Moments of Low Esteem are my trigger

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Imtrying, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    More then boredom, or just seeing an attractive woman, low self esteem is my biggest trigger. I work in a dead end job. Despite having a degree, my job barely requires a high school diploma. That bothers me. I live in a depressed area so jobs are tough to find. Some days I just feel worthless. I'm nothing at my job. It's days like that trigger my desire to act out. I'm at 6 days which is a personal record & I don't want to give up.

    I wanted to share in the hope that it helps me to talk. When I feel bad about myself, that's when I'm most likely do something I'll regret.
  2. dojin

    dojin New Fapstronaut

    day 0 for me, and so your update helps me to restart
  3. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    I'm holding steady. I'm thinking if I try to stay positive & active, I'll make it through today. It is easier when you feel better about yourself. It's like porn & all gives me a momentary false feeling of control & esteem. I get a buzz in my head because I'm full of anticipation. I get a feeling of excitement in my chest. All for NOTHING. Normally I'd just give in but today I thought I'd come here first. First time I've tried this.

    What I'm trying to keep in mind though is that that feeling of control I get never lasts! I always end up feeling as bad if not worse than before. There's nothing positive about this behavior. It's a quick high but it fades so fast. The past five days I've felt really good & could envision myself making it the rest of the week. Then I had a bad day at work & am looking for my crutch. I've got to see past the bad & even try to change my circumstances of I can. Got to be positive.
  4. Cojax

    Cojax Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can truly relate, low self-esteem is a huge trigger for me to! At moments when I feel like a pice of... thats when I am most likely to fap. Good to know there are more people that struggles with this!
  5. Rdr76

    Rdr76 Fapstronaut

    No matter where you are or what you do, you have to stay positive. And coming here to vent your frustration is a start. I too suffer from low esteem. It always leads to bad decisions. For me, I'm trying to focus more on being aware of myself, what I'm doing, how I'm feeling, what I'm thinking. It's hard to focus on good when you see bad. But everything can have a good side, we just have to dig to see it sometimes. Keep it up though, and come back each time you feel an urge. Keep a journal or text, and write out what you feel. It's easier to understand if you see it in writing. And we all have the same desires and urges and want to quit. So where else could you springboard better from than here.
  6. I also suffered from low self-esteem all of my life pretty much – coming from an abusive family that never appreciated me or my siblings; even we were always never good enough no matter what. But in the end I simply learned to ignore my emotional shortcomings, because anybody who capitalises on your weakness is a loser and deserves a dragon punch :cool:

    I also find that when I am loading (saving) money I am respected by others, and my (lack of) self-confidence then, I realise, is a self-imposed psychological redundancy.

    I should add: Finding yourself an occupying hobby or embracing a new faith system can go a long way in boosting your self-worth and confidence. I attend multiple religious services (temples, Churches, mosques, mantras, etc) in order to keep myself under control, busy and socially active. My problem with PMO was so severe that nobody ever bothered me (or made a big deal) about my lack of adherence to one faith – I find even fanatics suffer pretty severely from porn addiction. If you are into sports, you could variate your activities between different kinds of sports (such as running, swimming, tennis, etc). Do whatever helps you stay outdoors and away from the computer as much as possible.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2015
  7. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the positive words. It really helps. I've now hit a new record. It's only 6 days but I'm not going to stop. One day at a time. Biggest thing is to stop & think rather than just fall into the routine. I can't tell you the time I've wasted. It's almost like I blackout. No thought at all. Coming here helped today!
  8. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    Nothing good comes from porn. I remember walking over an hour in the rain to return a tape to the video store. So stupid. Taking a movie back to the library & getting my porn mixed up with it & having to ask for the tape back. I laugh but it was humiliating. Sneaking out of a video store with a tape under my jacket. Every story I have that involves porn is negative! All the sleep lost. The money wasted. There's so much better out there!
  9. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    I just want it not to be a factor in my life. Each day is a new record. I know just making 5 days a month ago was a positive thing for me. It's like having a sore on your arm. If you scratch it, it gets worse. If you leave it alone, it heals. I'm trying not to scratch. Lol.

    Right now my goal is today.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
  10. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    Well 7 days down. Sadly, that's the longest I've gone since 1983!!! That's also 7 days without porn. Longest streak since 1991.
  11. Imtrying

    Imtrying Fapstronaut

    I haven't passed 10 days but I'm doing it less frequently since I started this. No more multiple times during the day. That's big for me. The thing I'm most happy about is a decrease in my interest in porn. Even when I've pulled up a video, I usually shut it off. It's just not the same. I used to surf endlessly so to have a bit of control feels good.

    My triggers are the same though. Moments when my self esteem is low & moments when I want some type of affection & closeness. I'm single so that's an obstacle. I am doing better though. It's still a major problem but I see daylight for some reason. I feel there's hope.
  12. Rdr76

    Rdr76 Fapstronaut

    It's possible my friend. I'm going through a probable divorce. So far I've made it 25 days of no POM. I started 1 week before the wife moved out, and haven't since then. I have some of the same triggers, how I deal with them? I just tell myself no, it's not happening. Do it for yourself, and no one else. Think about the low self esteem you will have right after doing it. That low is sometimes worse than what brought you to do it in the first place.

    Keep coming here there. Get an accountability partner, if you don't have one. That is a vital piece. To be serious, have someone help you keep track, and make sure you are as well. I have used mine and they have used me through tough patches. It's also good to help others, builds quality relationships. But just keep strong and we are all here to help when needed.
    Kurapika likes this.
  13. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    Low self esteem was the main reason for me as well for relapsing. I suddenly felt misplaced, alone, pathetic and with nowhere to go and thought to myself that one fap will do me no harm. It actually did the opposite. I felt even worse after a few seconds of ejaculation. Don't beat yourself down and take it slowly. Seeing results will slowly make you give up for good and this addiction requires patience. A lot of it. Keep going on strong, mate!