what is the one thing almost all our relapses have in common?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. The internet... do with that common knowledge what you will, and btw its funny how the number 1 source of porn is the number 1 thing almost nobody is willing to give up on here, i gave it up... look where i am at now, farther than you probably..., just something to think about the next time you talk about being "dedicated", and serious about quitting, sure you are, you already know who i am talking to.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2019
  2. i am using it again and i am perfectly fine.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  3. AlejandroGPR

    AlejandroGPR Fapstronaut

    Youre absolutely right man. The internet is my source of destruction. I have to make a plan how to get rid of it.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  4. backtolife42

    backtolife42 Fapstronaut

    I tried to get rid of as much technology and internet as i could, problem is, i just need it from time to time. But i have noticed how much time i spend doing useless shit there and how it definetely doesnt help with doing nofap.
    But ill try to do a few weeks completely without internet now (only got some data on my phone for important stuff, but its not enough to pmo or watch youtube, so it should helpt)
  5. Ranvanp

    Ranvanp Fapstronaut

    I'm confused. You gave up the internet? Didn't pay your bills, send an email, receive a message, do banking, make a medical appointment, use it at work, watch Netflix, make posts on this site, or do any of the things that bring us into contact with the world wide web?
    Must have been a challenging three months.
  6. Lanius

    Lanius Fapstronaut

    For me the most common thing is a false confidence over how much I can control myself. These last two months Ive been terrible about exerting any sort of discipline. I can relapse over and over, but I wont let it stop me from trying to improve.
  7. T-72 M4

    T-72 M4 Fapstronaut

    Boys, internet is not a problem. Technology is not a problem.
    The problem is your inability to live without artificial stimulation delivered by them.

    The solution is simple. Try to find another things to do. Probably, you all live in wealthier part of the world. You have plenty of possibilities to utilize your free time in valuable way.
    Just think about it, do what you want and that's it.

    Stop with those memes, youtube, tinders and so on. Most likely you're overdosing them. There is nothing wrong with relaxing watching videos in the internet. The problem is when you're spending whole evening and half of the night on such things.
    Start a journal. Try to write down any periods when you're using computer, and you'll see how much time it consumes. If you'll realize that, there is high probability you'll start changing something. It works for me and I recommend it to you.
    After that I started to write down things I'd like to do but didn't have enough time because of that internet.
  8. i was in bootcamp so no i did not do any of those things, if you need to pay bills and send emails than by all means go to the library and use the computers their to do it, or only use mcdonalds wifi or something like that, there are ways to do those things.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I think you mean our use ofmthe internet. Much like social media. It, in itself, is not bad. The users intention however is.
  10. no i mean ditch it alltogether, the temptation will always be there if you are on a device, but if you have no devices 0 temptation exists.
  11. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I can agree 100%. Ditch the internet for at least a month if you can. Unfortunately many of us have jobs that demand from us to stay connected. If I'd have to start recovery today from scratch, I'd take a even more radical steps. I'd take a month off work, exchange my smartphone for "a stupid-phone" and go for a month long hike/pilgrimage. Something like Camino de Santiago comes to my mind. 6-10H daily walk will do miracles for your body/head and make withdrawal symptoms much easier to bear as you'll get so exhausted your brain will switch to survival mode, creating plenty of endorphins and natural opioids on the way, so dopamine deficiency from stopping PMO will not be a problem. It will also be so much easier to continue with your recovery once you come home as you'll be able to better reflect what your needs really are (social media and P will definitely not be on top of that list anymore :) ).
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    stoneyman22 and HeWhoConquers like this.
  12. HeWhoConquers

    HeWhoConquers Fapstronaut


    I agree with that. I deleted my social media (except for snapchat) but now i feel like i'll also have to delete that. Although, i like seeing my family members and friends on there it's becoming very sexualized with public people now being on your main page.
  13. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    it's that basic logic of abstinence. Of course ultimately you can't abstain from life, it's just a reflection of needing to make distinctions like you can't just continuously not have food or a lot of foods. Even if a lot or most of it out there is crap a lot of it is very helpful.

    And of course most people are under the impression it's only about the content, it's not. See a few Marshall McLuhan quotes to start with.
  14. HeWhoConquers

    HeWhoConquers Fapstronaut


    How does it feel to be approaching 80 days? I envy that achievement. Congratulations.
  15. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    I'm not focusing on the count, I feel better than when I had 6 months before though. It's about what we do with the time for me.
    amaranth likes this.
  16. HeWhoConquers

    HeWhoConquers Fapstronaut

    I agree with your viewpoint. I have often found that when I don't focus on the "days" I begin to forget it ever happened. Today I did fall. I was an avid reader. I enjoyed reading behavior and psychology. It's always interesting to me on how we humans are defined by our habits. Although, this is one habit I plan on eradicating. I for one will try the prayer, abstinence from unnecessary internet use, and reading route.
  17. Maybe too weak willpower?
    Maybe you did not enough relapses to stop it ?
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  18. HeWhoConquers

    HeWhoConquers Fapstronaut


    In part I agree. Perhaps I haven't committed myself like I should. I believe I've relapsed enough. It brings me much disappointment and shame. I know that are millions of people that struggle with this and I long to be able to overcome so that I could be of counsel to others.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  19. Analyze each relapse and build better strategy
    Discipline, its not like "I decide not to" or "I no longer do that and will do it"
    You just dont do it and do it
    NO discussion. Its not for consideration, you plan for example NOFAP and its the thing which you need to stick. Nothing like, I want to stop fapping blabla Thinking about not watching porn its not the thing. You need to go forward.
    Its your regime, its your life now. You rule.
    stoneyman22 and HeWhoConquers like this.
  20. level81rat

    level81rat Fapstronaut

    I remember the post a few months ago where you relapsed and said that if you relapse again you'd delete your account. But your account is still here and you're going stronger than ever. It is inspirational to see this kind of success in real time.