Suicidal thoughts few days after nofap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by therjdude, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. therjdude

    therjdude Fapstronaut

    Everytime i relapse it happens, the first 1 or 2 days the mood depends, i could get a very good mood, or feel really down, then from that point on up until week 1 or 2 i start having thoughts about life being worthless and that i shouldn't even waste my time trying and end it already so i don't have to go through all kinds of things that will lay on my way. From week 3 and onwards these thoughts usually stop. Anyone else experiences this?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  2. Kickthatfap

    Kickthatfap Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, I used to feel very hopeless after I watched porn. Life would feel bleak. But I have learned that fighting this struggle is worth living for. That feeling of worthlessness that you are experiencing is partly due to the way you judge yourself. You may be a harsh judge and seek to punish yourself for what you feel is a crime. You should consider being gentle with yourself. Accept yourself and love yourself. Get back up and try at it again. You can do this.
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  3. its a mystery

    its a mystery Fapstronaut

    Well not that much, but I can feel really down at times. Meditating really helps me have a more positive attitude about life in general! So I can recommend that :)

    Anyway your "happy" substanses (dopamine) levels, is fucked up. You where used to getting it alot by faping. And now you are not faping anymore/not as much. So the levels released are reduced--> you feel sad, deppresed, have anxiety etc etc. Everytime you relapse the same old dopamine from the same source gets released and this makes an bad spiral. And when you relapse you might feel good at the time, but afterwards you feel bad since you committed to this nofap thing. I think one big reason that we relapse is that our brain crave that dopamine so hard and the easiest way the brain knows how to get it is by faping.

    I feel pretty sure that you will feel more happy and positive if you just stick to this nofap program!

    Maybe you are sad and depressed about something in your life? If so, try to work on it. I have no idea if you are and if so about what.

    I am no psychologist and I have pretty much just began my nofap journey so this is my thoughts and beliefs maybe dont take it dead sirius and do your own research

    Hope it was of some help

    / Mystery
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  4. Withdrawals are the name of the game man. Heavy depression is a part of them. Remember they are temporary and wont stay with you forever. I like the meditation suggestion, excellent way to balance your mood.
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  5. therjdude

    therjdude Fapstronaut

    I have always managed to hold myself up when it happened before, and it has happened several times, before my relapse i had an streak of 35 days no PMO, that's the longest i have ever gone, the suicidal thoughts this time are really strong, i usually don't care about anything and don't pay attention to any kind of awkward or bad situations i manage to get myself in, well deep inside i always feel them.

    Anyway, this time, it's happening all together, i am getting bad grades, i have no job so i live a sedentary life, the only thing i do is go to the gym and spend the rest of the day either at home in the computer or at college.

    I am a pretty sociable guy, but sometimes i, for some fucking reason get really really shy and don't manage to come up with anything to talk about. Anyways, i've found a girl i really really like, really really really like, like i haven't ever liked before. Like almost inlove-like, i managed to get close to her and do nice things with her, she has a nice opinion about me, but now. I'm unable to even hold a nice conversation with her and i don't why, i talk less and less with her everyday.

    So bad grades, the knowledge that when my family finds out how bad i'm doing i will hurt them and probably get kicked out of home or something, the feeling of doing nothing productive besides college when i am already 21, deeply in love with a girl i can't even manage to talk to, the worse part is that she was probably starting to feel the same way because i could notice it, but i don't notice that in her anymore...

    I keep getting thoughts of ending it right now, so i don't have to deal with all this shit i got myself into anymore, all this fucking shit, my main problems are probably the fact that i grew up spending 10+ hours daily in front of a computer and fapping everyday. Now that im 21 i want to change, but can't and would rather end it right now than having to carry on with this... I know i will manage to carry on and don't do anything stupid like actually hurting myself, but damm, i am feeling really really really really bad, horribly bad..

    These aren't even all the bad things that are going wrong with me but i guess these ones are enough to explain how i feel.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  6. Eriaku

    Eriaku Fapstronaut

    God bless you
    is you had suicidal thoughts after quitting PMO, that can only mean your only thing that can makes you really really happy is masturbation, but don't worry, those ideas should evaporate over the time, wish you the best
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  7. xerrith

    xerrith New Fapstronaut

    I have never experienced it because of nofap, its a mystery gave a pretty good explanation. The suicidal thoughts are not dangerous unless you think HOW you will end your life, it's common if you experience a difficult time or in this case lack of mood boosting substances such as dopamine and Endorphines.
  8. ropodobotrop

    ropodobotrop Fapstronaut

    your withdrawal depression seems to be stronger than mine was. but please dont take these thngs serious, these thoughts will pass, its your body fighting back trying to bring you back to your old pmo habits. it will give up in some time and you will feel fine again.
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  9. mark1719

    mark1719 Fapstronaut

    16 days in, I have definitely had suicidal thoughts along with severe depression. I seem to go through happy phases and horrible phases. Can't wait for it all to end.
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  10. Or maybe PMO has absolutely nothing to do with your depression-like symptoms and you should seek out professional help. I'm not trying to be offensive, but if you really have depression, than it shouldn't be treated lightly. Wish you all the best.

