Why I think most women are stupid

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by SP Wild, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    In my experience, the only reason why women give men headaches is because the man did not shut down her sexual appetite. By shut down, I mean - give it to her so thoroughly...until she submits.

    By nature men have a greater potential than women to be stronger, funnier, more loving, more caring, more creative...at the same time we can be more evil, less emotional etc...basically men have a greater range of potential than women do...so we can impress them with our superiority and bed-them.

    The only reason women can claim what they claim today is because they no longer require the strength of their partner to protect them from the dangers of the natural environment. We create our own secure environment away from nature, where it is the job of the police to protect.

    Australia is a safe country with low crime rate...women yield more power in such a society. America is less safe, and men yield more power...this is changing with men exhausting their testosterone on the internet.

    In developing and 3rd world countries, nothing changes and men hold absolute power...because no one else can protect women other than their chosen/forced upon husbands.

    Should social unrest occur, men regain power - as women cannot defend themselves in social chaos.

    Also, so long as there is inequality amongst men of different kinds - there will not be equality amongst the sexes.

    I still believe in equality for men and women in today's society. But it would be nice if they can cut us some slack and recognise that we have lost our natural identities and is trying hard to live our new roles dictated by society.

    Women must not forget our natural superiority, and recognise that at an instant...they will require us to be our old selves. For instance at times of natural disasters, wars or any sort of chaos. Only men can make order out of chaos, not women. Only men can save humanity from any brinks of extinction, restore order and give the keys back to women.

    Edit. The truth as I have come to know it, is that only men know what true love really is...and women are fascinated by what we will do for love, because they cannot understand how we can risk our lives the way we do. They are impressed by what it is we will do for love.

    All of history's most famous works of literature depicting true love are works of men's imagination, how we imagined our perfect love to be.

    True love is a figment of man's greater imagination than women's. Women's idea of "romance" is full of fucking her in the way she wants to be fucked - as per all the great romance literature as imagined by women.

    Therefore once you fuck a women so thoroughly and shut down her urges completely, she is convinced she is in love and that this man is her true love.

    After you accomplish this feat of eradicating her desire thoroughly and completely...a sinking feeling comes into your stomach. For Women - Love is sex.

    It reminds me of the movie "The Great Gatsby" with Leonardo Di'caprio.

    Discuss this with your partner after you thrashed her...she will agree with you.

    In the end of the day, this world has always been run by women. It was always about them and it was always their world. Everything that was accomplished was accomplished for them.
  2. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    are you serious? this is pretty pre-adolescent
  3. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    Please explain.
  4. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    I dont need to explain it, i just extracted the "truth" as you put it, to explain myself
  5. I'm not sure SP Wild if you're just trolling, or you really think like that. Because if you do think like that...boy, you're in for some serious trouble when it comes to a relationship with a real woman. However if you prefer men, then it's not a problem.
    By the way, you claim that only men can stop the wars and uprisings in the world...and who startes them in the first place? Women?
    Also why do you hate women so much? Your gf broke up with you? That sure sucks, but that's not enough reason to hate all of them. Just sayin'.
  6. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    Aint nothin like a little controversy to generate discussion eh!

    No trollin here, it is how I feel at the moment. I think kids are stupid too, don't mean I hate them. Never had any relationship issues in the past and would not think to have any problems now or in the future. I do not prefer men, but asking a gay man for his opinion wouldn't hurt - unless you have unresolved issues with gay people.

    Get real, why would anyone "hate" the one thing that gives them the most pleasure in life?

    Just sayin'.
  7. Siddharta

    Siddharta Fapstronaut

    SP Wild

    You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that. However so am I. You are wrong on so many levels, but let me pick one segment from your outrageous post.

    "Therefore once you fuck a women so thoroughly and shut down her urges completely, she is convinced she is in love and that this man is her true love."

    Really? This is not only a pathetic excuse for an argument but outright insulting to women and men alike. In my experience (some) women are much more sensitive emotionally than (most of) the men, for women emotional stability and safety is much more important than just a good "fuck". Sex is never a substitute for love, not even close. Sex is either the outcome of love or just a recreational activity (I mean like in one-night stands). The idea of being entirely sex-centered is a stereotype for men not for women (although I disagree with that too). Stop generalising 50% of the human population by making these insulting statements.

