Porn is fucking EVERYWHERE man

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by tangoalfaromeodelta, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Very true about alcohol - I've always felt sorry for recovering alcoholics who have booze rammed in their face every day. Nofap is the same.
    Deleted Account, Nugget9 and Free-man like this.
  2. That's incredible, any chance you could get a link?
  3. Here you go. This is disgusting to see this shit celebrated in the media from left to right. It was on the main Fox News webpage yesterday. I didn't click on the link, the headline was already too much for me (explicitely naming one big P-site).

    FellatiousD likes this.
  4. whydoineedanusername

    whydoineedanusername Fapstronaut

    Fun fact: I'm from Venezuela (left the country 2 years ago) and they banned porn there like a year or so. There's also comunism and a strong military dictatorship so maybe don't go there.
  5. You are amazing with these links, man.

    This is basically promotion. Even though they're not commenting on it, they're still publicizing it and they know people are going to click on it. Yet another reason to despise the MSM.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  6. Vote with your dollars and don't give them ad revenue and subscription revenue. Spread the word of NoFap to people and hope that they choose to recover.
  7. Do a monthly donation to NoFap so that Alex & Co can finance awareness campaigns.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. Free-man likes this.
  9. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    This is the age of clickbait.

    I've seen the same thing this morning on the BBC website. I was a bit surprised by this normalization and frankly upset by this promotion!

    'News' organizations have given up on trying to understand/explain things out. Too hard!
    They revert to stimulating our basic emotions with tiny bits of useless information.
    They are farming dopamine... and we are the poor cows in this story.
    Optimum Fortitude and Free-man like this.
  10. Yes, I just read that article too just now.

    About how she was abused as a child, but now she's a porn producer to bring some feminity in the industry, and how she's launching an anti-revenge porn campaign on Pornhub so that "the site is a safe place for everyone".

    Seriously???? Are we browsing the same website??

    This makes me want to puke!!!!!
  11. ifthecoppertubes

    ifthecoppertubes Fapstronaut

    I understand how you feel.

    I'm going to stay away from news for a while. A nofap + nonews combo !

    We call it 'news', but really, there's never anything new about it, and it's absolutely never ever helpful.
    It doesn't help me understand my immediate environment, it just adds noise to it.
    And it certainly doesn't help me to act, it just makes me feel simultaneously outraged and helpless.

    I'll focus on my work, my family, my hobbies, my education, my health... all the things I have real control over.. and I'll stop taking the bait. I advice you to do the same.

    PS1: 'bring some Feminity in the industry' hun.... That's sad. One day she'll realize. As Robert Beck (aka Iceberg Slim) would put it in his book 'Pimp', every pimp needs a 'bottom bitch'.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2019
  12. MB183715

    MB183715 Fapstronaut

    The "News" is programming and propaganda, and nothing more. And it always has been.
    thegibbie likes this.
  13. The way I am

    The way I am Fapstronaut

    NO need to do that when you are already addicted, you yourself point that gun at your head willfully
    Get_It likes this.
  14. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    "Freedom without discipline is degeneracy"

    It's still your own choice, even as an addict. Ask yourself what you want achieve in your life, what your goal is. This can start with a small thought and make it into a plan.
    Society is oversexualized, yes that's true. But we don't have to play this game. When we see ourself as a victim of this game, nothing good will ever be achieved.
    I accepted that not all desires have to be fulfilled and that's how I want to live my life.