Trapped wind / IBS

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Get behind me Satan, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Anyone have experience of overcoming IBS and trapped wind on NoFap?

    How long did it take you?

    What were your past experiences?

    **For any naysayers keep your mouth shut - you can't convince me otherwise as mine is slowly and definitely getting better and I've suffered this for at least 10 years.**
  2. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    Hello. i stumbled upon your post by chance. I will try to be as comprehensive as i can but obviously your first resort should be seeing a doctor or/and googling on your own. What i can do is share key points. What i believe is you have PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION.
    The constipation and bloating thing you mentioned is hallmark sign. And yes i have the same thing. But i'm on road to recovery.
    My constipation started around 7 years back when i first started edging unconsciously. Ever since, it had gotten worse. Throughout these years i convinced myself that the issue is not related to PME. But obviously it is. You can join the links by googling. the questions you should be looking answers for ought to be:
    1. What is PFD
    2. How PFD is caused
    3. Masturbation and PFD

    Here i'd like to mention that my bloating is GONE. Constipation is very slowly subsiding too. What i did was that i started 'stretching' my pelvic floor muscles. Let me know if you need any help because it is a very broad topic and i have too many things in my mind.
    Lastly, NoFap is the key brother. This year i went on a 06 months streak that broke few days ago. And believe me despite of the anxiety and PANIC due to withdrawal, those 06 months were the BEST time of my life, both physical and mental health wise.
  3. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Really appreciate your reply my friend. Your experience certainly solidifies the hope I have of [full] recovery of health.

    My GP is like a brick wall when it come to convincing her of my symptoms, I don't put much faith in GPs to be honest, nor can I blame them as there is only so much they can do and some people seem to think they can perform miracles.

    You have reminded me of pelvic floor exercises, Kegels I think they are called? I'm not sure if I have the problem you mention as I think mine is pretty strong. I can stop and start urination at will, and also my bowel movements are very regular and healthy these days (forgive the detail). I think mine is literally within my gut, I can feel where it gets trapped etc.....

    With that said I will bear PFD in mind; whatever it may be called medically is secondary for me, it's just helpful to hear that you have overcome your complications. Like I say, may symptoms are improving by the day so I'm very hopeful and optimistic.

    Thanks Again.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  4. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    I'm glad that your symptoms are much better than mine. In my case i have aggravated the pelvic dysfunction with other symptoms associated with it like pelvic pain and occasional urinary issues due to anxiety, but constipation remains my main issue tbh.
    And by pelvic floor dysfunction i mean that the muscle group that comprise the whole pelvic floor is tight. By tightness, it is usually held that the muscles are in spasm. Now you can look into what muscles are present in the pelvic floor. These muscles are used for three things basically: urine, defecation and sex. Now when these muscles are in spasm, then all these basic functions are impacted. You might have read people having Hard Flaccid; that is the same issue, their pelvic muscles are in spasm.

    Now coming to Kegels. Kegels are used when the muscles are 'weak' and not 'tight'. For instance, women after giving birth are advised to do kegels because the trauma of delivering baby had caused their muscle group to become weak and they occasionally leak urine. So the point to remember is that kegels are for making the muscles tight and not relax them.
    When the muscle group is tight, what is usually advised is to do 'reverse kegels', like instead of pushing upwards, you push them downwards to relax them. I'll advise you not to do kegels if you think the muscles are already tight.

    Again, it's good to know that your symptoms are much better than mine. Here i'm leaving a link of a stretching video. Please watch the whole video with an open mind. Do the stretches mentioned in the video two times tomorrow. Yes only tomorrow, do not do them if you don't find your bloating gone.

    i'll be honest i feel what you are feeling right now. it's in the gut, how could the pelvic muscles that are supposedly tight are causing bloating? But you know what, Everything in our body is connected. One muscle is connected to another and it happens throughout the body. So what i feel is when i edged, i tightened my pelvic muscles for hours which in turn caused my abdominal muscles to become tighten. But believe me brother, if you release your pelvic muscles, your abdominal muscles would release themselves, because those poor fellows are compensating for the already tight lower muscles.
    Okay lastly, you can even look up abdominal massage, if the stretches don't work (which they WOULD). Omg, i can type a book on this thing. just let me know if stretches helped okay. best of luck.
  5. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Wow you certainly know your topic. I'm not 100% convinced my friend but I am open minded. I will watch the video tomorrow and try the exercises if they feel right - but please clarify the double negative for me "do not do them if you don't find your bloating gone" - just want to make sure I understand - are you saying only do them if your bloating has gone?
  6. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Excessive PMO definitely does cause digestive problems, and I don't care what the naysayers have to say about it because I've personally experienced this symptom (and quite a few others on this forum have as well). It does get better with time, but the recovery isn't linear. You're going to notice that some days you will feel great, and other days your symptoms will return with a vengeance. This might seem arbitrary, but just remember that recovery from any addiction has unpredictable ups and downs. It will balance itself out in time. I'm on my third month, and I'd say that my digestive issues are 60% better.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  7. I'm 12 months hardmode and experiencing the tight muscles which cause constipation, difficult to pee... I think it's my guts that are in healing process. Earlier in these 12 months, my constipation was gone and the gut gave a glimpse of healing for good but returned later. I constantly hearing cracking noises from the upper and lower back area connected to my brain.
  8. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply Kruger. Glad to hear of your recovery.
  9. Get behind me Satan

