Your life is an occasion; rise to it.

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by marise0705, May 8, 2015.

  1. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    I’m going to write in this journal as if we are very old and the dearest of friends -- we are simply starting a new conversation of what’s been on my mind and you’re a star for letting me vent like this.

    You know, I’ve had my share of mistakes and obstacles in my life. However, despite the complex and gnarled paths that I’ve taken, I am pretty happy with my progress. I’ve learned from past failures and have steadily grown into a person that when I view her in the mirror, I am pretty damn proud to say she is me!

    Now this young(ish) woman, has really begun hitting her stride! She’s even found an amazing young(ish) man that’s she’s fallen for – and he’s pretty amazing. Must admit, I sort of-maybe-probably-and-totally-head-over-heels for this guy. And to top it off, we ended up becoming best friends. So it was utterly disappointing when we never could express our love and feelings intimately.

    Now, to be fair, we’re very physically affectionate; we kiss, embrace, hold hands, caress faces, and run hands through the other’s hair. And I love it. He’s unbelievably sweet with me and I cherish every touch we share. But, to not be able to express my love with him on a deeper and profound level breaks my heart. He is the only person I want to share myself with like that, and to not be able to do so claws and rips into me.

    Because of this, I began to question myself: am I not pretty enough? Does he not find me sexually attractive? Was it because I gained some weight from nursing school? Am I bad at sex? The list went on and on and on until I began to internalize it, stew and marinate in it. My precious self-esteem, the confidence that took so much time, strength, and effort to develop began to crumble before my very eyes!

    I knew that he looked at porn, but I wasn’t bothered by it. After all, porn and masturbation are normal and natural things? I do it, too, so I shouldn’t be bothered if he did it. But as we continued to not have sex, I started getting moody and frustrated – why weren’t we doing it?!

    His excuses were plausible: “I’m tired, babe.” “Can’t, just too stressed out from work.” “Baby, I’m just not in the mood right now.” “I didn’t get any sleep last night, sweetie.” “Can we do it another time, I have to get up early in the morning?”

    We began arguing more and more and I found myself dreaming up scenarios as to why he didn’t want to be intimate with me. Where there other girls? Was he cheating on me? As these insidious thoughts crept into me, I began feeling paranoid. I would try to express my thoughts and on some days, he would truly listen to what I had to say; on others I felt like he merely brushed them off.

    Time passed and our relationship would have its ups and downs, but remained together. Then one night, while perusing Facebook I saw an article a friend from high school has posted. It was a link to a Youtube video of Russel Brand discussion the destructive nature porn has. I had a revelation: could porn addiction be what was afflicting my boyfriend?

    I later linked him the video and in a nutshell we had a very long and in depth skype conversation. Tears were shed, curse words were spat, and renewed hope was still in sight. I must admit, writing this long first entry has me tired. Pondering on our experiences, what we have gone through and what we have yet to go through takes a lot of energy out of me.

    I’ll most likely compose a journey regarding my thoughts on his most recent relapse (two days ago). In the meantime, I wish for those who are still fighting the battle against addiction the best of luck – it is worth getting over and beating. To the significant others who remain with their loved one, best of luck also – it is a long and arduous journey, but hopefully one result in strengthened love and renewed hope.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  2. Blondewife

    Blondewife Fapstronaut


    Thank you so much for sharing this. That is very well written. I would love to hear more from you.
    marise0705 likes this.
  3. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    Thank you Blondewife for all your support -- you are an amazing woman and reading your journal really has inspired me to do the same. I'm hoping that as my boyfriend and I continue on this path, we can grow and become the type of people I believe we are meant to be. I'll admit, if you do read these entries, there may be some venting and whining on it -- it's just a way to purge myself of all these thoughts and emotions, haha :D

