Kobe Bryant's lesson on Greatness(almost made me tear)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by goten24, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. goten24

    goten24 Fapstronaut

    Maybe some of you might not wanna waste 20 minutes on watching this video. But trust me, once I finished this I was like: "Damn, what am I doing right now? I must share this with everyone."

    The video talks about his passion as basketball player but it could also apply to anything in your life. You may think some of his quotes are too cheesy and you heard it countless of times but trust me, if this video doesn't inspire you somehow, I don't know what will.

    The video has Portuguese Brazilian subtitles but mostly here know english so just ignore the subtitles and listen.

    I might start watching this everytime I feel unmotivated.

    I've grown up hearing, "to be the best, you have the learn with the best." I'm seriously thinking watching some documentaries about other personalities. Hopefully someone replies I wanna know if this inspired you too.
    meromero1 likes this.
  2. goten24

    goten24 Fapstronaut

    No one care to reply, but yesterday once I posted this. I ran for an hour and half to random places. Felt great! Been doing this for a bout a week but yesterday felt different for me... In a good way of course.

    And bought myself some cool sports clothes, to keep myself motivated.

    I know clothes doesn't define you and may sound materialistic. But sometimes, I think you should spent on something that may help you, than ending up spending on alcohol or cigaretes when you go out.
    meromero1 and (deleted member) like this.
  3. meromero1

    meromero1 Fapstronaut

    This is a great video. Thank you. I re-watch this every once in a while.