    Get behind me Satan Fapstronaut

    Please tell me more about this cracking you get. Sometime I get a cracking / ticking sound inside my head at the base of my brain (so it feels)..... it's not concerning as it feels relieving, it usually comes when my IBS / Bloating symptoms are alleviating.
  10. johnnybgoode

    johnnybgoode Fapstronaut

    Very great topic. Got really similar problems.
    I remember only 2 days in the last years where my symptoms where completely gone:
    1.) 1 hour Jin-Jintsu Dojo Training (was mainly cuddling with my buddy, lot of body contact) -> released for 24 hours
    2.) some lower back and hips exercise-> released for couple of hours
    I will definitely also watch the video and give it a try.
    I don’t have had much sex in my life nor body contact and believe having this is really helpful for my symptoms.
    Guysavi likes this.
  11. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    Oh i typed it quickly. Yes i meant just try the stretching and if it's helpful then continue otherwise stop doing it.
  12. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    You should definitely look into 'pelvic floor dysfunction'.
  13. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    Some of you might think that the guy in the video is talking about urinary issues solely, but what the stretches do is that they target the whole pelvic region.
    if you want a step further, get these books:
    1. headache in pelvics by Dr. anderson
    2. Heal pelvic pain by Amy Stein
    The stretches in the video were taken from these videos.
  14. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    I had it. Not sure if due to nofap.
    I took ayurvedic medicine nothing else worked for me. Allopathic Dr prescribed me gutrexD for anxiety did not work.

    One was Himalya diarex, other was dabur kutajghan bati. I am not sure if they will be available in your country. Took me 2 months to heal. Also, sometimes symptoms come back but not that strong.

    Also,try dropping oil on your belly button in morning. Let other person do so.

    Other then that try child's pose yoga after dinner. Some poses are helpful.
    Also do some kind of excercise daily ex running.
    Take stress less,it triggers it. Sometimes it's opposite but docs do not understand. Either way take it easy. Try to relax if symptoms occur. It's quite annoying. Be patient.
    Eat healthy.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
    johnnybgoode likes this.
  15. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Mr. Kruger Are you healed now ? as far as your digestion issues go ?
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  16. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    The digestive issues finally went away about a month ago. To put that into perspective, I've been doing NoFap for 14 months. Some things can take a very long time to reverse, but it's worth it when it finally pays off.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
    Sushmal and brahmacarya like this.
  17. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @Mr. Kruger Did it take you 14 months HARD MODE for the digestive issues to go away ? By hard mode, I mean 14 months of total semen retention and no sexual activity whatsoever ? If you can let me know, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm on hard mode right now, total semen retention and no sexual activity whatsoever, I'm planning to do this hard mode streak for a year or close to a year. If it took you 14 months with a streak involving total semen retention, then the process is super slow. I thought hard mode streaks heal things faster. I am looking forward to hearing from you on the kind of 14 month streak you had. Hard mode also involves no relapse. How were your digestive issues ... were they really bad ? did you have a distended stomach ? PMO side effects are awful.
    brahmacarya and Mr. Kruger like this.
  18. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    My digestive issues were pretty bad. I was doing hard mode most of the time. I relapsed like five times, but they weren't binge relapses; it was more like I'd relapse once and immediately get back on track. So yeah, I more or less was doing hard mode most of the time. I don't know the severity of your addiction, but my addiction was pretty severe. Recovery differs from person to person because no two people have the exact same addiction. Other things like age are a factor too.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
  19. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    Mine is really really bad, the side effects are very bad (distended stomach, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver) all due because of PMO. I started a thread on it and a few who started their streak and stuck to it for months reversed their diabetes. Yes, excessive masturbation causes diabetes in some people. I am glad you are feeling better. Do you now feel totally healed like your old self ?
    brahmacarya and Mr. Kruger like this.
  20. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    I'd say I'm pretty much on the brink of being fully healed now. Compared to what I felt like before I started NoFap, I almost feel like a new person. I started NoFap in June 2019, so it's been a little over a year for me now. It was probably the most difficult year of my life, but it was so worth it when I finally started seeing the improvements! I was beginning to get really disappointed all throughout the winter and spring when I didn't see any results and started to lose hope thinking that maybe the porn addiction had nothing to do with my poor health and lack of energy. It wasn't until July this year that I started waking up every morning and noticing more and more improvements, and my recovery rate seemed to double in August and September.

    It's pretty crazy how watching porn can disrupt your entire body in extreme cases, but I guess if you throw chemicals off balance in your brain, it's going to have a knock-on effect. I have a feeling that doctors and scientists are going to shed some light on this in the near future. Do you know for a fact that all your health problems were caused by PMO?

    If you want to know more about my situation, I posted about it in detail here: