Need help... Anybody develop generalized anxiety

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BigOne79, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    So, I have been on hard mode for quite a few months with a few P slip ups the last two months. I have been feeling generally a lot better but just this last week I have felt anxiety and flat line come on again with me.

    My question is for most rebooters and long term already on here is GAD or general anxiety. It seems like it’s going on and off with me but even more so in the month I’m in now and feels like it is preceded by another flat line.

    Does GAD eventually go away after a year on nodal. I try to do some anti anxiety meditation and has worked but I don’t have trouble falling asleep. It’s always in the morning I start overthinking like crazy and worrying about this journey if I’m gonna heal or ever get my life on track.

    Does anybody have some good coping methods on waking during sleep or in the morning to reduce GAD. Has anybody had this totally go away during hard mode or any long term abstinence as well..
    dboy18 likes this.
  2. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    From when i started nofap, one year ago, i started having rhinitis problem, terrible anxiety and panick attacks.

    And they're getting worst and worst lately...
  3. Have you started doing these meditations in last weeks, then you noticed more anxiety?

    All i can say from my experience after 1 year i notice not much GAD!
  4. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Hi Tantus! Was just about to inbox you right now .. I haven’t done much meditation the last few weeks. Went on a short weekend trip and when I came back home it started up again. It seems like I messed up my sleeping pattern and not getting enough sleep at night. I am going to see if that is the issue. Also, getting into a better workout routine as well because that has gone to the wayside lately. I have heard that after a year the general anxiety should be red though. I have five months to go.
  5. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    That’s common to have the panic attacks and anxiety because of the stress of fapping to porn. That lasted 3 to 5 months with me. The rhinitis I felt that mine got better after a feeble months. Unbelievably my tinnitus is completely gone. I do still have some floaters though in my vision.

    You doing hard more as well..??
    AnxietyDude and Freeddom_Taker like this.
  6. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Started hardmode on may last year, done 170 days, then started having sex with prositutes in november (twice a month). Then i masturbated without porn 3\4 times in february, then started exchanging pic with girls with a dating app, masturbated probably 6\7 times with those pics. Then used porn 3 times in april.
    Then stopped porn again, done different streaks, 10 day, 20 days, on 5 days now (only masturbation, no porn).

    Doctors told me i must get surgery to my nose, but i'm thinking about that. Tried changing diet, thinking i'm intollerant or allergic to something, it worked for 2 month, started breathing better and stopped the panick attacks. Then started the blood group diet, rhinitis and panick attacks are really bad in the last days, yestarday night i wanted to phone someone just to talk, i was super scared, total panic, don't even know about what.
    i've been to the emergency room twice (one august of last year, one 2 weeks ago, because i feel like suffocating, and my heart is failing).
    I've eat only vegetables and fruit for a month, reintroducing other ailments to see if i'm allergic to something...When i ate only fruit and vegetables for a month i breathe better, but i lost 10 kg in a month, it's too much, i loose energy in the gym...

    So, right now i'm in a lot of trouble, i'm doing all the medical analisys with my doctor to find out what's going on. Done multiple blood analisys, pee analisys, x-rays...
    Tomorrow i'll go to the lungs specialist, and to another nose specialist on thursday.

    The analisys i've done till now says i'm super healthy (beside the nose problems, rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, hypertrophyc turbinates), i'm going to the gym 3\4 times a week...

    I really don't know what's going on, i'm a total mess right now...
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
  7. I have few ideas:
    -your brain recognize your home still as pmo source, so in your home you still triggered. In that case you may try rearrange rooms.
    -in my case EMFs was biggest sleep disturbers in bedroom, I can not tell if that true for you too
    -maybe you got some chemical, mold etc. in your house that disturb your nervous system

    -or it simply still withdrawal symptom.
  8. The anxiety has died down tremendously on this run of recovery. At first and years before I was stuck in a constant GAD where I couldnt even breathe properly. Like all the worrying left me with a feeling of constantly trying to grasp for air. It was like I was in constant fight or flight mode running on adrenaline hypersensitive to stress, sound and light.

    It got worse before it got better for me initially. The first 9-11 months were shitty. But I had a breakthrough in the fight or flight mode as if my body calmed down. So in my experience it does get better but it's all about time away from stimulation.
  9. dboy18

    dboy18 Fapstronaut

    Same here. What causes that?
  10. dboy18

    dboy18 Fapstronaut

    Man it's one crazy ride. I started the journey in 2016. Last year I had tremendous anxiety which led to panic attacks and episodes of intense anger I was admitted at a psychiatric hospital. I still feel anxious and angry even now.
  11. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    Yes, maybe rearranging the room would help with the triggers from remembering all the PMO through the years or just move out somewhere else. I can definitely sleep through the night but I need to make an effort to get to bed earlier every night otherwise improvement will not come in this recovery.

    How has your recovery so far the last few months been...
  12. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    It's horrible what we need to go through to recover but you are better off now then you were back then PMO. The first give to six months were bad with anxiety then things started to get a lot better in the seventh month and now the eighth seem like I am back to square one. I get anxious just about future life events I want to accomplish but really no reason to get nervous about them. I'm hoping closer to a year on hard mode will help me get some of my motivation back.
    dboy18 likes this.
  13. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I was on my seventh month of nofap doing really good and then BAM the anxiety comes back and a bit of flatline. I would think 9-11 month recovery timeline will help with my symptoms too. I still feel numb to what I want to do in life though and what I want in relationship. Feels like I am just going on day by day with a bit of anxiety doing the same thing. I want to change things but is getting harder.
  14. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I been getting anxiety since like years now. It was worse like two years ago. Now I think its getting better. I generally contribute it to Caffeine, and softcore/hardcore sexual things. Say if I stop the sexual stuff for some time like a few days usually, then I really have no problems. But then that's why I am here right, lol? Also to consider I was very very very very veryv veyervyer depressed like two years ago. I still kind of am, but you know knocking down the caffeine equivalence of 2 monsters a day for months probably wasn't the best method of getting through my problems. Lately I've been kind of lonely. I read in this other post, that when you get urges its because you want something to dominate, you need a female essentially. I think this is true.
  15. dboy18

    dboy18 Fapstronaut

    Yes it's a whole journey of learning. Soon you will get there man.
  16. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Holy s.

    After a year (not a perfect one) my symptoms are getting worst. Yesterday night i was almost crying, wanting to call someone just to tell them i'm scared...
  17. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    You also had rhinitis?

    I noticed quite a few people get that when thay start nofap...
  18. JoeJoe12345

    JoeJoe12345 Fapstronaut

    Yes. I wrote about this before in another post. The GAD symptoms show up after I've begun to abstain from PMO. In my opinion, it is a symptom of withdrawal. I'll be perfectly fine one moment and the next start having various anxieties manifest to the point they become out of control and truly believable. For me, my anxieties surround my health so I deal with quite a bit of hypochondria. My brain can make up scenarios that make them believable. I know that it's withdrawal so that helps some. But other times my brain gets so worked up that it's hard to come down. I find that once I abstain for a week or so they begin to die down.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  19. A week away from hitting 11 months hardmode. I can see a major change where my anxiety has slowed down considerably. All I can I tell you is push through even I'm still in the reboot process. In terms of sleep, no issues at all. Usually go to bed late night then wake up early then sleep again.
  20. Your brain is in panic mode because of pmo mostly. You can go to a doctor for a check up but most of what you're talking about in your post is caused by pmo.