I can't concentrate need to masturbate

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Maverick47, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    I have been off of fapping for close to a month now. I've gone through a few relapses.

    Right now I have a project that's due tomorrow and I cannot fucking concentrate.
    I want to fap without porn and without imagination. Just the sensation of my hand.
    Is that okay? I feel like I shouldn't but at the same time I am reasoning with myself because this could be considered a test to see how far I've come. Masturbating without porn or imagination is a step forward
  2. I will never advocate the usage of porn or masturbation, but when it comes to you, that's up to you to decide. Some folks here are fine with masturbating, but are unwilling to look at porn. If you'd rather not, then try taking a very cold shower and then going for a walk. See if your concentration returns. But if you wish to masturbate, that's completely up to you.
  3. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    "If you'd rather not, then try taking a very cold shower and then going for a walk. See if your concentration returns."

    I would rather not masturbate, but shit man...I cannot concentrate. I went for a walk and took a cold ass shower.
    I will not look at porn again. I don't want to imagine either.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    The dangers with PMO is that you feel a strong compulsion to touch yourself if you have been doing it for a prolonged period of time. One of the fews ways to break free from those immediate urges is to focus on productive activities instead that requires lots of your focus and attention. In that way, you can redirect your sexual energy into something productive.
    Semen-retention and sex-transmutation (when combined) is perhaps the most powerful means of turning your life around from mediocre (or worse) into something grand and great you couldn't even dream about earlier. Your T-levels will soar, your focus and concentration will increase and even your physiognomy will change for a more masculine and powerful appearance for sure.
    BeastModeAlpha9 and Maverick47 like this.
  5. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    I am trying so hard dude!
    I want to cry!
    This is just so tempting and I know I could get some work done after. But I suppose it would only work for a short time. Then I would crave to masturbate even more.
    My T-levels are going to soar? All of these other things? These are real things from holding in semen?
    I see a urologist later this month. Just because of being freaked out of having PIED. I just wanted to get everything checked.
    It might just be PIED and anxiety, but I don't see how anyone can have sex with a girl the first time you meet. You'd have to be crazy comfortable.
  6. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Have you tried meditation where you just focus on your breathing for a few minutes? (as a start)
    That alone will help you transmute lots of your sexual energy to other parts of your body. It will essentially feel like much of your urges and desires slowly flow out of your genital area.
    Yes, your T-levels will most likely soar (I say "most likely" since nothing works for 100% of people) since every ejaculation drains you of some testosterone (since you dispose lots of zinc in every jizz), especially when done frequently.
    You will preserve many essential minerals and proteins through semen retention and as a result, your body will work much better and you will shred body fat easier and get lean much faster. I used to have lots of watery muscles prior to Nofap but after a few months, that water-weight was gone and I got a lot leaner.

    Comparing my looks nowadays to what I looked like during my PMO-days I notice a huge difference in the physiognomy, not only on my entire body but especially my facial features which turned more masculine after 6-7 months. Being Scandinavian, I look more like a viking (or knight) these days than I did only three years ago when still fapping a few times a week. Of course all of this won't happen overnight but will rather be the rewards for not giving in to short term (and instant) pleasures on a daily basis.
    You got to see the long-term reward at the end of the tunnel!!
    Try to picture yourself after a few months (or years) of abstinence and what it will be like then because NoFap and semen-retention is all about escaping the short-term, bad-habit instant gratification trap that PMO is and instead focusing on delayed gratification and long-term (lifelong) benefits instead.
    Klenton and Maverick47 like this.
  7. HumbleStriver

    HumbleStriver Fapstronaut

    Maybe sleeping can help cool your temptations down. Usually when I feel like that and then I do not end up PMO then wet-dream occurs after I sleep.Which decreases sexual urge. In my experience , it is better to have wet dream than to MO.
  8. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    The thing is, you say you've been not fapping for a month...with few relapses, which actually means you are not into nofap...
  9. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    I have stopped fapping a few times and each time was a few weeks or a month and some weeks. I would relapse and screw the process up.
    I am currently about a month into this NoFap and will make it through this time!
  10. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    I've never had a wet dream in my life.
    It's difficult in general for me to sleep
  11. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    I never knew this to be a thing. If I knew this I would never have fapped into this self destructive cycle.
    This is scientifically proven?

