Stupid Internet Distractions

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by The Shadow Boxer, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. The Shadow Boxer

    The Shadow Boxer Fapstronaut

    Ok, so I am seriously fed up with the crap the internet puts in my face when I'm trying not to fap. I don't even go to porn sites anymore, but my gosh, f**king youtube channels with their f**king top tens that I'm subscribed to just seem to love to rub it in IM TALKING TO YOU WATCHMOJO. Had to unsubscribe, but honestly, there are serveral places like that (imgr). I'm sick of this s**t. I'm on the internet for a good time not THAT kind of a good time.
  2. Trey

    Trey Fapstronaut

    I'm with you man on this. The Internet is full of pollution and NSFW tags and alluring YouTube videos.

    Just know that you're better than that. You're in control and you won't let it eat you alive, trust me, it's not worth it. I've been there, I can say we've all been.
  3. limit your time on the internet, dont move your hand, dont touch your dick, RUN if you can
  4. monkjesse

    monkjesse Fapstronaut

    Yeah! Am with you man but you would rather stay away from you tube. For me this videos were my downfall after 21 days of no pmo.My advice stay away from you tube.get alternative use of this time like reading a book or just watch a movie if you are Unwinding!
  5. jatar

    jatar Fapstronaut

    Personally, I'm not an advocate of the "stay away from X" attitude. In my opinion, we don't want to cut off normal services that everyone uses, like YouTube.

    My advice is: practice thinking before clicking. Before you click on a questionable video: think. Think about why you want to watch it, and answer honestly. Do you want to watch it because you hope that you will glimpse some arousing material? If so, don't watch the video. Is the video likely to include triggering material? Again, if the answer is "yes", don't watch it.

    It may seem hard at first, but believe me, it'll become automatic after a time. Now, before I click a link or enter a search query into Google, I think about the consequences of that in the context of NoFap. Of course, for most actions, for example neutral searches like restaurants, buses, news etc. the answer is obvious so there's no reason for an in-depth analysis. But if you feel that the decision may influence your progress, and most of the times you'll feel that instinctively, think and make a decision accordingly. Like I said, if you remember about the procedure for dealing with questionable material and apply it regularly, after a while it'll become automatic, and that's what you're aiming for.