Cold calling

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Pepa, May 31, 2019.

  1. Pepa

    Pepa Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,
    Please, what will you advise me to motivate myself to make cold calling? (to call to the companies and offer them some technologies).
    I still have a problem with it. I procrastinated a lot by watching porn,chatting with girls, etc...Now I am 17 days without porn and have much more time during working hours and have a problem to work, to sell, to search for a potentional clients, etc.

    It is crazy...I have everything for doing this work: mobile phone, PC ,stillness , alone in the office and something is still brakes me and very strong resistance to calling is there.But calling is only one way to do my work.I know it and I resistance.
    I am doing everything instead of calling...I analyzed it a lot with couches, theraphist,etc...but my past problems, my childhood I think all of it are only excuses. I am responsible for not doing my work.
    I know, first step is to accept it...accept the reality that I aml maybe lazy,and I have a resistance to call...but it is complicated to accept it. I hate myself because of it.
    And I also know that to solve this problem shoud help me with more other problems and my life should be much more better.Please do you have some advice for it?
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  2. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    Whoa, let's talk a little :)

    Do you actually want to make those phone calls or is it a parent/sibling berating you in your head that you'll amount to nothing (see the connection with childhood)? Would you run a company of slaves? You're basically treating yourself as a slave at this point.

    Why do something that you don't like to be doing? How do you think you will sound convincing to the ones picking up the phone, if your voice says "I'm not really interested in doing this job"? Do you believe in the product you are selling?

    I just quit this week my job, even though everyone said "it's a good job" and "you should be grateful you have job". That's utter nonsense. I'm in debt, but that doesn't mean that it's the end of the road.

    What other things can you do?
  3. Pepa

    Pepa Fapstronaut

    Thanks. Yes, product is OK, but I dont know why is there strong resistance to has no connection to product :-(
  4. Motivate yourself with the rewards, isn't it enough? Having a good life, with possibilities to travel, eat well, etc.

    Do you have a sales script? If you're serious about your business, you should have one. Read a book; Way Of The Wolf by Jordan Belfort, there is much value for you what comes to the art of selling, persuading and tactics.

    Persuasion is the NUMBER 1 skill every entrepreneur should learn adequately.

    If you're serious about your business, you take the phone and call, read the script, and close the deal.
    That's it, but if you want to make excuses, it's called procrastination, which is the opposite of taking action.

    And, what procrastination produces = nothing.
    Action produces = results = success.

    Best of luck and success!
  5. Pepa

    Pepa Fapstronaut

    two different things are there:
    1, ME, accepting myself,OK,I have a fear to call, maybe I am a procrastinator, but for what it is good to accept it?
    2, to persuade myself to call, but there is a resistance,Yes I do it but I will be very exhausted 2 or free weeks later after each day coldcalling. And I have to call every working day, months, years. The goal is to make it with love,with fun...and it is impossible now for me :-(
    3, maybe call is not a problem, a problem is than go there on the meeting in person, travel,organize a day etc...
  6. Pepa

    Pepa Fapstronaut

    I dont know,money is not motivation...of course,dont have it, but be under stress to pay bills is not a right motivation for me, only stress :-(
    sex wit the coach is best motivation in my fantasies :)