Day 143 and still no motivation

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. Still don't have any motivation to get anything done. I have an assignment that is overdue but my brain can't concentrate or care enough to do it. Still no urges for anything sexual. I exercise, do meditation and read and yet I still feel like I am just watching things play out without being there in the moment. I still have anxiety and panic attacks which I didn't have before nofap. Is anyone experiencing these issues? Some suggestions for me would be good also.
  2. TONYP

    TONYP Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you need to talk to professional. I feel like a lot of people look to NoFap to fix all the issues, but it could very well be that PMO was masking an issue or pain that goes much deeper. Best of luck to you.
    Despicable me, NICEDUDE and Unexist like this.
  3. Steven_TheOneAndOnly

    Steven_TheOneAndOnly Fapstronaut

    These are symptoms of withdrawal, it takes more than 90 days to treat an addiction that lasts for years or decades.
  4. Varg

    Varg Fapstronaut

    Don't worry, I went through 120+ days flatline. Nothing to worry about, it is only temporary.
  5. Steven_TheOneAndOnly

    Steven_TheOneAndOnly Fapstronaut

    yes, i'm on day 167 and still flatlinning, just ups and downs.
  6. Varg

    Varg Fapstronaut

    I see now that every new day is better. I'm very happy that finally panic attack with depression and anxiety disappeared almost completely. From few days I have again motivation to live and enjoy my life. This process is slow but it works.
  7. Around which day did you feel a decrease in depression and anxiety? Are you taking any supplements?
  8. That is a long time. It is just hard some days because you remember your younger self without anxiety and depression. It's like you just want to be normal again.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  9. Nearing two years and still having clear ups and down. We’re all different when it comes to these withdrawals but it does get better mate.
  10. Varg

    Varg Fapstronaut

    I have started to feel better after 4 months, but like i said it was a slow process. Still see a progress, for first 4 months I had maybe few days with morning wood, now it is 5-6 days per week and completely no libido.
    Try Valerian root, l-tyrosine and 5-htp, should help little bit.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. That is an insane amount of time. I hope I don't take so long and you finally recover.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  12. I have no morning wood or random ones. I'll see if I can find those supplements. Thanks.
  13. Yea tell me about it. Thanks, but day by day you are getting better dont worry how long it takes because theres not a timeline on this!
  14. I'm at a 12 months now and still suffering from withdrawals flatline.
  15. Steven_TheOneAndOnly

    Steven_TheOneAndOnly Fapstronaut

    WTF ? 12 Months ? Wow, and you still flatlinning, incredible
  16. Varg

    Varg Fapstronaut

    Have you checked your testosterone and prolactin level ? If not go and talk with your doctor.
  17. Unfortunately yes
  18. I'm still in college so I can't afford to get those tests. I try my best to exercise, take zinc, vitamin d etc
  19. Your story and similar stories really scares me because I really don't want to take that long to recover. I'm still 20 so hopefully I can rewire faster.
  20. Carbon Icon

    Carbon Icon Fapstronaut

    Some questions. Answer honestly.

    1. You Exercise - how much?
    2. Screen time - how many hours per day?
    3. Nature connection - how much time do you spend in a natural environment - we evolved to be outside
    4. Community - Are you connected and contributing to a community that you enjoy being a part of?
    5. Purpose - does your life have a purpose? You're in school (college?) are you studying for something that you are excited about? Or are you just going through the motions because that's what we are told to do?
    6. How can you make your life an adventure. What can you get excited about?

    Life is a gift. Some day soon worms will be eating your brain as your corpse lies rotting underground. This is your moment in the sun. It's all you will ever get. Get busy making the best of it.