Someone honestly answer me.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Is masturbation linked with grey hair and hair loss.I'm am 18.But now I have those side effects.
  2. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    I think the biggest factor is the genetic factor, is your dad bald?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. LaFlame92100

    LaFlame92100 Fapstronaut

    Nah , thats all genetics... but higher testosterone leads to more hair growth, so not fapping will increae that and will help slow down the hair loss and such, but if you are genetically set up to be bald it will happen sooner or later
  4. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut


    In my case im 21 and i have hair loss since i was 16 , recently (before NoFap) i did and exam to know my testosterone levels and they werent low (524) so the biggest factor is genetics no doubt
    LaFlame92100 likes this.
  5. Genetics do indeed affect follicle sensitivity. Androgen receptors in hair are primarily affected by genetic expressions, high levels of testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) being the one responsible for hair growth, isn't going to change that. However, there are things you can do to optimize genetic function and prevent or maybe even reverse hair loss.
    Stress and malnutrition are 2 of the things that are proven to cause hair loss. Masturbation will cause both in the long run, and will also negatively affect genetic expression by slowing general metabolism. So it would make sense to fight stress and address any food intolerances you may have. Masturbation is a stressor for the simple reason that it leads to the release of excitatory, inflammatory neurochemicals like dopamine and adrenalin, both are stress hormones, which when present in the nervous system, will for sure affect hair growth. Ejaculating on a daily or weekly basis basically puts your body in a fight-or-flight response, and the number one thing which your body won't care about under stress will be its hair. These vital resources and minerals normally stimulating hair will be redirected to assist in more important goals, being protection of the body's most vital asset, the human nervous system.

    Another often overlooked factor I believe is radiation coming from computers and smartphones. It causes these spikes in levels of cortisol and other stressor or irritants like calcium; affecting metabolism.
    Natural sunlight and heat coming from the sun on the other hand will stimulate hair growth. Your beard grows faster in the summer for this reason. Hair is meant to cool you down. When it's hot your body will stimulate the growth of your hair. So you want to get a lot of sun. Vitamin D deficiency is rampant nowadays since people are all hooked on smartphones, tablets and notebooks. Vitamin D too acts as a hormone and deficiencies will also affect DHT levels. So there are different things that can affect hair growth. I for one really do believe that a masturbation addiction can cause hair loss for the reasons stated above. Taking care of your nervous system by limiting the release of these inflammatory neurochemicals probably is your best bet.
    Testify and topjobm8two like this.
  6. He is some what bold.He is 50
  7. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Same age as mine , and he is also bald on the front of his head but it is a weird baldness because he has hair but very thin and weak .

    The same thing was happening to me so i shaved my hair, i recommend you to also do that , if you feel uncorfortable and unconfident with your hair .
    At the first skinhead Will be a chock but with time you Will get used to it . In my case i think i look better than i looked before with thin hair .
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  8. Dunno about grey hair,But losing hair is the side affect of pmoing.
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  9. I had a friend in highschool who's head of black hair was covered with little stray gray hairs. Now he's in his early 30's and he has a whole head of silver hair. I call him Cisco the Dragon.
    Testify and Shoto Jaya like this.
  10. Just look at pics of your relatives. It's in the genes.
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  11. Early Grey hair onset can be triggered by some medication or stress. At your age I don't think PMO can give you that. I would have had it myself.
    It likely normal. Unhealthy hair and losing hair is what I know PMO could bring on
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  12. mjones050505

    mjones050505 Fapstronaut

    I've always heard baldness is from the mother's side. Is your mom's dad balding?
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  13. Yup.
  14. AlienOverlord

    AlienOverlord Fapstronaut

    Yep, and it'll also make you go blind.

    Nah man, that's just an urban myth.

    My mom's dad had a full head of hair (when he wasn't recruiting us grandkids to shave him bald, that is.) The barely noticeable thinning that I have is from my dad. I'm sure it can come from either side. Dominant vs recessive genes and all that.
    Shoto Jaya likes this.