Failed again..

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Lost in cycles, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. Lost in cycles

    Lost in cycles Fapstronaut

    After a few days since my last reboot attempt I caved amd jad a session, one day after my birthday. It was kinda rough. Recently broke up and going thru the 'recovery' process, without a real feeling of closure.
    I went out with friends last night, as I thought it was best to not be alone, and was asked what happened to cause the recent breakup, so was, basically talked into reliving it again in my head. It felt good to let it out but , I was the one who cheated and my ex basically cut me out of her life..
    I've been trying to reboot since before and think, masturbation etc had a part to play in the downfall of this rship.. but lately I'm sooo frustrated, seems I can't go a few days without masturbation. Worried thst I've developed a habit using it to numb myself to the hurt . I notice when I do it,afterwards I am all calm and thoughts of my ex aren't when thoughts of her and our rship come up these days I want to masturbate to escape which then makes me feel like shit and even more depressed for a few more days...anyone had that problem? How does one reboot during or after a breakup? Am I trying to bite off too much at once in terms of recovery?
    iwillbestrong123 likes this.
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Dont give up. Think about how you feel at this moment. This feeling is the result of the unwanted action. In order to avoid this feeling, remember how you feel right now and remind yourself as often as you can remember, that this feeling will always be the outcome of the unwanted action. Think about what led up to the action. Avoid those behaviors at all costs.

    Stay strong
  3. iwillbestrong123

    iwillbestrong123 Fapstronaut

    it's okay to fail... just get back to what was successful for you and try again.
    Lost in cycles and Jerky like this.
  4. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah I’ve felt that. I seek masturbation as an escape. But it isn’t. The problem is still there and now I have the added shame of masturbation and porn, so I feel worse. I think overcoming PMO often requires learning to feel comfortable with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

    Extra stresses sure make it seem harder to quit. But probably no time is perfect to quit. We always have some stress in our life. And if we didn’t we’d make up some excuse to justify PMOing. On the other hand sometimes a stress in life can help us break out of our routine. If our routine included PMO then the stress may be a blessing.
  5. Lost in cycles

    Lost in cycles Fapstronaut

    Don't really see how this is a blessing tho, but ok. Trying again...I just know I need this to stop.