10 Tips On How To Beast In College

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by PyroPanther, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. PyroPanther

    PyroPanther New Fapstronaut


    Here’s my top ten list of tips that’ll be essential to success in college, in all aspects of life, academically, intellectually, physically, financially etc. I’ll be expanding on all the aspects in depth in a later post, but for now, memorize these points.

    1.Understand what you’re going to school for. You’ll probably have the advantage of not having to declare your major right off the bat. I always thought it was a haphazard practice of forcing an 18 year old to make such a huge decision. In the eyes of the law, 18 is an adult, but it’s barely out off puberty. Hell, the male brain doesn’t even finish maturing until around 25.

    So my advice would be to look up employment data on the majors that interest you. Ask yourself, will it still be around in the years to come with automation on the rise, does it pay well, is it in high demand, does the major rank high at your school? These factors all matter. It’s understandable that you’ll probably change your major, but find something you can stick to. Also make sure that you understand if college is your thing or not. There’s no shame in other avenues such as entrepreneurship, the trades, the military, sales, etc. It’s all a matter of pay now or pay later; either you’re going to pay. But if you are in the college arena for the long haul, form your gameplan now. It doesn’t have to be rigid, so leave some room for changes.

    2. Plan everything out. Do yourself a favor right now. Go to the store and buy an alarm clock and a planner. Yes, I know your phone as these as native functions, but I’m old school in that I like to have back ups.

    Many of you had the luxury of having some adult figure run your life- your parents, your teachers, your coaches- they all told you when to eat, when to sleep, when to shit, etc. As I said before, you are now an adult in the eyes of the law. No one is going to tell you when to wake up, when to shower, when to go to class. Your best chance at success is to have some kind of daily plan structured around your classes. At most, you’ll be taking 3-4 hours of classes per day, which leaves a boat load of time for other things, whether it be the gym, office hours, a job, hanging out with friends, etc. You don’t have to have everything planned out to the millisecond, but have an idea of what you’ll be accomplishing everyday.

    3. Talk to everyone. College is one big network of overlapping social circles. The degrees of separation between people are far smaller than you think. If you’re the introverted type, do yourself a favor and keep your door open the first few weeks of school. Hell, I’d even say, unless you’re in private time, to keep your door open all the time. Alot of you might be going out of state for school. That means, you’re in a whole new environment, with new faces. Don’t stay couped up in your dorm room playing Starcraft. Talk to everyone. You never know the cool-ass guys you’ll run into who’ll turn into your best friends. Not only that, but you’ll make tons of connections with people who have access to things like the best parties, study aids, test banks, etc.

    4.Keep balance in your life. As with tip 2, you should be scheduling your life to maximize your success. Your main priority in college is your education, but don’t forget to keep everything else in balance. A lot of peeps just put their heads into their textbooks, but end up failing in other aspects of their lives. Make sure that you are improving in the social and health realms of life. Go the gym, talk to people, explore your college town a bit. This extends after college too, as a person with a 4.0 GPA and nothings else, will be passed over for a job for a guys with a 3.1 GPA and people skills and hobbies. In short: Get a life.

    5.Be in touch with reality and understand that college is not an American Pie movie/Asher Roth music video. Contrary to popular belief, but it ain’t all parties, alcohol, and fucking freshmen girls. College is the incubation period for the rest of your life; it’s a time where you don’t really have much to worry about, thus leaving a lot of opportunity to advance your life. There’ll be time to party and go to football games, but learn how to prioritize your life. If you’re going to be one of those guys who keg standing the night before a Calculus I midterm without even peeping at the textbook, college will swiftly humble you.

    6.Use every resource your college has to your advantage. If you pay close attention to your tuition information, your not just paying for your education. You have a boat-load of things that are covered by the hefty payment you dole out every semester. 1-on-1 tutoring, office hours, health centers, gymnasiums, etc. Really take some time to see all the resources you have at your disposal. If you’re failing a course get help. Depressed? Get help! Need condoms? You know what to do.

    7. Go to class everyday. Pretty self explanatory, especially after tip 6. You’re literally paying the professor and TAs to help you learn. Every time you skip a class, you are literally losing money. It’d be like paying for a Bird scooter, and then ending up walking instead.

    Most professors don’t take attendance, but don’t think for a second that attendance won’t have an affect on your final grade. When I was in school, clicker questions and pop quizzes were common, ranging from 5-10% of your final grade. Imagine losing out on an A just because you wanted to sleep in. In addition, professors have good memory for faces. If they see you in class everyday, they’ll attach a face to the grade they’ll be giving, which will work out in your favor. On that note, go to office hours. The professor and the TAs will be much more lenient when they see you giving a damn, and this will work out in your favor if you need extra credit or a grade change.

    8. Form a network of inner circle friends who’ll give you incentive to improve everyday. I already told you guys to talk to everyone an be social, as you never know what connections you’ll end up forming. Be sure to have a few guys that you trust to be your inner circle. They need to guys who are seeking to be successful in all aspects of life, or are already at that stage. Hang onto their coattails, and you’ll find yourself wanting to improve by association.

    9. Avoid debt. Learn the value of money. A bunch of you probably have your parents paying for college. You may even have a credit card to use as well. You’ve been gifted a luxury, but it’s important to understand that you are insulated from the repercussions of financial decisions. Understand that college is expensive. Scholarships only last so long. The clocking is ticking the moment you get on campus to complete your degree, so don’t waste it. Knock out classes, and if you’ve had the luck of being able to exempt a course, take it. Your objective is to get the degree as quickly and as financially savvy as possible.

    While we’re on the topic of money, try to get a part time job sometime after second semester of your first year. When you earn your own cash, you learn the true value of a dollar.

    10.Stop comparing yourself to others. Humble yourself. Many students leaving high school were most likely the kings of their schools, the proverbial big fish in the small pond. You were likely Class President in Student Council, Captain of the Varsity, Soccer Team, Team Lead of Robotics Club, Drum Major in the Marching Band all while maintaining a 3.95 GPA to be the Valedictorian. Newsflash: you’re moving into the Pro League now. Everyone else has done what you’ve done, possibly even better. You’re going to run into people who will outclass you. Don’t lose heart though. Comparison is the enemy of self-esteem. Understand that your are competing with the hard working bright minds from around the world, and that you deserve to be there. Just don’t be one of those students who thinks he’s going to have a game of “Stump The Professor” during lecture. Just don’t.

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  2. RedAppleAle

    RedAppleAle Fapstronaut

    Hey, thanks for posting this. Really appreciate it!

    I'm starting university in September and am for sure making note of all the points here.