Almost 6 weeks clean—going backwards

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Jay-t, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. Jay-t

    Jay-t Fapstronaut

    So I have not pmo’d since september 2nd. I felt pretty good from weeks 1-4. I got sick and felt crappy for a little. But anyways, I’m almost at week 6; I finally got somewhat of a boner yesterday for the first time in weeks so obviously i got a little cocky and went in youtube and looked up girls dancing. I just wanted to see if i could get it up more.

    Why am I doing this? I’m on week six and I felt so mentally strong for these last six weeks but why am I teetering on the edge of relapse by looking up stupid things? It’s been easier because I told myself that I will not masturbate this whole semester in school and I will just focus on schoolwork. And it’s been working out for me and now I am I trying to a erase six weeks worth of work. I should be moving forward on this journey..Why am I moving backwards all of a sudden??i told myself 6 weeks ago, that if i can get to my cousins wedding ,this weekend, while being on the right track..the wedding is here and i feel so weak.
  2. Chappie77

    Chappie77 Fapstronaut

    It's lack of drive.
    Porn reaction was such a big thing in driving behavior now thats it gone you can feel rudderless.
    PMO gave you 100 points of dopamine reward. everything else good in your life only gives 40.
    It'd the way our brain has been wired from years of PMO.
  3. guyfromtx

    guyfromtx Fapstronaut

    That's basically that angel and devil on your shoulder. One is telling you to go test the waters while the other is telling you not to. Don't test the waters, don't look up sfw stuff or softcore stuff; all it will do is build and build. Eventually you won't be able to stand it anymore, either physically or psychologically, and you'll relapse.

    Also why does your counter say 380 days if you just now approaching week six? Did you maybe click the wrong year for your day one?
  4. Jay-t

    Jay-t Fapstronaut

    I have been practicing nofap for 3 years almost and havent been on here since my last streak over a year ago
  5. Jay-t

    Jay-t Fapstronaut

    So by looking up those things..did i regress? Or set myself back at all? I dont even feel much of anything 6 weeks in. I cant still feel the pain from the death grip i used..even though i haven't m’d in over a month. Maybe i need alot of time