    I am also having some self confidence issues.
    -Scared to have sex due to PIED
    -Anytime I see a joke made about a small dick on TV I become insecure about myself, but it's not even true. I have a good size.
    -Just very weak minded right now
    -Incredibly insecure

    I work out a lot and am a great looking man. Does this NoFap process cause insecurities as a side effect?
  12. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Yes, it is scientifically proven in several ways but despite that you should sometimes not rely on material and modern science alone but also have a look at the wisdom that have been passed down for generations within multiple cultures, peoples and belief-systems worldwide. There have been good social and biological reasons as to why masturbation and promiscuity have been looked at with skepticism for centuries apart from the religious ones.
    Primarily because it has been removing much focus, attention, strength, courage and energy from developing strong characteristics that would benefit the individual and the tribe/clan in the long run.
  13. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    Can you please talk more about this? Why promiscuity is bad? I agree, but why do you think so?

    Can you elaborate on the benefits and give me some positive words as well as your success story in getting your ability to have sex back with good erections. I’m feeling negative and just curious
  14. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Well, semen contains a lot of essential minerals, vitamins (primarily: zinc, copper, selenium, sodium, potassium, vitamin B12, magnesium to name a few) and proteins. For every time you jizz, you will dispose of plenty of those above and hence waste the building blocks that otherwise would have been reabsorbed into your bloodstream where the excess nutrients can build your entire body and brain much stronger than otherwise would have been possible.
    Although our ancestors didn't knew exactly this, they knew that semen was the strong life-creating force or fluid that when disposed fatigued you, slowed down your recovery, memory and focus. Hence, they saw a big value in preserving it for as long as possible and not dispose of it until necessary.

    There are a few reasons as to why I (and most people worldwide) regard promiscuity as something undesirable, especially for women. Mainly because women are more emotionally oriented than men and are also the gatekeepers of sex so if they waste that huge power they have (especially in their young and fertile years), misery, unhappiness, constant approval seeking and several bad habits will follow in its footsteps as they grow older. Some recent research also shows that traces of DNA from every single man a woman have slept with can be found in her body/system years after that encounter took place.
    But why do I personally consider it a bad thing?
    First of all, it makes you lose focus from the more important and fulfilling tasks, aspects and relationships in life such as family, friends, relatives and the ability to prioritize and shoot for your goals and purposes. If all you think about is when to have your next sexual encounter, more important aspects and priorities in your life will come second and hence suffer since you don't dedicate as much time or effort towards them.

    Secondly, it will make you unable to pair-bond and build a true and long-lasting connection with your significant other. If you have been playing around town with dozens of different partners, how special will your current partner be in comparison. He/she will just be another one in the crowd and hence nothing special in comparison. I would personally be disgusted and appalled if I found out that my current girlfriend had been around town which would alone be enough of reason for me to leave her. Such a person always carries a heavy emotional baggage with her and that baggage is not my duty to take care of or carry around.

    Anonymous86 and Maverick47 like this.
  15. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    I woke up today feeling like shit. Thinking about my ex that I want back, but 30mins later I feel fucking great.
    Today was progress photos. I am 173.4lbs & 13.3% body fat. My confidence has boosted.
    My ex texted me that she was feeling sad. I asked her what's wrong and she said she does't want to talk about it.
    I replied "okay". She got pissed! :emoji_smile:
    I just pointed out her words and she's all upset.
    She just wanted me to pry and give her attention, but I'm just fucking done.
    I don't care.

    Yesterday or days before I would have cared a ton about her getting mad.
    I'm finally getting my confidence back!
  16. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    Wow...very interesting and insightful. I like this. I may very well be adopting this mindset and belief.
    Thank you. I'll watch the video later today
  17. For me I Masturbate once a week. Without looking at porn, until I allowed myself that release it drove me crazy. It occasionally does, and sometimes you just have to masturbate till orgasm

    Allow yourself some wiggle room. If it becomes to psychologically stressful for you cum dude. It's all good
    Maverick47 likes this.
  18. Maverick47

    Maverick47 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, but I'm willing to try this hard mode. I want to fix this more than anything right now.
    Hold it in likes this.
  19. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Have you ever tried intermittent fasting mate (i.e. only eating during an 8 hour window during the day)?
    I started doing so two weeks ago during 5-6 days per week and I am astounded by the benefits I already seem to reap. Not only does the fat turn into muscles but you also feel cleansed, clear-minded and have less hunger feelings and cravings for food. It is definitely something I can recommend and although you will climb on the walls during the first week trying, the hunger will eventually fade and become less intense for every day you continue on the same path.

    And yes, you should never give women any special attention since that is what most of them live for, especially the insecure (and immature) ones who don't know their value and hence seek approval in every single moment. Do never ever feed into that frame since it does nothing but inflating her ego.
    RUBASHOV likes this.
  20. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    Dude thats harsh and generalization of any sort is never a good thing, women got enough problems without us blaming them for shit.
    But what do i know iv never had a girlfriend so...
    Maverick47 likes this.