Carl Yung: The persona

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by traillzz, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. traillzz

    traillzz Fapstronaut

    Reading up on some Carl Yung, specifically the archetypes and something that caught my attention in combination with my recent nofap journey is the persona.

    The image you project on to the world (Yung describes as the persona) and the true you. You, yourself and your persona can differ in the matter in which you are real. In combination with nofap this brought me to a conclusion that we can change this persona just how we like. We can paint a happy picture for others although we feel miserable and completely exhausted from life. Or we can actually par take in some form of real action, so we project our true self onto the world, not some sort of make shift Wanna-Be happy person.

    Although the persona is necessary for survival and acceptance among peers (nobody is exactly alike, so we all have to pretend sometimes, to fit in, whether we want to or not). It feels good to do something out of the ordinary, like nofap, to go against the curve and against what other people "define as normal, aka watchting porn". And to feel energy that is actually real and has a base that is real. Anyway keep on holding off, and have a strong day!
    Asgardian36 and ForeverChanges like this.
  2. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I am confused about your post!
    So are you saying we have to project our true self to others. The one in which we are Strong and confident?
  3. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    The strongest Persona is Orpheus Telos but you have to complete all the Social Links and fuse all the strongest Persona of each Arcana.
    traillzz likes this.
  4. traillzz

    traillzz Fapstronaut

    Well your persona can be one that is strong and confident, but strength and confidence can look different for certain people. For example i get strong and confident by being extremely (sometimes pathologically) disciplined, but others can get strong and confident by letting go of certain responsibilities.

    So also the true you is different for everybody, but for me (and i guess for most guys/girls on this forum) it wasn't one that was watching porn all day. I hope this makes a little more sense. If not let me know! And have a nice day:)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  5. BreathTheFreeAir

    BreathTheFreeAir Fapstronaut

    Facebook (the ego's playground) is a perfect example of this.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  6. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I think it makes sense now! Thanks! you too!