Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Zlatan meaan, Oct 31, 2019.

  1. Zlatan meaan

    Zlatan meaan Fapstronaut

    What is your opinion on introverts relating to masturbation????

    I think introverts are more exposed to masturbation compared to extroverts, reasons maybe because of their secluded nature
    Namle1698 likes this.
  2. Varu

    Varu Fapstronaut

    A definite Yes,also i find it as a misconception of introvert and extrovert.I usually dont talk much with strangers but i am the one leading my homies i think it is all based on the types of people one interacts with
  3. Zlatan meaan

    Zlatan meaan Fapstronaut

    And I'm one too. Lol
  4. Varu

    Varu Fapstronaut

    so what do you think is being an introvert better or being an extrovert ?also which one would you like to become?
  5. Zlatan meaan

    Zlatan meaan Fapstronaut

    Both has their own advantages and disadvantages.. but I'm an introvert. Always like being in my space, being quiet and talk to known friends, can't argue long over things, have so much thoughts in my head...pheeew they are many. To me, being an introvert is better and I'll always like to be's a nature thing......I don't think I should get rid of it even if I could.
  6. Varu

    Varu Fapstronaut

    nice to know that you appreciate it.
  7. King Tut

    King Tut Fapstronaut

    not really. extroversion has different levels. you are more like in the middle. the extrovert that's on top talks to everybody. introversion has also different levels. like some introverts only mingle with friends and they have many, others have no friends at all because they dont know how to make them. it's a scale...
  8. King Tut

    King Tut Fapstronaut

    depends on what u mean. being extroverted is cool, but they always express themselves verbally. so when they are 100% wrong and/or are idiots, everyone always knows because they can't stfu. when it comes to girls, and getting pussy, extroverts got no prob with that. so its not all good.
  9. Varu

    Varu Fapstronaut

    this trend of calling some one introvert and extrovert has started in our country,but i dont feel that it is apersonality trait.people think about themselves being an introvert and remain there forever just because they have been deemed as introverts by others.I believe personalities can be changed bcoz i have changed some of my friends so my first off step is clearing their misconception of being an introvert or extrovert.
    It is same like if somebody is not able to focus,usually due to BrainFog and we all know why that happens,many people diagnose them as ADHD lmao!!
  10. Because they need love, spiritual love.
    Varu likes this.
  11. Zlatan meaan

    Zlatan meaan Fapstronaut

    Lol, and this comment is something else :D