Body Image Issues - 36yr old male

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by motion2082, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    36 year old male here. Been going to the gym for the past 6 months at least 3-4 times a week. No cardio just weight training. Usually 3 sets of 10 x 40kg bench press, pull ups etc. I spend about 45 minutes on all the machines then call it a night.

    After getting a viral infection a couple of weeks ago I decided to take a month off. When I was sick I got my blood tested and weighed myself. Blood results came back fine but Doctor said I had lost half a kilo and was now 64.5kg. How could this be? I had been going to the gym the past 6 months. I know I have had a IBS (Irritable Bowel) for quite some time which may has resulted in some weight loss.

    Long story short I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to get fat but I don't want to keep losing weight. I feel like I'm getting weaker the older I get. Should I be doing Yoga and some light weight training and not worry about getting bigger? Or should I be trying to double my eating habits, get fat and lift double what I'm lifting?
  2. BreathTheFreeAir

    BreathTheFreeAir Fapstronaut

    Cutting grains from your diet will help with the IBS I'm sure.
    Eat real food.
    Lift heavy weights.
  3. heregoes

    heregoes Fapstronaut

    Honestly, a little bit of weight from fat isn't bad for you if it makes you feel safer. We're not talking chips and cheese here, just allow some more fatty foods into your diet. a kg or 3 won't be too visible, and you certainly won't "get fat".

    Just my two cents. Good luck man, whatever solution you find!
  4. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    You may have low testosterone, get your levels checked and talk to your doctor about it. TRT is an option you may want to take, although cleaning up processed junk from your diet and getting more micronutrients and fermented foods in may be a good first step.
  5. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    Reducing grains does help but I find grains to be a big part of my diet. Eating Oats every couple days, 2x slices of bread a day. Eat Brown Rice daily and a lot of Potatos. Fruit is also a big part of my diet with the only meat I consume being Chicken.

    Define Real Food :)

    Not scared of eating fat. More scared of Sugar

    Could explain the wait loss and feelings of being weak. How do you get your testosterone checked? oh the Doctor...facepalm
    What's TRT? Introduced a bit of sauerkraut recently with gerkins. Gut seems to be ok.
  6. BreathTheFreeAir

    BreathTheFreeAir Fapstronaut

    As you should be.

    Mother of God.

    No processed food. No junk food. Anything not in a package. Whole, fresh food. Basically when you go to the grocery store it's everything around the aisles. And if you have to get something in a box, if you can't pronounce the ingredients put it back.
  7. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    TRT is testosterone replacement therapy, talk to your doctor about it, you may have more symptoms.