Fixed ED #no prior sexual experience #started young

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by KyleDobermann, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. KyleDobermann

    KyleDobermann Fapstronaut

    First of all, let me tell you, whoever you are, that it is possible. None of this is bullshit, well maybe the science explanations they give is, but porn enduced ED and it's cure, that is going a certain period of time without masturbating nor watching porn, is absolutely one hundred percent real.

    Ps*: please forgive my vulgar language, it's how I convey my feelings

    Here's a tldr for you lazy folks:

    Trust me, it works.
    Masturbated since 12 on a daily basis, progressed to ugly stuff at about 15, had only had a couple handjobs at 16 otherwise no sexual experiences. Failed at having sex at 19, tried again at 20 but failed after which I immediately started nofap hardcore mode (no porn, no stimulation, nada). 4 months in, I finally managed to have sex AND OH MY GOD, IS IT WORTH IT*!

    Believe, my man*! No matter how fucked up you think you are, you can fix yourself*!

    The long but sweet story*:

    Back when I was sixteen I had a girlfriend whom I was very fond of, we had a bit of fun together, she gave me handjobs which were wonderful. But we split up after three months, before I could get her to agree on having sex (she was a virgin back then) with me.

    I had a few flings here and there but it never went beyond kissing, until I met this drop dead gorgeous everyone-wants-to-fuck girl when I hit nineteen.

    Entering my 19th year here, on this earth, I got into shape through strength training (what weightlifting is really about). Naturally, my new physic made me desirable, I quickly started noticing all the women's attention I haven't been getting before. Pretty women, very pretty women. I can't stress this enough.

    Finally, I manage to get a date with one of them, and boy oh boy was she hot*! We started going out and I remember thinking, back then, that I felt unattracted eventhough her looks were phenomenal. I didn't make much of it. I also noticed that I wasn't getting hard when kissing her like I used to with my ex, I thought it was just because I wasn't in love but we all know what the real reason was... for fuck's sake...

    Anyway, after two weeks of dating, on a saturday night after a party, she took me to her place. We started making out on her bed, she took my shirt off, I took off hers. It was at that moment, when I gazed upon her perfectly drawn out body that I realized I wasn't hard. I started going down on her to buy some time, thinking it would come up but it didn't... I couldn't help but feel unattracted, dead in a sexual way. I told her that it had never happened to me before and that it must have been the alcohol. She understood.
    It was the most humiliating, horrible, emasculating feeling I had ever felt in my entire life. Dreadful.

    Our relationship ended a week later, after I found out she was looking elsewhere. It wasn't a big deal, it was too early in the relationship for me to have had any feelings for her. I guess I should have known better though, she had a bad reputation. It just sucks that I didn't get to have a piece of that fine ass. For fuck's sake*! Damn ED*!

    Anyway, the day after having failed at nailing her, I immediately googled for answers. . After reading through a lengthy thread on neogaf or yahoo (can't remember), I had acquired quite the vocabulary when it comes to ED. Whisky dick was my favourite, haha, whisky dick...*:'D. But none the «*excuses*» for having ED satisfyed me, I knew something much more sinister was afoot (always wanted to say that :D ).

    But then I stumbled on a comment from some dude, whom I owe the world to (I will fucking suck your dick man, if that's what you want, no matter how horrible it must be... there is simply no way I can repay you in equal value), about how porn can lead to such problems and that there is a solution. He linked yourbrainonporn, I read.

    My first thoughts were*«*fuck, I fucked my brain up...*» and considering how I had never had sex before, I was scared I wouldn't ever be able to overcome ED but god bless America (I'm swiss, so yeah, I'm saying that for the kicks) , I'm fixed as of now.

    So, after filling my head with freaky skepticism worthy pseudo-science, I figured I had nothing to loose. I lasted something like forty days on nofap, what a fail ! By the end I was reassuring myself that it was all just bullshit, that alcohol was the reason. So I kept on masturbating, on much less fucked up shit though («*just in case*»).

    Fast forward eight months, I meet another gorgeous girl, one that has a good reputation and a personality I like. I hadn't masturbated in a few days when I had her in my bed on the first night we met (she's a friend of my best friends who were sleeping at my place). She told me she didn't want to have sex because she doesn't do that kind of stuff which didn't bother me considering I wasn't hard at all. We hugged and made out almost all night, barely a semi.
    This time, I could clearly see that something besides the booze or pot was making me loose my mojo. I remembered about nofap and decided to go for it (no porn, no masturbation, no nothing) and I did.

    Now, I know for most of you guys giving this up is really hard, but from day one (which was technically before I met her) to today (4 months +) I haven't felt any strong cravings to masturbate. Strange but maybe the promise of having a happy and healthy relationship with this wonderful girl was what made it easy for me this time around (first time I had a lot of cravings).
    The fact that it was so easy for me made it hard to notice any difference in the urges department.

