Problem with internet

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Hank Moody 99, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. Hank Moody 99

    Hank Moody 99 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys I really need you'r help on on this because this is my main problem .
    I have problem when I have small urge to watch porn when I am on internet I kind go auto pilot mode and search for sexual stimulation. When I have urges to watch porn I can control myself but when I am on internet it's like my mind wonders or something. Can you guys give me some suggestions how to stop this because this is one of the main problems I encounter .
  2. Gaius6Reboot31

    Gaius6Reboot31 Fapstronaut

    Well, you can use different containment layers:
    1. The first one may be antiporn filters and extensions for your browser.
    2. The second will be to change your internet routine in ways that make it difficult for you to act on your urges. You can abstain from internet altogether except at certain time slots. You can write an script that turn off your machine outside of some hours, etc.
    3. You may want to involve other people in your internet use, so that avoiding the temptation will be easier. For instance, try only using internet in public places. Or having your browsing history shared with an accountability partner. Or writing in some kind of log before using internet and register a success if you used it without delving into porn.
    The problem with this is that neither of the measures above is a substitute for your will. A filter can be deactivated. You can switch to your mobile phone, you can stop abiding by your internet constrains, you can lie or omit the truth from your diary or AP, etc. These pre-restrictions can help, but they are not going to save you on their own.
  3. Hank Moody 99

    Hank Moody 99 Fapstronaut

    For routines I started to turn off computer and phone late night so no using then. I made problem today I woke up and started using internet on phone which I relapsed . So know but new routine is no computer or phone in morning . I noticed something I started seeking sexual stimulation on internet when I ' m alone but when my was in house I didn't had urge to seek. So maybe I should not use internet when I 'm alone . But still this routine using internet when someone is home is not that reliable .
  4. Hank Moody 99

    Hank Moody 99 Fapstronaut

    Does anyone have some more suggestions?? I think this problem is very common among porn addicts..
  5. FindingAG

    FindingAG Fapstronaut

    I have been up and down with use of porn online. I have recently had a long run where I was able to remain away from porn — simply because I blocked it. As was suggested before, blocking tech can be extremely helpful as a tool in your arsenal to break free.

    Couple of notes:
    You have to want to stop. Any measure of success will require a true, honest desire to stop. I have had a few slips but when focused on stopping, together with this forum and the blocking software I am finding some real measurable success. (Progress not perfection)

    I use Cold Turkey. It is worth the $25 investment. Having the full version allows you to create a schedule so that you can black any website(s) you want for a period of time. You can lock the schedule, or not. Up to you. You can create multiple lists of sites to block too — so like with me, it is porn but it is also social media, news and sports sites that can eat away the hours of what should be productive work time.

    Stay off the phone: This works for me because I have never used my phone for porn and chat sites. If you block your problem websites on the desktop but then go to your cell phone to use, then you would need to block on all of your devices, not just the one problem device.

    Hang tough. It is worth it to invest in your health (physical and mental)
  6. I have used Accountable2You on all my electronic devices for the past few years. It has been a very effective deterrent for me.
  7. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I dunno about the whole blocker thing. In my experience, it's best to take responsibility for your actions. You're not just "going into autopilot." You're deliberately going step-by-step to seek out porn. You can stop at any point during this process. Quit using 'autopilot' as a cop-out.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  8. Hank Moody 99

    Hank Moody 99 Fapstronaut

    Okay then what to do when you stop let's say I started seeking stuff on internet and yes it escalates it's not at start porn but what to do even you move away from you'r computer any suggestion ???
  9. Gaius6Reboot31

    Gaius6Reboot31 Fapstronaut

    When I first moved to a foreign country, i stopped consuming porn without trying it during the first week. I had a busy scheduled looking for an apartment and I didn't like spending time alone at the hostel, so i wandered around the city in my spare time. I relapsed the day i went back to my old home. Addiction is linked with routine and thus changing routine, even in neutral ways, can make it a little easier to break the cycle.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019
    Tao Jones likes this.
  10. FindingAG

    FindingAG Fapstronaut

    I understand the concept that using blocking software is a copout. I get that it is a crutch, and does not address the real problems that cause someone to go to porn to begin with. But I also feel that it is important to use the tools at ones disposal to begin the healing process. It is difficult to make sober choices when one is not sober. It is hard to be honest and direct with self, it is hard to look inward when not sober. With the drug full out of reach, it becomes a lot easier to sober up, and begin looking at the world though clear eyes and clear mind. It opens the door to taking that more introspective approach. Blocking software is not the solution — but it is a tool in the tool box.