How many of you believe in Climate change?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Environmental Specialist, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. Wayne Kest

    Wayne Kest Fapstronaut

    Trees are getting cut down for 5g.
  2. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Don't take this as an aggressive answer, but I really was like you before. It's what you hear the most around. If you have time, watch gore's documentary. It's beautyful and it has a part from 2003 and one from 2016, go in order. Believe me when I say that data scares you more than sheer talk
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    First, "scientific standards" have changed since Aristotle, so it's impossible to talk about standards of, say, the 20th or the 16th centuries, being applied retroactively.

    That said, my first example would be heliocentrism -- the model in which the sun is at the center, rather than the earth -- was a decidedly minority opinion when Copernicus proposed it. While most people focus on the reaction of church leaders, to Galileo, what people forget is that there was -- such as it was -- a prevailing theory at that time and models that explained (less well, it turned out) the movements of celestial bodies.

    Another is germ theory; it was resisted for some time until it was accepted.
    Nikolai and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  4. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Well, except Mr. Gore does not live as one who believes its a crisis, so I find it hard to take him seriously. He is a poor spokesman for the cause.
    Deleted-Account likes this.
  5. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Well, get out of his charatcter, just look at the thing for the data. I just don't know any other documentarist that has real sources, but there are a ton of them and even better than him surely
  6. Trancespotter

    Trancespotter Fapstronaut

    Is that Gandalf's ring?
    Mr. McMarty likes this.
  7. Alfonsus

    Alfonsus Fapstronaut

    The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
    - Donald Trump
    Mr. McMarty and Deleted-Account like this.
  8. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    As someone who admits to being skeptical, but open, I thought, "so what would I find persuasive?" Here are some ideas I'd pass on to anyone who is convinced about human causation of global warming, and wants to move the ball:

    - Stop saying "the science is settled" and calling people who aren't convinced "deniers" or comparing them to flat-earthers. In short, stop being condescending and insulting.

    - Pick a climate model and stick to it.

    - Pay attention to and actually respond to the many questions people have. Is there a website that answers those questions? Get the word out. But in your answers, don't try to overwhelm people with your superior scientific knowledge (see comment one); treat people as intelligent and respond in kind.

    - Pair up with the best informed critics of anthropogenic global warming theory; answer *their* questions with the best answers you can -- "best" meaning both factually solid and presented in clear language that appeals to the intellect.

    - Organize a series of true debates. By true debate, I mean having credible judges who will call foul on use of fallacies and not sticking to the topic; that will adhere to the basic approach of forensic debate, in which one side presents a substantive argument, and the other side must rebut it. The reason to do several is that if each side is serious, both the pro- and con- arguments will get better through repeated exposure to each other. I'd recommend having four or five, and the last one should be televised. I'd have each team composed of someone with first-rate scientific credentials, and someone who isn't necessarily a scientist, but who is a first-rate communicator and is able to comprehend and interpret what the scientists say. The team would work together to produce arguments that are scientifically sound but also presented in laymen's terms. I tend to think that if you can't explain a subject to me in plain language, you don't fully understand that subject. If I worked on this further, I could probably suggest some other sorts of expertise that would make this work even better. There should be a panel of judges that both sides accept as both competent and reasonably unbiased and fair.
  9. I dont believe in MAN MADE climate change enough to hand over my freedoms to any government in a mad power grab.
  10. Everyone should believe in it. It's destroying earth as we speak. Some people willfully enjoy being ignorant.
  11. I hear this a lot and I'm baffled at why people say it. If any single individual, be it Mr Gore or anybody else, drastically changed their lifestyle to, say, travelling only by bike, eating only insects and started photosynthesising on top of that, the positive impact on climate change would be unmeasurably small. Actually, in case of Gore the impact would be negative since he would have lost the means to spread the word. Everyone, or nearly everyone needs to transform their habits if change is to be prevented. Also, the main emission culprit is not the consumers but heavy industry.

    But I'm very ignorant about all of this so perhaps I missed something. I've been meaning to read the IPCC report from the last year and this website too: but my eyes glaze over quickly...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. The Canada I grew up in is NOTHING like the Canada I live in now.

    Back in the 80s we had snow, like a shit load of snow in winter. No it wasn’t because I was smaller! Even then we used to hear grandparents joke about how much snow THEY had. I didn’t believe them until now. My daughter will never experience how difficult it was to walk to school with snow up to the knees. Back when I was a kid our summers were warm and comfortable.
    Now winter has WAY less snow but it’s -40C our and summer is humid and disgusting and +35C

    I am no scientist but I sure miss mild summers and warmer winters now we’ve got the two worst extremes
  13. captainteemo

    captainteemo Fapstronaut

    Everything has its end whe, animals, plants, buildings and also earth. Its the sad truth but it is impossible to stop it.
    Deleted-Account likes this.
  14. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    It's called leading by example. And I'm not talking about Gore eating insects. I'm talking about not living in a HUGE house; and I'm talking about a lot more than Mr. Gore. There are all manner of people telling the world it's a crisis; but they don't like like it's a crisis. They are living large, flying in private jets, flying off to conferences in remote (and always plush) locations when they could use Skype (what's the carbon footprint of that versus a private jet)?

    No doubt each one says, oh, my part is so small, so what difference does it make if *I* change? But I notice they don't say that to the rest of humanity; they say, all YOU folks need to change, starting yesterday. But to themselves they say, "oh, but what difference will one person say?"

    You want change? BE the change. Start with yourself. Practice what you preach.
  15. That's completely irrelevant. I'm not sure what "all manner of people" do you have in mind but supposing they exist, I don't see how their ineffectiveness as leaders has any bearing on the veracity of what they say, especially since it's not them who came up with it.
  16. With over 40° Celcius as the newly measured temperature record where I'm from, it's not a matter of belief anymore but a matter of fact. 20 years ago as kids we discussed that as being something you'd see in the desert, now it's here.

    There will come a time in which mankind will be smart enough to replicate the sun's function to produce renewable energy, and to use things like gravity to make cars run (or fly). Not everything is lost, but we sure as hell need to cut down on emission of carbon energy.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. All progress will come to a halt when petrochemicals start disappearing. So, I am pretty sure we aren't gonna advance very much.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    The climate change exists since our planet was formed. There were periods that it was super hot and periods that were called ice ages. This circle repeats again and again, long before human kind existed. Solar activity? Earth's magnetic field? Cosmic radiation? Who knows. No matter what we do, the circle will go on, even after humanity is gone.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
  19. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    I don't believe in man-made showers. Rain has always existed, sometimes it just rains from the ceiling.