Do you have a dash cam and has it saved your ass from being found at-fault in an accident?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Avenging Marmoset, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. Avenging Marmoset

    Avenging Marmoset Fapstronaut

    Like the subject line says.... Just wondering what some of your experiences have been, if any. I drive for a delivery company in my own car, the other day some dumbass in a residential neighborhood was letting his dog run loose, and the beast darted out in front of my vehicle from in between two parked cars. I had not seen the anumal before this. There was no way in hell I could have avoided hitting it had it been just a little slower and less lucky than he was when he ran out. As my fellow Americans have to BLAME someone for damned EVERYTHING instead of taking respoinsibility for their own fuck-ups, I am sure this asshole would have somehow tried to put it on me, then tried to sue me for how his kids, who were playing in the neighbors yard, would of course have been traumatized after seeing Fido get sent to the big dog park in the sky, would require years of extensive inpatient counseling, etc. You know how that goes. So this may have not involved a dash cam or an actual incident, but if for no reason other then to have peace of mind, I watched some reviews for them on YT and then ordered one the next day. That camera is going to be one HELL of a lot less expensive than being wrongly found at-fault in an accident.

    So, anyone here have a dash cam serve it's purpose and help you avoid such trouble, or had one capture an accdent you weren't involved in, yet wherein the video was used to determine fault? Thanks.
    need4realchg likes this.
  2. I do have one (a $150 Garmin dash cam), but haven't used it for some time. I wish I had one when one of my last cars was almost totaled by a careless box truck driver making a wide left
  3. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

  4. Avenging Marmoset

    Avenging Marmoset Fapstronaut

    Ok well i guess i'm getting my question answered, though since both your answers are "no", may i ask why you wasted the bandwidth? Got nothing better to do?
  5. Having a camera comes in handy at sometimes. So, idk why it should even be a question! If you have the goodies, you should be making maximum use out of them. You never know what life will throw at you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Avenging Marmoset

    Avenging Marmoset Fapstronaut

    Well, i since you do have a point, i guess that means my post in itself is misspent bandwidth.
  7. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Here is my tip, always works. Basically, once you get out of your car, start threatening to kill people and make erratic arm movements, this will intimidate bystanders and dissuade the other driver from pursuing legal action. This works even better if you have a gun, or gun shaped object, to wave around.
  8. Avenging Marmoset

    Avenging Marmoset Fapstronaut

    I think getting out of your car clad in an addidas track jacket, track pants and running shoes with your hair cut short and yelling in Russian might also work.
  9. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    Back home, I have a camera I use for offroading, and I happen to use it as a dash cam too. I (luckily) didn’t need it yet, but because rear-end accidents are one of the accidents where the blame almost always rests on one party (the person behind who did the rear-ending, whether intentional or not, or even a victim of a rogue person in front of them wanting a payday) I decided just to keep it up and running just in case.