    Thanks again for your support!
  4. Blondewife

    Blondewife Fapstronaut

    Thank you Marise! PLEASE vent here! I try to not censor myself and write how I feel and I always feel guilty and apologize for "negative posts" but The Eleven always tells me to write how I am feeling. I notice a difference in my mood when I post how I feel instead of worrying about what others are thinking about me, a big problem of mine that I will one day post about when I am feeling ballsy enough... I have a very...messed up past. Maybe I will have the strength to do that and not be so worried.. I am going to think about doing this tonight. Thank you for being honest, that is so important.
    The Eleven and marise0705 like this.
  5. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    I admire you, truly. Your love and patience with your husband, your strength and resilience with your past, and your honest and vulnerable voice as your continue to journal your journey -- all is so moving. I must admit, I'm very glad I "met" someone like you, and the others via this forum -- though I may not share a lot or comment a lot (yet), every word I read resonates within me. Wishing you good things :)
  6. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    I woke up very sad today and in an attempt to drain and filter the metaphorical poison that is currently residing in my head and heart, I decided to get it out all on paper (or should I say the internet).

    My boyfriend and I spoke last night about a multitude of different things, one included that we could refer to the other by NoFap username in our journal entries. His name is Ghengis1227 (I'll most likely type Ghengis for short). I brought up this issue because of the brave and amazing @Blondewife -- reading her journal and and those of her husband have profoundly inspired me. I hope that Ghengis and I can one day make such excellent progress.

    So down to the nitty gritty:

    I am in a constant battle between the best of myself and the worst of myself.

    The best of myself is a young well-rounded woman who aspires to be the greatest version of herself; inspired and confident, she knows her purpose in this world and believes in the best of people. She’s a dedicated and hard worker who values discipline and perseverance. Her heart is open and filled with kindness and compassion; her empathetic mannerisms have led to understand people better and thus be apt to easily forgive. This is what makes her a good person.

    The worst of myself is a young, frustrated, and unforgiving woman, filled with such fear that it fuels and burns inside. Her once-petty-and-trivial jealousy has blown into full-on envy and rage, wanting wreak havoc and cause hurt to those who hurt her, even if it is to only make a point. To make them understand the pain to so deeply inflicted within her that it has begun to color and taint her inside and out. Her lack of confidence seeps into all she does now and she distrusts herself and the world around. This is what makes her a bad person.

    The difficult part is this sad-and-sorry-worst version of myself has been growing because of Ghengis’ porn addiction. And I want to blame him for it. I do, and I’m sorry. When I think about him lying about relapses or flirting with other women, or deleting Facebook messages, I get so-so…I get so fucking angry! The hate wells up and I’m angry him for treating me this way! For breaking my heart and my trust! For allowing himself to lie to me and rationalize that it’s ok because he “didn’t want to hurt me!” I’m angry at myself for allowing someone to so strongly dictate how I feel and measure myself. For blaming myself for not being attractive enough, thin or athletic enough, or young enough! For not wanting to walk away because I love him. And that’s the crux – I love him. I do.

    He is my best friend and confidant. The man I go on adventures with, whether they are simply to the grocery store or to another city and state. We lose ourselves in laughing and inside jokes, we have tickle fights, we hold hands and wink at each other. We can watch mindless television for hours and simply sit side-by-side without having to saying a word. I know his heartbeat pretty well from all the hours I’ve laid my head on his chest. I’ve memorized how he looks when he sleeps, when he’s concentrating, when he smiles, when he cries, when he is happy and when he is sad.

    There is a self that loves and likes him; there is a self that hates and blames him.

    Maybe these two selves are simply juxtaposed; two very different sides of the same coin? I don’t know anymore, and I apologize for such a disorganized entry. My thoughts are just swimming and I have no idea how to organize them at this time. Composing something like this is very tiresome and draining, I think? Oh well.

