Groundbreaking ??

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by NCountMax, Jul 10, 2019.

  1. NCountMax

    NCountMax Fapstronaut

    Hi guys so I have been doing NoFap for more than 4 or 5 years now with almost no relapses in the last 2 years.

    But beware. Through my discoveries and personal experiences I 100% believe NoFap and it’s positive affects only resonate with women NOT ON THE PILL. I believe that there is something in the contraception pill which, actually turns women off truly strong masculine men. I am 100% open for discussion on this topic.

    I believe women on the pill are not attracted to strong dominant masculine men. Let me here your experiences. Aquick google search brings up much debate.

    Cheers ✌️
    goodnice 2.0 and stoneyman22 like this.
  2. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Interesting observation. There are actually studies that show that women on the pill prefer less masculine men. This make sense since birth control interrupts ovulation. With no ovulation, there is an evolutionary drive to search for a "family man" that is good with raising kids, not necessarily producing them. Worth noticing is that women prefer different kinds of men depending on where they are at in their menstrual cycle.
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    The pill is fucking poison, I don't know how much time is it going to take for people to realize this. How can something that blocks you from having a child ever be good for your natural processes of the body? DON'T FORCE OUR WOMEN TO TAKE THE PILL, YES I HATE RUBBER TOO, BUT IT'S FOR THE BETTER. Apart from that, congratulations for such a long streak.
  4. Well done with your streak! Keep it up!!
    FX-05 likes this.
  5. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    good point! nice job streakin brotha!
  6. How about attraction? Is it true that just being like bomb that didnt explode for months atracts womens? Or you are so horny/rewiring your brain that you start noticing womens differnetly
    Deleted Account and stoneyman22 like this.
  7. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

  8. This makes sense women want a passive more agreeable man when they are pregnant . nopfap makes you naturally one night stand material . Nature takes over when we are unconscious of it .
    stoneyman22 and NCountMax like this.
  9. Nobody is forcing us to take the pill, it’s 100% our choice if we want to or not. Condoms aren’t completely reliable and the pill is our only other defence, so unless scientists come up with a better alternative we don’t have good options.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  10. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    good point
  11. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    good option is to have sex with a man who is willing to raise your children and not run away
  12. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    probly easier said than done @fapequalsdeath especially coming from where we all are
  13. NCountMax

    NCountMax Fapstronaut

    Yes I understand- but it literally changed what you are attracted to in a man.
  14. Well not everyone wants children, I know we certainly don’t and unless you really want to take a chance on just using a johnny, it’s good to have a second option.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  15. Maybe some, but certainly not all women. It hasn’t changed for me on and off the pill, the studies they have done with women on hormones haven’t been very big and they really need to do more tests to really prove what they claim.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  16. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut