My new start

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by JustTryingToBeGood, Jan 27, 2020.

  1. JustTryingToBeGood

    JustTryingToBeGood Fapstronaut

    So I want to stop watching porn and masturbation, I am married and I really dread telling her, I tried once and it didn't go over so well, I got real heavy into porn all the real f'ed up stuff, to where I was having fantasies about being blackmailed, home wrecked, feminized... and it has gone way to far now, I could have pics no face but out there on the internet. I hate that. I hate this feeling, I love her so much and I've spent a good amount of money on this crap! So with that said this is going to be a lonngggg tough road ahead, but well worth it. Please don't think negative of me I've never nor will i ever cheat on my wife, but with all this porn and sex chat stuff its just as gross. I am full of guilt and shame and I want to improve for her and for me.... this is my story its not over yet.....til next time stay strong my friends
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

  3. JustTryingToBeGood

    JustTryingToBeGood Fapstronaut

    Relapsed... Trigger - boredom/depressed
  4. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    That is ok. You are in the right place now to end this. Keep it going. You will get better and better.
  5. JustTryingToBeGood

    JustTryingToBeGood Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother it's now Friday! And I made it! I've set a smaller goal of five days, then five more and so on
    DannyCool and ensour11 like this.
  6. ensour11

    ensour11 Fapstronaut

    Yes dude! Good for you man! Keep pushing through this and don't forget why you're doing it! You might have moments of weakness and backslides, but just get back on track and remember the love of your wife. Keep us updated!
    JustTryingToBeGood likes this.
  7. Nicko Stretch

    Nicko Stretch Fapstronaut

    Its a horrible addiction. Get all the support you can.
    I found it impossible to reboot before I told my wife, but I know how hard it is to do that. I was prepared for her to turn away from me and at the least feel really upset/annoyed/angry/betrayed.
    For me it was the first step to recovery. A massive weight lifted off my shoulders. I had already done a load of addiction work and using the addiction framework to describe my sexual obsessions was a good way to explain things to my wife. The best way she supports me is by giving me the time to listen to my honest feelings so she can understand the strength of the urges and triggers, and have an understanding of the process of reboot.
    Be your own best friend.
    JustTryingToBeGood likes this.