    "In the end of the day, this world has always been run by women. It was always about them and it was always their world. Everything that was accomplished was accomplished for them."

    What about gay people? Hadrianus, Alexander, possibly Shakespeare? They sure were motivated to impress women too.

    "All of history's most famous works of literature depicting true love are works of men's imagination, how we imagined our perfect love to be."

    Virginia Woolf, the Bronte sisters, Christina Rosetti or Jane Austen? True love doesn't (and shouldn't) have a definition, it's subjective. We only have ideas of what true love is.

    "It reminds me of the movie "The Great Gatsby" with Leonardo Di'caprio."

    If you ever want to be taken seriously, never base your argument on a hollywood movie. It's just silly and immature.

    I would really love to attribute this writing to your young age, and I hope you'll learn more about women and change your opinion on some things. If this post is the outcome of some painful breakup or disappointment in somebody then I wish you the best of luck to recover and feel better.
  8. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    Look, that has been my experience and my journey. I am sure everyone's journey is different and people will come to different conclusions. I have found putting a womans sexual desires as the number 1 priority in my relationships have yielded healthy ones. I have discussed these thoughts with my exes, however they never deny nor confirm what I say is true...more often the answer is "I'm not sure".

    Remember, my post does say "most" not "all" women. I am sure there are out there a woman can prove me wrong, but that has not occurred.

    Any female fapstronauts here, feel free to shed a different perspective on things.
  9. Well, I've never myself experienced a "true" relationship, but I think you generalize a bit.

    No, seriously? It's not because men earn more Nobel prizes or because we find more men-made art in museum that women are less creative and loving. Plus, women can do one thing that men will probably never be able to do: we can grow other human beings in our own body.

    The view you have on women just makes me sad. I'm billions of light years away to be a feminist, but the view you have is so pessimist and macho.

    And saying just "most" women is not an excuse.

    Woman cannot defend themselves in social chaos? I would have tons and tons of answers to give, but let's just say that most of the time it's not that they can't, it's that men won't let them do.

    I despise this kind of men against women discussions, and I'm definitely the less able girl to answer you, I will never change your mind, but just know that this makes me sad.

    Stop thinking with your dick. And I don't really see how this kind of discussion is relevant on NoFap's forum, where there is women struggling as much as you, SP Wild.

    This kind of thing makes the forced underage marriages legal and moral and I'm deeply sorry but I can't accept that.

    Thank you man, you just made me cry. I cannot fathom how much wrong this is. Just read my journey. I'm only one girl against billions but come on, be serious

    Again, you would need some other female fapstronaut to join the discussion, I definitely suck for this kind of things.

    I wish you all the best in your relationships with women... Or just turn gay, if man are that much better than women.

    Have a nice day.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2014
  10. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut

    Truth is most people are stupid. Men and women alike. There's only a small few that can handle life properly.
  11. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    I think that all people are stupid except ones that go to forums and write shitty text like this. They are only bright minds on this planet. :rolleyes:
    This is so stupid that it does not even deserve discussion. Defining intellectual capacity depending on race or GENDER is moronic. This thread is fascistic and misogynistic.
    And no i do not respect your opinion because clearly you are intolerant ignoramus and i do not think that this kind of shit has place on this forum!
  12. Siddharta

    Siddharta Fapstronaut

    Calling most people stupid isn't the answer. Especially when the purpose of this forum/community is to help individuals who can't handle an aspect of their life (porn/masturbation) properly. I believe you are part of this group, since you are here. When we were 15 year olds we thought the whole world is stupid but us, fortunately most adults outgrow this childish idea.

    I'm afraid there are too many trolls in this thread, so there's no room for a decent debate. I'll stop trying.
  13. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Wow! You really have really stirred up a lot of people with your negative views of women. And in fact your simplistic, animalistic view of people and relationships. I can understand that while you are trying to kick PMO there must be a lot of emotions and resentments kicking around all over the place. And that these emotions and resentments may come out as a fantasy of how men and women should be in a world where men are real men and most women are rape-fantasy fodder. It could be said that all of this is the result of pent-up sexual tensions that your addicted brain is trying to push to the forefront to keep itself alive. If it is then be aware of it. That addicted part of your brain is using some pretty cunning methods and clearly still has a strong voice.

