Sleeping Problems

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. Hi all, I want to get your experiences and problems about sleep. Is there a connection to PMO?

    I feel wasted in the morning and its really hard to leave the bed, despite I usually wake up one hour before my alarm rings. In this time, I feel like between sleep and being awake, difficult to describe. If I leave bed and move, after 15 - 30 minutes I am awake enough that I don't want to go back into bed. If I ignore/switch off the alarm, I lay in bed awake but enjoying the feeling of doing just nothing and resting. But after some time I feel guilty and I start to think about how lazy I am. This bad feeling leads me to leave bed 2 hours later.

    During the day I have energy, only after lunch I feel tired, but I think this is caused by eating much.

    In the evening my head feels tired but my body feels not so I usually can't sleep and lay in bed awake for 0,5 to 2 hours trying to sleep. In this time I think about many things, often fears and anxiety, but sometimes also positive things and what I plan to do the next day. I usually lay in bed for 8 hours/day, but I think I only sleep 6 off them.
    I also have big rings under the eyes,especially in the morning. When I masturbate in bed it helps me sometimes to sleep earlier, but not always.

    I don't know what to do to improve my sleep. I eat healthy I quitted drinking and smoking 35 days ago. I don't drink coffee.

    For me it feels like there is no connection to PMO, only after really excessive use (8 or more times) I am so tired that I sleep very fast. Anybody has experiences if it gets better some days/weeks after quitting masturbation?

    Thank you for your answers
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  2. vowed

    vowed Fapstronaut

    I've had to begin taking otc sleep aids to help me. But the root issues can be deeper. Consider what changes can be made that may improve your situation, and whether talking to a doctor may help.
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  3. Mr. Paudel

    Mr. Paudel Fapstronaut

    Here are some points to ponder. Consider these things in your daily activity and see result in less than a week.
    1. Sleep time is also determined by your screen time. This is the major cause for insomnia in recent time. In a day how many hour are you using mobile, Laptop or tablet?? If you are using them just before your bed just keep them aside 1 hour ago. If you have to set alarm, set it a hour ago. Then you can do meditation or read book. Exposure to screen cause to disrupt our natural sleep cycle. Also reduce your screen time in day time also.
    2. Add exercise to your daily lifestyle. Exercise will induce you to sleep.
    3. Eat your meal atleast 2 hour before sleep. Avoid eating at night. Too much eating can also cause harm to sleep.
    4. Add Meditation and yoga to your lifestyle. Heropose , Cat pose, Child Knee Pose, Standing Forward Bending, Legs up the wall pose can be beneficial.
    5. Make your routine so that you went to bed and wake up at same time everyday.
    6. Self message (head, hand and leg) with oil before sleep can be helpful for falling asleep.

    Have a best goodnight sleep.
  4. Thank you for your answers. I'm trying many of these tips, but until now it didn't help much.
    But I am doing more sports than in the past and I hope it will help me.

    I think I can be more disciplined in going to bed at the same time and look into no screen before sleeping.
    The problem is that I am often not tired at the time I have planned to sleep, often caused by sleeping to long in the morning.
    vowed and SherlockHolmes fan like this.
  5. pullingup

    pullingup Fapstronaut

    Magnesium oil is great for improving sleep and putting you to sleep. I've used it for quite sometime, not daily, but maybe two or three nights a week. Usually I use it on days I've sweatted alot and therefore lost much magnesium.

    I smear it on my arms, legs, shoulders and upper back and it really relaxes me and just makes me want to fall asleep.

    Obviously there are many things that cause insomnia and magnesium propably wont work for everybody, but I suggest you try it, it works wonders for me.
  6. Free-man

    Free-man Fapstronaut

    I want to share part of the chapter Guidelines for better sleep of a very interesting book I'm reading called: Concurrent Treatment of PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) by several authors for Oxford University. (Treatments that works)
    I hope it helps.

    Go to sleep as soon as you feel tired. Sleep cycles cause people to feel tired approximately every 90 minutes. If you ignore the cues that your body is getting tired, you may have to wait for another 90 minutes.

    Set an alarm to wake you at the same time each morning, even on weekends and holidays. This helps your body to get into a regular sleep–wake routine.

    Use the bed only for sleeping and for sex. Reading, thinking, watching TV and eating in bed can lead people to associate the bed with activity and stress.

    Get out of bed when you can’t sleep after trying for 30 minutes, and go back to bed
    as soon as you feel tired. Do something enjoyable when you get up (e.g., reading a book). Make sure that it is a quiet and relaxing activity, not one that will stimulate your brain too much.

    Do not watch the clock if you are lying awake. Doing so results in worrying that you are not sleeping, which keeps your mind active and prevents you from actually getting to sleep.

    Write your problems on a piece of paper before going to bed, then throw the paper out or put it aside to tackle in the morning. Say to yourself: “There is nothing I can do about this tonight.”

    Avoid consuming caffeine after mid-afternoon. This includes teas, coffee, sodas, chocolate, etc.

    Avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs. Although alcohol and some types of drugs can induce sleep, it results in rebound insomnia several hours later and interferes with the restorative quality of sleep. Thus, you may sleep or not remember dreams, but still wake up feeling exhausted.

    Practice the breathing retraining exercise before going to bed. This helps to calm your body and mind and promotes entry into sleep.

    Exercise early in the day. The best time to exercise is first thing in the morning. Avoid exercising later in the evening when it is close to bedtime.

    Sleep with a minimum of coverings so that you do not overheat. Turn off heaters, electric blankets, or keep a window open. Overheating causes restlessness and a lack of deep sleep.
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