal, between sexism and dark triad of personality. So we have porn leading to sexism leading to dark personality traits. Therefore, porn directly or indirectly, making the world a worse place for all.

    And for a dark personalities intro (for those of you that ignore what it is a dark personality, you should know the basics to navigate in our current society, as some studies point it is increasing), check here

    There is a test in the web if you want to score yourself. Based on their product, I wonder the factor D percentile of modern pornographers or tube owners... if porn was a person, would be certainly very high on D.

    But is it true porn warps attitudes towards sexism? Big yes, according to 35+ studies.

    And rape increase due to porn

    I may provide more resources if you want. For now, start reading those resources to dispel misconceptions about porn as harmless at the societal level (brain or partnership level, we already know the harms) and shedding true light on the topic.
    Mordobarn likes this.
  2. your post seems good but maybe you could make it shorter and without links , anyway thanks for your efforts .
  3. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    Consider my links as 2 things. On the one hand, scientific backdrop to base my statements on actual research (the difference between opinions and knowledge is how well you can back yourself up). Second, links are "supplementary material" for those who want to know more. The info is there, I do not coerce anybody to click, but I make sure for those interested, to be easily provided and saving "seeking time" as I do it for the community.
    kropo82 and Mordobarn like this.
  4. Thank, you that was interesting!
    Um, why? That would remove some of the most important aspects of the post!
    Boxerito likes this.
  5. @Mordobarn people do not like clicking links to read longer posts , people like short articles , so what I mean is that if you want to increase the views and replies of your post then it would be better to make short summery about the topic , then you can attach the links as sources . I really like the post by the way , but I want more people read it .
  6. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    Since this post is about sexism and porn, I thought about sharing the feminist perspective on porn with you.

    An article by Jensen, a professor (and feminist)

    Youtube lecture by Gail Dines

    And two pocasts, one religious (arguments are not, I can confirm it to you after listening (I am atheist), they are mainly feminists and it is a very thorough discussion) and a secular one (also with Dines). (religious feminist) (secular feminist)

    Irrespective of supernatural beliefs on the feminist speakers, the take home messages on porn essentially agree (so do I, in short, porn as patriarchal social dominance orientation of male domination and female subordination, increase in rape myth beliefs on porn consumers, etc.). Hope you can find them useful. Btw, I can provide additional resources to look for if you want scientific confirmation on the mentioned claims. E.g., for porn and sexual violence, check this interview with an actual researcher who has dedicated all his career to this very area of research.
    Mordobarn likes this.
  7. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    I also suggest reading this short article by FTND. I strongly encourage you all to subscribe to Fight the New Drug (they send weekly bulletins with really good articles and have an awesome podcast, named Consider before consuming), as together with Gary Wilson's YBOP, they are the best resources available on the web for us (and I have looked at many, trust me).
    Mordobarn likes this.