    One thing I did notice, however, is that I don't have anymore perverted porn-like thoughts popping up in my head anymore. I just think of how gorgeous the women I meet are, or how their body and pussy might feel like, or how they smell and laugh. Notice how I picture sensations or character traits that could possibly turn me on rather than some big buff dude doing horrible things to them. These thoughts occur naturally and make me feel natural and human whereas I felt perverted as hell before fixing myself.

    A month in and I started getting slightly hard when kissing her. Two months in and I would get good chubbies.

    After two months and a half we tried to have sex for the first time, I failed. I felt miserable again, fuck. She reassured me and gave me a handjob (managed to get about 60*% hard) that felt like shit after which she sucked my dick for a solid fifteen minutes, I barely felt anything, didn't cum... it was all so depressing for me. Tried sex several times after that but failed at every try.

    After the third or forth try I told her that she needed to be patient with me because the constant failure was making me feel anxious, I felt I needed more time before we were to try again. She agreed and told me that it wasn't a problem and that being with me was all that she wanted. That reassured me greatly, bless her sweet heart, I love that girl (now, not then).

    A month after that, we try again, and this time I had taken 20mg of Cialis (ED drugs) but I failed, it didn't make a difference, I felt terrible. She didn't care and gave me a handjob (was almost 100*% hard)... and it was AMAZING, it took me five minutes and I let go the biggest load I've ever seen. Holy shit. Next morning, we tried but I wasn't quite hard enough still, she then blew me, and that was even more incredible than the hand job. -- Fucking hell, I'm getting hard writing this down. -- By then I figured that I was beginning to rewire, and I believe (now) that I was, as I could get good erections through touch alone.

    About a week after that, maybe a bit less (but definately passed the 4 months nofap), we tried having sex again (I was on 20 mg cialis, just to make sure anxiety wasn't a factor) and we did (hurray*!). I had lost my virginity, finally*! She felt amazing, the feeling of a pussy around your dick is the most mind blowing thing you will ever feel. It beats your right (or left*?) hand for sure*!

    Then, a week later, on a saturday night we decided to go out to a club, I was pressed that day and had forgotten to take the cialis, I wanted to take 10 mg to see if I still worked.

    Anyway, I realized I forgot to take it on my way there. I decided to chill and not think about it, just have a good time and believe in myself. I was right, that night, she came back to my place and we had sex just as easily as with the ED drugs (I believe ED drugs have an effect only when its your dick that has a problem, not your mind).

    I was free*! I am free*! And I want to fuck like there's no tomorrow*!

    Anyway, that's my story, I hope it helps and feel free to ask me any questions you might have.
    FahooOo, fercho29, sam2347 and 6 others like this.
  2. DChan

    DChan Fapstronaut

    haha man. there a comment i would give a blow job to too that brought me here ahha ! but NoFap on brother !
  3. Hellraiser1

    Hellraiser1 Fapstronaut

    Wow! Very inspirational story. Congrats and fun read.
  4. Mhat145

    Mhat145 Fapstronaut

    Hi mate that was a fantastic read and really inspirational. I suffer from pied but just keep failing. I can relate to all those feelings you have had. I failed earlier today and currently feeling like absolute Shit. Your read has really helped me refocus
  5. Fantastic achievement, Kyle, well done.

    I'm going to sound like a whining old git here, I know. I reckon there's a lot of stuff in your post that is going to be triggering to fellow Fapstronauts - I found it very triggering myself. I think it'd be fantastic to edit your post with the NSFW tags (go into "go advanced" and use the last button on the panel, which looks like a slice of cake to me, to mark highlighted text as NSFW so it'll only show if people hover over it) or just put a warning line at the top.

    Like I say, it's a fantastic achievement and worthy of celebrating.
  6. KyleDobermann

    KyleDobermann Fapstronaut

    Hahaha :'D , yeah man, for life !

    Hey man, just take it easy on yourself. I think that the best way to rewire and heal completely is to find someone you can trust and love. Be it boyfriend or girlfriend, they must know about your condition and what you need to do to fix it (PIED). If you can manage that, you will heal !

    What I did was that after the second or third failure, I told her that I would go see a doctor, which I did, but as you might have guessed it didn't help. The doctor prescribed me ED drugs saying that I just needed a confidence boost and that's exactly what I told her, at first.

    But I didn't work so I figured that I should tell her the truth about what it was that I had (PIED) and so, in order to not sound like some crazy dude, I told her about the condition, but that it was my doctor who "diagnosed" me with it hence making it sound plausible to her ears.

    She understood completely and said that she didn't care how long it would take, all she wanted was to be with me.
    Let me tell you, that sure did help alleviate a lot of the pressure I felt when trying to have sex and just made me feel happy in general knowing that she understood my situation.

    I believe that your girlfriend/boyfriend needs to develop feelings for you in order to be understanding about the whole thing and play along.