    Anyhoo, I wish anyone who reads this to keep their heads up – and in the great words of Albus Dumbldore, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Turn on and be the light.
    Blondewife, HippyMinstrel and Limeaid like this.
  7. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Just beautiful Marise! It is as if you came inside my head and wrote how I was feeling. Here I am 2 years later and still these issues come up for me. It is so important that women share their stories so that we can show how it affects us. I have found that forums like this one is the only place you won't get dismissed.

    Last night we were watching out current favourite show "outlander" and it was the beautiful scene of Jamie and Claire's consummation of marriage. I broke down in tears because we never had sex on our wedding night and we were already neck deep in sex issues by the time we even got married. Like you, I stayed because I loved him.....but part of me also hated him. I felt disconnected. My wedding day was one of the worst days for me. To say my relationship has been confusing is an understatement and I too go back and forth with rage and love. I also have a life now tainted with insecurities whereas before I felt much more sure of myself. I know there is something for me to learn in all of this. I just can't quite figure out what! I am so glad we have come this far and I am slowly getting to the place where there is MUCH more love than rage.
  8. Marise, maybe the person you hate is not Ghengis, but a diseased mindless caricature of Ghengis caused by his PMO addiction. I can attest to this. When in the grips of a PMO session our reason gets shorted out and we act on instinct. It is such a strange feeling, actually, because there is little control over our actions and all the reasons we tell ourselves not to be doing what we are doing get thrown out the window. We become different people, addicted, greedy, lustful caricatures of ourselves. I'm not trying to excuse it, but just saying that the Ghengis you love and the Ghengis you hate are not the same person. PMO Ghengis is just an addiction that has taken control of his mind and body.

    So don't think you hate the loving, caring, kind Ghengis that you laugh with, wink at and watch mindless movies with. That is the true Ghengis that is trying to take control of back from the false Ghengis. He needs all the support you can give him to pry himself from that other Ghengis' clutches. Only your love can make true Ghengis grow strong enough to beat the false Ghengis. I know that sounds sappy, but that is what recovering from an addiction is all about. Nourishing our true selves so that our false selves shrivel and die of starvation.
    marise0705, Limeaid and Blondewife like this.
  9. Well girls, I just have one thought. Usually fapping and watching porn is not about you. You could be the most beautiful, young girl in the whole world, with the greatest body, personality and sex skills, and still taht wouldn't make a difference. Your husband, boyfriend, whatever, would still PMO. So while your insecurities are completely understandable, they are -usually- unreasonable.

    PMO is about the dopamine hits of novelty, and you can't match that and that is not your fault. The key to a successfull reboot is to exchange the dopamine hits of PMO with the dopamine hits of something else. Finding that something else is the rebooters responsibility and one should actively search for something more healthy, that can make him/her feel good. If someone just tries to abstain, but doesn't find a won't work. The relapse is inevitable.
    I try to encourage people to find some activity to do, that makes them happy, gives them some novelty (not as much as PMO but still) so they can soften the withdrawals, and eventually be able to quit for good.

    Also, you have every right to feel angry and sad about a relapse because that means that your partner is still not dedicated enough to quit. I would treat a relapse much more seriously than an average nofapper here, but that's just me.
    I wish you all strenght!
  10. Strugglesaurus

    Strugglesaurus Fapstronaut

    Hi Marise,

    The bad and good parts of myself are exactly as you described. I felt for so long that I was being consumed by the bad as the good slowly dissipated into the darkness, like the spirits Vaatu and Raava from The Legend of Korra (been watching a lot of it lately, sorry). Two sides of one internal world fighting simply to keep the balance, never one to completely destroy the other.

    Yet I felt as though this balance was disrupted, allowing my dark side to take over, the light being too weak to fight. Having never experienced such heartbreak and strife in my life, I grew up incredibly idealistic while always being able to forgive and see the good in those around me. I understand your battle completely.

    I really believe this is one of the trials I need to become who I am meant to be, and I believe it is the same for you and all other women on this forum. To learn boundaries, to discover the ideals you would give your life for, to become a balanced and strong person who knows what she wants. Over time the light came back, if only to spark the realization that the way I was feeling and behaving every day wasn't right.

