Need help all i think is just porn/prostitue atm

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by hollyman, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    I really need a motivation right know or a reason to why i have to continue this nofap

    I feel so strssed out right know, someone dear to me just passed away, and i have a serious argument with my parent

    Not to mention mobile phone addiction

    Right know porn is all i think, i mean if i relapse then one of my weight in my head would gone...

    I feel that im not strong enough to hold on porn addiction while being grieve and stress out at the same time

    Feel so cringy but any help may help
  2. over50

    over50 Fapstronaut

    Sorry for your loss. Don't relapse, it would only add one more problem. Stay strong and get more energy from not giving in.
    hollyman likes this.
  3. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    thank you but i dont think i can handle all this thing all together...tonight i plan to visit massage parlour then i will relapse prostitute..and then i will destroy myself even more by seeing shit porn
  4. Just remind yourself porn doesn't help you at all. It just makes it worse.
    hollyman likes this.
  5. AaronDB

    AaronDB Fapstronaut

    Is there a friend you can turn to? Probably best if your not alone. You can get through this.
    hollyman likes this.
  6. Resilience89

    Resilience89 Fapstronaut

    101 days! Wow! lots of us can only dream to reach there. You are already there and are so successful. Why fall into it again? It wont solve your problem. You are strong to face the temptation for 101 days. Just do it one more day and you will be fine! you can do it!!! Keep going!
    hollyman and MadJackMcMad like this.
  7. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    God love me by made me doin the extra work on office so i cant go to massage parlour tonight

    its the stress build up for resisting porn, less exercise (due to work) , loose loved ones, argue with parent, mobile phone addiction....tbh this is my danggerous time because i used to relapse on day 90-120..the problem is the same, that i always want to go to prostitute/ massage parlour..when i cant go to prostitur then i will turn to porn again

    thank you, nope im arguing with my parents so home doesnt feel much like thyre used to be, beside i cant tell abbout prostitue/porn friend is on other city even tho i tell her via wats app...thats why i posted here....its so cringy i knew it..but some time we need that extra motivation from other ppl
  8. Resilience89

    Resilience89 Fapstronaut

    I can imagine the stress and the work. But you take up challenges because you want to win against them. 90-120 day is just a number. You can do more. Your entire life in fact. The release itself might not be bad, but the act for it will create a situation where to you fail to keep a promise. A promise that you took for yourself. The one guy you love the most and are always with. You gotta do it for him. You promised you are gonna stay away to him, you stay away. Simple! You got this !!! 102 days now!

    As for friends, try pushing yourself to socialize with people at work. Ask them for drinks. Pay for them if need be. It’s better to pay some money than to lose your self respect. Keep up the good work champ!
    hollyman likes this.
  9. Don't watch porn to feel better. You will feel better when your brain heals itself the more you abstain.
  10. Maybe instead of the porn, spend some time online looking for SAA meetings in your area. Lots of guys in my SAA group struggle with staying away from prostitutes. We encourage each other to make the right choices.
    dukesoup and hollyman like this.
  11. yyz33

    yyz33 Fapstronaut

    sorry for your loss. you can do it. you can be strong for those around you. you might want to go deeper into your sadness and loss and pain and feel it fully, rather than avoid it with porn and prostitutes. what you resist, persists. if you run towards the pain that you feel and feel it fully it tends to eventually dissipate. meditation might help too... the waking up with sam harris guided meditation app helped me.
    hollyman likes this.

  12. my friend your stressful feeling is understandable but be strong sit with this feeling of pain of loss we all go through it. but dont run from it. dont run from it. i said that twice because running is the reason why porn is so powerful . your stronger then this even at your weakest your still stronger then porn. you can do this!
    hollyman likes this.
  13. Porn will not improve anything. It's a fake substitute. Giving in will not fix anything.
    hollyman likes this.
  14. Haytham Al Hamaydeh

    Haytham Al Hamaydeh Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account and hollyman like this.
  15. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    I just wana say thanks to all of you that reply this message and encourage me..

    It may not much or maybe it just an internet post, but for me when i'm at the weakest state and no one can understand it, its truly mean something

    and thank god i'm a little bit healed right know....the situation is'nt improved yet but i have better/healthier mind so i have this kind of optimism right know to start living the truth and face it

    my purpose doing of NOFAP are to have a wife, have a good mariage, child's, family things like that...

    i hope that one day i can post on "success Story" section, telling the community that a porn addict like me can have a good mariage because i do NOFAP

    Ps : sorry for my bad english
    dukesoup likes this.
  16. yyz33

    yyz33 Fapstronaut

    you can do it.
    dukesoup likes this.
  17. BigCatTunski

    BigCatTunski Fapstronaut

    The world is yours. You can do great things with it. Porn only provides temporary relief to long term solutions. You got this.
  18. dukesoup

    dukesoup Fapstronaut

    I agree here if you have little support try going to a 12 step meeting. SAA is great because you will meet people there who have gone thru similar or worse and sometimes just listening to other people share is assuring you arent on your own. in fact most 12 step meetings have phone lists of people in the group you can call for support.
    I recently went to a CoDA meeting and it was very helpful to listen and share!
    Deleted Account likes this.