    Oh okay, sorry about that guys ! What in particular was triggering, the swearing and/or the part where I sound skeptic about the science stuff ?

    Anyways, I've been having regular sex and it's getting better and better, last time I came twice in a row without loosing my erection in between. I didn't think that was actually possible for a human being :p

    Hope that gives you a little bit of drive to push on through, believe me guys, the fight is well worth the prize !
  7. Happiness

    Happiness Fapstronaut

    As someone who's experiences practically mirror yours, I found this story very helpful. Thank you for the assurance that I can fix this.
  8. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I have been failing a lot at Nofap recently, your story has really inspired me
  9. goldstein

    goldstein Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. Same problem here. But keep relapsing. It's good to see people who can succeed. There's light at the end of the tunnel!
  10. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

  11. Hey Kyle,

    Thanks for responding.

    The triggering stuff is the stuff where you talk explicitly about sex:

    Here's the line from the NoFap rules

    " No posting pornographic or triggering images, links, or text. No exceptions. If you do so, your account will be promptly banned."

    You can swear and have opinions on science all you want as far as I'm concerned (others may differ). But a lot of people here are trying desperately to avoid sexual content of any kind - we're addicts, it's nice to have a safe place to come where we don't have to worry about seeing anything erotic. The fact you wrote: "Fucking hell, I'm getting hard writing this down," might have been a good clue...;)

    I hate moaning like this and it seems that the NSFW tags aren't yet available on the new forum system in any case. Perhaps if you could just be careful to avoid describing sexual acts.

    Again, sincere congratulations on getting over your problem.
  12. sirfapstinence

    sirfapstinence Fapstronaut


    Great post! It's very inspiring. I never thought that I would be in the same predicament. It had been a while since I had made a move on any girl and recently I was in the exact same scenario as you were. The perfect girl, in bed with me, just waiting for me to take her but I just couldn't. I've had sex before several times but it's been a while and I never had this problem, ever! I'm a 100% certain because there's no way any guy can forget that emasculating/humiliating moment when he just can't get hard to get on with it. It's the worst feeling in the world. I'm still feeling quite shitty about it.

    By the way, I used the same excuse, told her it was probably the alcohol. I don't know if she was really reassured by that. It certainly didn't make me feel any better about myself. I didn't realize that at the moment I'm going through my flatline phase of the Nofap journey. Long road ahead. I've only recently begun my nofap journey seriously and this incident has firmed my resolve because I KNOW that PMO is messing me up. So your post was very relatable.

    Quick question, how did you get over that experience? I mean, I feel like crap still and I'm figuring out how to get past that feeling and forgetting that moment and moving on.
  13. Cojax

    Cojax Fapstronaut

    Very cool! I am happy for you!
  14. Fapsman

    Fapsman Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear you got it sorted man!
    Inspiration for us all
    Im noticing effects of no PMO after just over 20 days with confidence and concentration...
    Your story is the one thats going to get me through it who knows how many months down the line
  15. KyleDobermann

    KyleDobermann Fapstronaut

    Well guys, after beating PIED, I've gotten myself in another sexual problem. I tore my frenulum, twice...

    Thought it would give guys a laugh, anyway

    Hey man, I (and everyone else browsing this forum, I suppose) know how tough it is to forget, I haven't. But I don't think about it anymore, what I used to do before beating PIED was to just simply reassure myself and stay confident that I was going to beat this thing. It's all you can do really... only after you're fixed does it slowly dissipate.

    Thanks for posting dude, makes me feel so happy to know I can help, just hold tight, you'll get there !
  16. fsteier

    fsteier Fapstronaut

    I told her it was PIED in my case. I can tell you: It wasn't a good choice. But we managed to get me going to the O. She often told me she would imagine me doing it daily... and so on... Right now I have two positions that work out very fine for me. For the rest: it won't work. Basically when I have to move a lot it won't work. Any tipps and ideas?
  17. fsteier

    fsteier Fapstronaut

    Also got the same. About a year ago. Tried to fix it with medicine and keeping it dry and so on. My tore was like 1mm or 2mm deep and it just wouldn't heal. Had to enlarge it at a hospital. I wish you plenty of luck getting over it without an operation.
  18. KyleDobermann

    KyleDobermann Fapstronaut


    Hey guys, leaving a quick update here.

    Got my frenulum removed, didn't change anything really, makes sex a little more enjoyable I guess since nothing's pulling on my dick. It's now been close to 9 months I haven't masturbated or even watched porn. I'm shooting for a life long abstinence on that regard. I've been having amazing benefits from continuing after beating PIED, I can now have sex for as many times I like, did it five times in under 3 hours the other day. My mind is completely devoid of any disgusting perverted thoughts, it's actually hard for me to imagine something like that now. No cravings. Life is great.

    Fapsman likes this.
  19. thestonedkoala

    thestonedkoala Fapstronaut

    Lol great story! Congrats on your success and thanks for the inspiration!