    I knew letting the darkness take over was not only hurting me, but preventing growth. Striving to be the person you know you are inside while dealing with harsh life circumstances really strengthens you. I see you to be not only someone who is hurting, but someone who is determined enough to get through this stronger than before. You have a fiery passion that rests in every thought you lay bare. (and I do love your writing!)

    I still feel angry, disgusted, torn apart, fearful, and completely devastated at times just as you do. It's alright for you to feel this way, no one can take that from you. I agree with @mumchance. I used to get so pissed off that he couldn't control himself. How is that possible? How can you not think of the one you love before you hurt them? This addiction changes you into the complete opposite of who you are at the depths of your core.

    When my boyfriend was PMO'ing frequently, he had no respect for me or what I thought. When he would "relapse", he would tell me he just did it. There was no conscious thought. That's what it does to you. He wasn't awake, fully conscious of his actions and the effect they have on others. I now understand that the guy who I watch anime with for hours on end, the one I laugh and cry and silly dance around my apartment with is the real one. The one who gives in to temptation, who lies and ignores my need for transparency and validation is a husk of a man.

    The important thing to keep in the back of your mind is that your boyfriend is awake now. He understands now, maybe not all of it (such as how it's made you feel), but he'll get there. My boyfriend is still struggling with this as well.

    I'm here for you if you ever need to talk. Don't ever stop fighting for that good part of yourself.
    (and I apologize for hijacking your thread, just wanted to relate :D)
  11. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I think on a conscious level we all understand this. The insecurity comes from the lying and betrayal mostly. At least for me it did. I knew that I was the one my husband wanted to be with but because of PIED he wasn't able to and it became a vicious circle. When a man chooses sex outside of the marriage does the reason really even matter? You still, as a woman, will blame yourself for it. It isn't always "rational or logical" but that is the nature of being a woman. We are feeling creatures!
    marise0705 likes this.
  12. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, EarthDragon, for your honest and informative reply. I (now) know that PMO addiction is not that about my aesthetics nor worth as an individual, however it does not dampen or remove the anguish it has caused. I know you stated that the insecurities I (and most likely other women) have are understandable, albeit --usually-- unreasonable. Again, you're most likely correct but for me, reason may not play a role in how I (or others) may feel. As @Limeaid wrote, the insecurity stemmed from the lying and betrayal. I do not believe it is unreasonable to have negative feelings if one is hurt or in pain. Even if I rationally know the problem "isn't me" I still was on the receiving end of those effects (along with Ghengis, of course).

    Here is to hoping that as well we all work on ourselves and continue our journeys, that we can grow and evolve into better people -- maybe even help others along the way.

    Good luck to you!
    Moxie and Limeaid like this.
  13. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    No apologies necessary, Strugglesaurus! Thank you for sharing your experiences with me; I found them to not only relateable, but filled with hope and great wisdom. From reading your story, sounds like we're two peas from a similar pod (granted, with a decade between us, haha :)). I of course enjoyed the Legend of Korra reference (to be honest, I never finished the series...I was biased against it since I was an avid Aang fan and Korra's personality I'm sure if I gave it the old college try, I might enjoy it, but in the meantime I'll continue rewatching Naruto Shippuden ;)).

    It is a battle, not only for our significant others, but for ourselves as well. I'll keep persevering though, and thankfully I have you and others to be at my side. Thanks again!
  14. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    I heart you, Limeaid. That is all :D
  15. @Limeaid @marise0705

    Of course, I perfectly understand your standing. I didn't want to dismiss your feelings, just wanted to put the other perspective there. My point ultimately is, that I heard from some girls, that they think if they become more like their boyfriends, husbands favorite porn star, he will stop PMO and have sex with them instead. So the girls watch the guys favorite videos, and try to act like a porn star. And while this reasoning is understandable as well, still not correct, because of the reasons I mentioned above. I did not want to imply that you are like this, but maybe at some point it has crossed your mind or will cross someone else's, who reads this thread.

