Porn Star Craving

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Advocate109, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. My absolute favorite
    porn star skylar valentine just returned to action after months of being out. Put up her first video in a while.
    Havin a real hard time not watching it. Ive already seen glimpses. I could use some words of encouragement.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2019
  2. Quick reality check
    - Your smashing your dick in your hand, staring at a woman who doesn’t know you exist, through a screen.
    - Your basically virtually cuckolding yourself as you watch another guy have sex with a woman you want. Who doesn’t know you exist.
    - Theres close to zero real pleasure going on. The woman is extremely good at faking it and making other men think she actually likes it. The positions the angles, the idiotic thrusting. It’s fake man.
    - There’s zero chance you’ll feel better afterword
    - There isn’t anything new under the sun. Yes that’s right. When you stop fantasizing about it. You literally have seen this hundreds if not thousands of times before.
    -That body your obsessing over, behind that body is a person. A soul. An actual human behind the lumps of meat that has accumulated into her body.
    -She’s selling her body for money. She’s a digital prostitute. She isn’t there cause she likes it. She’s there because it pays & she wants to be famous. Period. She isn’t into it or you and there are dozens of people in that room while that scene was filmed. There’s and lights-camera-action. Then a pause to touch up, find a new position that is orchestrated, annnd action.

    Break the illusion buddy. It’s all meant to reel you into the fantasy. It’s all made up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2019
  3. Do numbers and remain humble.

    @NamaClature14 Everything you said is great. But it is not the absolute truth, believe me. There are women actually enjoying etc, etc. It is not only about money... hey.. this STARS.. they get FAMOUS. They selling for fame, even more than money when they break through. You say that they have soul, it is doubtable.

    To have a soul you have to be a human. You sympathise. No sympathy. There are a lot of jobs available everywhere. They want INSANE CASH, and BEING FAMOUS. They are garbage quality of human beings.

    No sympathy.
  4. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    You got to want it! It's not easy you can't do this half-heartedly. You are not doing that anymore, no second-guessing. It's a struggle but you can do it if you commit to it.
  5. I still gotta remind myself every damn day man, no problem. There's a reason it's a multi-billion dollar a year industry. This evil is a powerful well oiled machine that thrives on being incredibly good at pulling people into it's fantasy.
    When we stop buying the lie and see what's truly behind the illusion is when it shows just ugly it really is.
    Rampant disease
    Drug abuse & addiction
    Physical & sexual abuse
    Human Trafficking
    The psychological damage it does to every single person involved.
  6. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    I definitely relapsed. I was just trying to edge but it kinda happened. Oh well. One day at a time. Just not relapsing today is all im focused on right now
    Feelslikezoom23 likes this.
  7. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    ^ We all have different goals, but edging is relapsing and is a horrible habit to get into.
  8. Leftrightgoodnight

    Leftrightgoodnight Fapstronaut

    Was this post built to make people relapse?
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 and Roady like this.
  9. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    Dammit, I went to check her out on one of her latest scenes. I almost relapsed. I can definitely see why you crave her...this s#*t it too DAMM ADDICTIVE!
  10. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    C'mon guys I don't even watch pornos and you got me curious. If it helps you that name [ of the porn star ] is ridiculous and has me laughing.
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  11. Holy shit! This was harsh but really good. Thanks for the bucket of cold water!
  12. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    Yeah i just posted it to fuck with you guys. Im not really struggling or anything. *big sarcasm
    Empty Red Cloud likes this.
  13. Leftrightgoodnight

    Leftrightgoodnight Fapstronaut

    Thank you for highlighting that it was sarcasm I would have not realised otherwise. “BIG SARCASM!!!!!”
  14. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    I disagree personally. It depends where youre at. For some people it may make them look it up, which then makes them realize they have further strengthening to do. Others are strong enough to not look and not be triggered. Personally i have a LONG way to go.
  15. george53

    george53 Fapstronaut

    I had a bit of this porn star craving (and I still have from time to time). Especially for those who made JOI videos. It will fade away with time, along with your lust for PMO.
    Advocate109 and Feelslikezoom23 like this.
  16. True indeed. If you sat down and hung out with these girls in real life they are the same shallow, gold digging, disloyal, always cheating on their boyfriends, nagging PIMP PAYING whores that you would try to stay far away from in your real life. Pornstars without make up are ugly as fuck! Don't waste your seed , man. Go exercise instead.
  17. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    I think we should all actually do some sort of ERP with triggering words like the name of porn stars and maybe even images of porn stars (im not saying watch porn, im talking fully clothed and covered porn stars that are recognizable). If we learn these triggers in ourselfs and what they do we can control them instead of them controlling us
  18. Most of the pornstars I have problems fantasizing about retired or died in the mid 2000's. Some of them even retired back in the late 90's. The crazy thing now is that they are all used up and out of shape 40+ year olds. They definitely didn't age as well as I have, but the images stuck in my head where from the prime years.

    It stupid to put that garbage in your brain. That fantasy is hard to get rid of. Even 10 to 20 years later.
    Brooklyn Jerry 70 likes this.
  19. Enterprise resource planning?
  20. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    Exposure and response prevention