Porn V.S. Masturbation

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. I have a question. What’s worse, porn or masturbation?

    I feel like porn is worse yet masturbation is just the gateway to porn. Porn is more addictive and masturbation is just “natural” I’ve been told by religious leaders that M is not as bad.

    Quitting PMO is ideal for me and it will make me feel like good about myself. But quitting porn only might prove beneficial. Also I’m boutta see a therapist, should i tell them about my PMO problem.

    Any advice is appreciated
  2. Masturbation is worse. You can make up your own porn or fantasies.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  3. Try to quit both.

    I was. Addicted to m more than pmo but I couldn’t tell the difference until I quit both.

    I don’t masturbare anymore but I feel self control with m helped me defeat porn.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  4. IbrahimViking

    IbrahimViking Fapstronaut

    Pornography is a sure way to be unable to enjoy healthy sex life and intimacy with another person. Masturbation can be a part of that life, if you share it with your partner.
  5. aren’t fantasies healthy though. I don’t think you can be addicted to fantasies.
  6. Haha.

    Yes you can in a different sense.
    Pmo is a cycle of fantasy escape from reality.

    Living in fantasies is cumbersome to reality.
    IntegralSoul, Gab238 and SoccerDad like this.
  7. tIoD

    tIoD Fapstronaut

    Masturbation is natural, if it's not excessively used. M is fuel for Porn use, it just makes it better. But the key overstimulation lays in Porn and not masturbation.
    Look at this way, you really don't watch Porn to masturbate right? to reach orgasm? If you did so, it would take 2-3 porn videos maximum to do it. But it turns out addicted user watches porn for half an hour, one hour, hooouuursss of it, well, I did it, never less that half an hour. Masturbation and orgasm is end point of porn "session".
    P.S. Masturbation is really good sometimes, maybe once or twice a month, if you are not getting laid. Just to let that tension go. Also good for prostate.
  8. yeah that makes more sense thanks.
  9. Dude honestly i would look at porn for the sole purpose of masturbating. Tye longest i ever looked at porn was 30 minutes maximum. I honestly look at P while also fantasizing about my crushes, which i know sounds kinda creepy.

    Also i know M can be good in moderation and is not frowned upon. But i feel like i can’t M without some sort of picture or video. I want to quit it all together but it seems so much easier just to give up P.
  10. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut


    Not natural at all, extremely rare in nature.

    It is also not necessary to ejaculate, sperm gets recycled if not used
    Enwar likes this.
  11. tIoD

    tIoD Fapstronaut

    Yeap, your point is right, it's not what animals do. I meant it with the scale to Porn and its addiction.
    Also, sperm gets recycled, but it takes too long to be recycled, just as it's production (60 days). If you let it go here and there, oviduct (sperm reservoir will be in a better condition).
    SoccerDad likes this.
  12. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It doesnt take "too long" it takes as long as it is right. Millions of years of evolution lead to this number, we are not smarter than our bodies.

    The body does its own maintenance invluding nighttime erections to keep the penis healthy.

    You either have sex or you leave the pee pee alone.
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  13. One breeds another. Usually.
    Enwar and Deleted Account like this.
  14. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure why there is still people saying "masturbation is natural".. actually its self rape. Sex organs were made for reproduction with the opposite sex. And the whole myth of it releases tension is false. How does losing life force relieve tension? Also the myth that you can cut down chances of getting prostate cancer by ejaculating once every couple weeks has been so debunked by many studies.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Not true, very common in the animal kingdom, IE monkeys.
  16. romeolima

    romeolima Fapstronaut

    Comparing masturbation to rape, by calling is self rape, is taking an extreme view. Rape is an appalling crime perpetrated by an aggressor against a victim.

    Masturbation is a solo act which by it's very nature must be consensual.

    Whether you consider is morally wrong is entirely up to you but to compare it to a crime is taking it a step too far.

    To the OP it's up to you to decide whether masturbation is ok for you, or whether you need to quit that in order to quit porn. I'm aiming to quit porn but am quite happy to keep masturbation as an option for me, however the frequency has dropped dramatically without porn.
    Deleted Account and Reginald001 like this.
  17. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Porn. I don't think masturbation is bad per sey - its only when you're addicted to it then it becomes a problem.
    PaulPaul likes this.
  18. Self rape?
    I hope you know that REAL rape is emotionally and mentally scarring and leaves depression and PTSD in victims.
    This is a bogus statement.
  19. tIoD

    tIoD Fapstronaut

    Okay, thanks.
  20. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Since you're stealing life force from yourself, and you take and not give it's a form of self harm. I didnt call it actual rape as in a crime. Rape can also mean "to take away from oneself." As in.. rape someone of finances.. rape someone of their "life force." Yes.. actual rape is serious. I obviously know the difference between actual rape and the verb rape being used to -take away. Hope this explains what I meant. I consider masturbation to have raped me of many years and taking life from me. It raped me of my youth. I didnt mean to offend you.