    Just a question: do you consider masturbation sex? I mean do you think that there is a place for masturbation in a marriage/relationship, or not?
    (Personally I think that masturbation is completely unnecessary in or out of a relationship, but I'm curious about your view.)
  16. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I do understand that you didn't mean any disrespect and I did not take it as a dismissal at all!! I just wanted to offer a woman's point of view on it which might be hard for a man to understand since it may not be logical or rational ;)

    Not sure if the question was directed at me or not but thought I'd respond!! Before PMO I thought masturbation was perfectly fine and not a problem at all. I knew my husband did it and he knew I did it and we thought having sex 1-2 times a week (in the beginning way before PIED) was normal....even great! Well now that we are having sex 4-5 times a week on average I can say that M definitely interfered with our sex life, even in the beginning before PIED. My husband is completely anti-masturbation and says he will never ever do it again ever. He is very adamant that M robbed him of a good and fulfilling sex life for many years. I really can't say exactly what I think because I don't really have to do it anymore and I always preferred sex to M anyway. There was a time in our relationship where I loathed it. I think for single people it's ok in moderation but in relationships I don't understand the need. Even if there was a scenario where the wife couldn't have sex I think a husband shouldn't have to resort to PMO. I personally feel it is a husband and wife duty to provide that for the other in some way, even if it's hand jobs all the time!!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2015
    Blondewife likes this.
  17. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    Moxie, Limeaid and Blondewife like this.
  18. Hi again Marise, since you mentioned Naruto Shippuden I wanted to share this:

    I cry whenever I watch this episode, it is so beautiful.

    Like Nagato, Ghengis may be a monster at times when he is PMOing. But just like Nagato, that is not his true nature. There is light in him and, like Naruto, you have the power to draw it to the surface. Naruto used compassion, and I think that is your weapon. Fuel your compassion with your anger. Make that monster your friend.

    Haha, I'm sorry about that forced analogy, but I hope it helped some. Perhaps I just posted this so I could geek out about how awesome Naruto Shippuden is. :D
    marise0705 likes this.
  19. @Limeaid , @marise0705

    Thank you dear ladies for your elaborate answers. That certainly shed some light on the issue for me. I'm with my gf for a bit more than 5 months now. In the first 2 months it was kinda uncertain if we'll last because of the 8 years age difference between us. I still PMO-d during those months, but cut back on it. Then when we worked through that issue, I decided to stop P, but keep M, because since we won't have sex until marriage anyway, I might as well release my tensions through M. Then I decided to talk to her about all this NoFap stuff and she asked me to stop M-ing as well, not just P. I wasn't sure if her request was fair that time, because for a man in his prime, no orgasms even when he has a gf...that seemed kinda harsh.

    Her reasoning was that sex should be practiced in marriage and since M-ing is a sexual act, it is somewhat sexual immorality. I didn't agree with that, and I don't agree even now. But she promised, that if we get married, she'll take care of me whenever I want if I keep away from M-ing. I thought that's a fair deal then, so I agreed.
    Plus, after my first reboot, I thought I could keep M but ditch P, but that didn't work out too well, so yeah, exactly what Marise said: "moderation is not possible" At least for me.
    I was wondering how other girls think about M-ing, that's why I asked. Thanks again!
    Moxie likes this.
  20. marise0705

    marise0705 Fapstronaut

    Hi mumchance, thanks for the Naruto video -- I'm glad we had a chance to geek out! :)

    Good luck on your journey, Earth Dragon! I can understand the difficulties that are associated with removing PMO (or just M). As I said before, it was never an issue for me but that was in a prior life -- unfortunately, lately it seems like the PMO culture is all I ponder about. Anyhoo, good thoughts for you!