Question regarding transmutation

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by KnightOfCups, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. KnightOfCups

    KnightOfCups Fapstronaut

    I've noticed on my longer streaks (30+ days) that when I try to transmute sexual energy into physical energy, e.g. gym, manual labor etc. it's so much easier and I can definitely feel that i have a surplus of energy; but, when I try to transmute sexual energy into mental/intellectual energy, e.g. studying, reading, writing it's so much harder - I literally have to force myself to do just that.

    My question, therefore, is; is there any logical reason why it is significantly easier to transmute sexual energy into physical than into mental? Are there any tips on how to make this process a little bit easier?
  2. David stone

    David stone Fapstronaut

    You dont find enjoyment in the intelectual stuff you do, thats the prob
  3. KnightOfCups

    KnightOfCups Fapstronaut

    Nop, I actually enjoy intellectual stuff i do; but brain fog, numbness, etc. are sometimes too big. I think those are withdrawals, because they come in waves.
    vad likes this.
  4. MikeyRamirez

    MikeyRamirez Fapstronaut

    Read things that you have slightly more interest in.
    Poseidongodofthesea likes this.
  5. KnightOfCups

    KnightOfCups Fapstronaut

    As I said above, I'm not talking about reading a specific subject; I'm talking about general transmutation of sexual energy into mental energy. That process, at least for me, is sometimes disturbed by brain fog and other withdrawal symptoms. What I was trying to say is that for transmutation into physical energy we basically need just one thing - a surplus of energy. On the other hand, for transmutation of sexual energy into mental, we need to go a step further - we need a surplus of energy plus mental clarity and high concentration levels. In that contest, withdrawal symptoms can, sometimes, interfere with that.

    The conclusion would, therefore, be - for effective transmutation of sexual energy into mental energy we need higher streak.

    The more effective the mental transmutation, the higher the streak.
    MikeyRamirez likes this.
  6. MikeyRamirez

    MikeyRamirez Fapstronaut

    Okay. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    What sort of breathing or yogic exercises are you doing to try to transmute the energy into your higher mental self? It just does not go there all by itself.. I have read and studied and taken several tantric yoga workshops to learn how to transmute the energy. It really works with a few simple breathing and stretching practices..
    If you are experiencing brain fog it might be because the sexual energy you are transmutting is dirty. If its full of toxic porn energy still or if you have had sex with sluty girls, then moving that dirty energy up into your brain will set you back and give brain fog..
    After I have a pmo relapse i need to wait and only do physical exercises a few weeks and do intense cleansing meditation practices to clear out all the toxic lower sexual energy before I can have clean pure high vibration sexual energy to transmute up to my brain.
    I repeat, do not transmute dirty sexual energy up into your brian. It can really harm you. Only transmut clean sexual energy up.
    Its like how crude oil is a black and thick goey mess. But after it is refined into gasoline it is clear, potent, and mutch more powerful. You dont put crude oil into your car. Only refined highly purified oil. Do the same with your brain and i think the brain fog will lift and with proper transmutation exercises you will have the opposite affect and be super clear and highly energized.
  8. KnightOfCups

    KnightOfCups Fapstronaut

    Some interesting points there for sure @Fork2323

    I did not do tantric yoga, I have to be honest. I did some light meditation, like 10 mins in the morning. I should, definitely, look into this kind of stuff more. Ty for advice.

    I was completely PMO free for all the 40+ days on this streak, so no, there was no sluty girls etc. Although my mind did wonder few times where it shouldn't, I have to admit. Maybe that was the case; maybe I need to control my mind more efficiently; and I could achieve that only via meditation and mental practice.

    Same happens with me, I just didn't know about these techniques for cleaning the toxic lower sexual energy; but I also need to w8 for few weeks till I see improvements in brain fog area.

    Yeah, this is interesting insight, thanks. I have to become more aware, that's for sure. Will try to develop myself more in this particular area in the future.
  9. Dumplings

    Dumplings New Fapstronaut

    Did you try holding in your ejaculation right before orgasm?
  10. KnightOfCups

    KnightOfCups Fapstronaut

    If u are asking me have I tried edging; then no, I did not try that.
  11. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you're not looking at the problem right. Where did you get this idea that u could just transmute sexual energy into mental energy? There are so many things that could contribute to your mental energy. Your sexual energy may have nothing to do with your brain fog. It could be something in your diet or maybe you're just bored with whatever mental tasks you have lined up. Maybe you're overly distracted by social media or other contributors to brain fog. There are so many factors that could be contributing to you not feeling adequate mental energy but sometimes people get so caught up in this idea of seamen retention that they think it's the answer to all of life's riddles. Seamen retention is good for a few things: increased aggression, good for not messing with reward circuitry such as dopamine, good for increased sex drive and better game (with girls), and things of this nature.
  12. KnightOfCups

    KnightOfCups Fapstronaut

    I know that process isn't that binary in its nature; maybe I did oversimplified it but I was just being curios why I can transmute into physical energy so well and so hard into mental. I thought maybe I was missing something; but then again, when I think, there were days where brain fog was almost non existent. So, it means that reboot is a process rather than an instant transformation.

    Maybe ur right. Maybe there is some disbalance in all these areas that could contribute to brain fog. But again, some days I feel mentally sharp and some days not (it's not that I feel constant brain fog).

    As for diet, using social media, etc.; I can say that I'm trying to be better every day about all these.

    Yeah, but there is some literature which suggest that Semen retention can go beyond chasing girls and improving game; that it can be beneficial for other aspects of life as well.

    I mean, you can't say that buddhists or yogis use it for chasing girls etc.
    PoloMarco likes this.