    Oh and quitting PMO will not magically solve all your problems, so there might many more things to do to make your life better.
  11. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Wow! 35 days is a great achievement. And if you have done it once then you can do it again. A great goal to aim for and try to keep it in mind when you have doubts.

    Whoa! You really are piling a lot of pressures on yourself. I can totally understand why feeling all these things all at the same time would make you feel very crappy. You are probably feeling any sort of combination of fear, confusion, guilt, anger and self-loathing just from kicking PMO. That is a lot of negative emotions all crashing in on you at the same time. But it seems you reaching out to situations around you and borrowing negative emotions from them too. If it was me I know I would be feeling sick and exhausted from that barrage of emotions.

    I'm no counsellor so all I can do is tell you what I have been through myself in situations like this and what I have learnt. But stories and platitudes from someone you don't even know is may not be what you need right now. If it is, message me and I will tell you all about it.

    But one thing I can tell you, which is the same as everyone else is telling you, is that kicking PMO can be harsh, but it is definitely achievable and totally worth it. Because all those other crappy things in your life right now get so much easier once you have kicked PMO. And in the mean time, trust that the world around is a little more forgiving and a little less down on you than you might think at the moment.

    You know what you want. You know why you need it. You have come to the right place. You are doing all the right things. Keep posting. Keep reading. Keep fighting. We are proud of what you are doing because we are all doing the same thing as you and in one way or another we all understand how you feel.

    Good luck and take care.
  12. therjdude

    therjdude Fapstronaut

    Well just as it came, it vanished away, i'm now feeling happy again even with all the problems that i have, i give no fucks as usual, thanks for all the advise i read through everything, and to my surprise, i have re-gained a lot of confidence already, i guess it's because i just did it once after 35 days, and things are going the right way with the girl i'm deeply in love with...

    I'm happy again, depression might kick back though, the first few days and weeks of nofap are and feel like bipolarity.
  13. ScottMSJ

    ScottMSJ Fapstronaut

  14. ScottMSJ

    ScottMSJ Fapstronaut

    I agree with everything Perusan said. You're right where you need to be. For some areas of life, some of us are going to struggle a bit more. For me, constant fapping just makes me feel off center. Like an uncalibrated video game controller.
  15. ForbiddenFap

    ForbiddenFap Fapstronaut

    If you fail, you can always do a plain new start.
    It will get better and better. Just hang in there.
  16. aspire

    aspire Fapstronaut

    Confide in a non-online friend

    Mark1719, I just lost a friend to suicide. I'm worried about you. Please, tell someone who cares about you about your suicidal thoughts - someone who could physically be with you and help you avoid applying a permanent solution to a temporary problem, those horrible phases. Even if you don't want to talk about nofap with that person, talk about your feelings, and let them help you.
  17. premmyprem2013

    premmyprem2013 Fapstronaut

    therjdude, whatever happens, no matter how many times you cave in to your temptations, no matter what other crappy things are going on, it is never worth it to take your own life. You don't have kids yet, but I do, and I love my kids so much, and obviously I would like them to make good choices, but no matter what struggles they end up having, I will love them. You will recognize that one day when you are a parent. I know it is hard to see or understand right now. You feel like people are always on your back. You feel like you just want to get out on your own, and that you aren't really accomplishing anything right now, but I promise you that you can beat this. And in the end you will be a much happier person. To take your life would destroy your family and friends. Keep up the good work. Stay strong!
  18. digiter

    digiter Fapstronaut

    The depressive thoughts will vanish after a longer abstain period. They show up because the brain fog fades out and you begin to realise that you wasted part of your life and energy. But the overall mood will get better the longer you abstain and it will overcome the grief. After fapping you are in a state in which even the information that someone from your family died won't make any impression. That is bad.
    2019RECOVERY likes this.
  19. aspire

    aspire Fapstronaut

    Suicide Prevention Center

    EXCELLENT contribution, ScottMSJ. Thank you!
  20. therjdude

    therjdude Fapstronaut

    Oh my god that is so true!!!!! I had several family members die ever since i got in the fapping world, and i didn't even bother going to their funerals even though i loved them really much! I'd always think that death is something natural and that it's going to happen to all of us, so why make a big deal out of it? But i didn't know or ever thought it was linked to my addiction.
    2019RECOVERY likes this.