    But reading back through all your posts I see there are many other issues involved. Since you began posting at the beginning of December you have often voiced this view of relationships between men and women as this primate alpha conquering world and that the goal of kicking PMO is to be the alpha male charged with an irresistible, vital fecundity. And indeed you have many experiences and facts that support your world view. But I would suggest your world view is limited and directed only by what drives you. And what drives you, to me, appears to be the desire to reconcile the traumas of your childhood.

    You say you come from a broken home, that your teenage years were full of anger and violence, that you had confidence issues and battled to be accepted. It sounds like those years really hurt you and you suffered a lot, both during them and since. I imagine there are a lot of unresolved resentments about being let down by both your male and female role models or even feeling that you received no guidance at all, leaving you to draw on the animal world to find answers to how relationships, love and society works.

    If this is not the case then please accept my sincerest apologies. It is just that I see a man in his 30s brimming with rage and I only seek to help.

    If it is the case, then the only sincerest advice I can offer is that, from a majority view, society disagrees with your analysis and that if you really want to find happiness, contentment, the girl of your dreams, or just freedom from the rage, then you need to consider finding a good counsellor to discuss these issues.

    I do wish you well and I hope I haven't insulted you. Also, I am very interested to hear how long you have been without PMO. You rarely talk about your own, current achievement and you don't have a counter. Please, if you feel like sharing I am sure we would all like to support and salute you.
  14. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut

    I'm just saying , there's stupid men and there's stupid women. There's a substantial difference between the frustrated teenager that called anyone stupid because they disagree with him , and the actual real stupidity of the masses.

    I won't make baseless assumptions about you , but as for me , I'd say that roughly 70% of the people I've ever met are in fact , stupid.
  15. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    I think the one assumption that can safely be made based on your responses is that you are judgemental. And the fact that you judge people to be less than you, or rather, that you consider yourself to be superior enough to class people as less than you, is arrogant.

    Unless you are saying that you identify with that 70%.
  16. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

  17. Eriaku

    Eriaku Fapstronaut

    I agree with you
  18. SP Wild

    SP Wild Fapstronaut

    Same to you. Be strong and stay powerful.

    If I were to make a post of why I think all men are stupid...it would take pages...that just would not interest me. I completely agree.

    Thank you for your patience. Indeed it is tough days with the struggle of PMO...I had made this post in a moment of frustration. I should not have. As you have keenly observed though, I neither had a female role model nor a male one...in fact David Attenborough has taught me all I needed to know. You have not insulted me, it would take a lot for me to be offended.

    Guys...I do not mean to offend...was just wondering if many have come to these conclusions in their nofap journey. It seems like I may be the only one, I guess I really need to change the way I see things.
  19. SpookyGoat

    SpookyGoat Fapstronaut

    Wild claims but no actual argument. I see no reason to take you seriously if you provide nothing but your uncorroborated opinion.

    'Stupid' and 'intelligent' only exist in relation to each other. It's impossible for 70% of the population to be stupid, since what constitutes stupid is defined by the intelligence of the society.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  20. Perhaps this is not a thing worth dwelling on. I'm going to assume you're 20 years old, and say you spend the next 10 years of your life honing a particular skill, say engineering. You feel like an expert in mathematics at age 30 and are confident in your ability, and you can make some great money.

    There will still be some 20 year old who to them you look like a complete idiot. You can be really smart right at the thing you are most passionate and most attached to in your life and there is still someone younger and much better than you at it, to whom if you asked the most complex question you had right now that you spent nights trying to solve they would see you as an idiot for not getting in under a minute.

    I say this to try to give an example about humility. It's not productive to sustain the mentality that you are so much smarter (even if your statistics were right) there will always be someone who makes you look like you belong in the unwashed masses.

    It might actually be productive to sustain the mentality that you are an idiot. Socrates said: "The wisest man admits he knows nothing at all". The sheer amount of things there are to learn out there is limitless, and to stand at the assumption that you hold a body of knowledge remotely acceptable makes you ignorant. By elevating yourself above the "70%" you become someone incapable of realizing the depth of their own ignorance, instead you become someone who provides fertile ground for it to grow.