Day 827 of lifelong awakening.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by DonGiovanni, May 23, 2019.

  1. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    Man I'm most important in my life for sure. The world revolves around me, my spinal cord's the planet's axis!
  2. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate this well put and detailed reply of your experience and I will not do cocaine as a result, not that I was planning to anyways but still.. definitely can understand that it's no joke and I've had plenty of painful times getting off other substances. hell I'm going through something right now getting off PMO that's taken very very long for me and quitting weed after years and years of daily use isn't even easy. I'll leave cocaine to the people who enjoy fitting in that bad. I'll tread on alone with you my Nofap brothers to keep me company (;

    Great success story BTW I love reading these.
    DonGiovanni likes this.
  3. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Masturbation did have an effect on me, but it actually isn't as bad as the other people in this site.

    I normally did it twice a week.
    And, no, it didn't have the same effect it would on a person doing it for 20 years.
    Most people on this site have been doing it several times a day for 5 or more years...
    :eek: :eek:
    I can't even do more than 3 times a week!
  4. B.moussa

    B.moussa Fapstronaut

    I wish you well on your journey friend and i hope you discover new battles in life and win them goodluck on your path.hope one day i would post just like you story about success and mental freedom.until then i will win the battle each and everyday. Have a nice day!
    DonGiovanni likes this.
  5. DonGiovanni

    DonGiovanni Fapstronaut

    I can remember having severe flatlines, it was truly weird, also having headaches, brain fog, etc. But I also learned a lot about misogyny and the innate violence of the P industry, which helped to transform my libido. So, instead of getting my libido back, it changed my libido, how it worked, how it sprung up.

    Urges were tough, and often. I would get triggered by something I would see somewhere, and it would stick to my mind all day. It would take a lot of work to get the thoughts out. But, working out, yoga, meditating, journaling, it all would help. And talking it out here on nofap and reading other's stories.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  6. DonGiovanni

    DonGiovanni Fapstronaut


    No sé mucho pero entiendo que el daño es la manera en que tu cerebero crea y absorbe la dopamina. Al hacer cosas que te provocan producir demasiada dopamina, tu cerebro se acostumbra a ese nivel alto, pero el problema es que el nivel alto sólo lo puedes alcanzar de formas dañinas para ti, por ejemplo, comportamientos adictivos o sustancias adictivas, así que en tu vida diaria normal, todos los estímulos son más pobres, y no puedes recibir el mismo placer por lo normal y cotidiano de la vida. Tener niveles bajos de dopamina tiene síntomas muy parecidos a la depresión y más cosas. Todo comportamiento adictivo afecta de alguna manera el cerebro y la dopamina. Pero no soy profesional sólo he leído un poco en internet!
  7. joshep56

    joshep56 New Fapstronaut

  8. Congratulations to your 800+ days! I also became an addict to porn when I was about 10 years old. Was on it for 25 years. If you have any expert tips about addiction that you think I should read I would be happy to know. :)
    AngeZarate10 likes this.
  9. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    and what was your worst fetish, trigger, in these 25 years of compulsive masturbation?
  10. What makes you think I would like to write about that? :D
    AngeZarate10 and stoneyman22 like this.
  11. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    anything. It's just a question, if you don't want to answer, I apologize
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  12. It felt like every year I spent on porn, it got a bit worse. So in the end it was some nasty shit, that's for sure.
    stoneyman22 and AngeZarate10 like this.
  13. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    we are two, calm.
    I have a brain emptiness, but I feel better at times
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  14. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    Feel the void taste the void.
    Truth-Seeker likes this.
  15. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    i feel my brain empty... i have an ocd.
    stoneyman22 likes this.
  16. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

  17. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    stoneyman22 likes this.
  18. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Did you see any betterments in the first year?
    The only thing i saw is that my back pain is gone away. For the rest, withdrawal symptoms, and other terrible problems, i don't see any motivation to continue doing this.
  19. stoneyman22

    stoneyman22 Fapstronaut

    Zeet Zeet domo ormigato mr robotto
  20. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Domo arigato 22 years old kid