How to make nofap easier!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ilovesex, May 17, 2019.

  1. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    Hey, i thought about the main problems user have.
    To much free time.
    So i offer you to reach two goals at once.

    1. Find your true passion.
    2. train, enjoy and build a business around it.

    ,,I dont know what i want to do and what i like.''

    Easy fix pm me.
    Btw i do this for free because its one of the easiest...:)
  2. Hey...Their is no such way by which we can make NoFap easier..Because it not an eazy thing...You know what our brain is manipulating us since our childhood..We do things whicj we find easy to do ...That why we are addicted to porn or any kind of addcition...We are living the life in our comfort zone ,the bubble which Hidding us from ourselves...We need to break that bubble and start living our life out of our own Comfort zone....You can Join our telegram group "Men on NoFap"
  3. Targaryenn

    Targaryenn Fapstronaut

    In moment you decide to give up technology, automatically you give up the porn and masturbation and you are out of your confort zone. Simple. But we need to have willpower and self discipline for this great and good thing.

    Is my experience, man. At my job I work on computer, but in my free time I don't use tehnology.

    And if you give up technology, automatically give up porn and masturbation.

    And trust me, you feel much better when you give up technology(and of course, give up porn and masturbation), I write a thread about the spectacular benefits of this.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
    ilovesex likes this.
  4. Giving up technology in the 21st century is unrealistic in my opinion. Unless you live like a cave man technology is always going to be around you and you will always have access to it. It's such a gigantic part of human existence these days and the need for it will only continue to increase.

    We shouldn't fear it because we have this addiction, we need to learn how to coexist with it while remaining PMO free.
    Viijay likes this.
  5. A good way to make nofap easier is not giving up technology totally, but using it only when it's needed and not procastinating on the internet as it's for sure a way to end up in a P webpage. Besides, the problem most of the time isn't the device, as these things are way too useful and can help you in a good way, but the internet where you can find stuff that will make you fall.

    Placing P blockers on every device you have is a good idea; though they may not block every P on the internet, at least they will help you a lot making it hard for you to find P so you have more time to recover control. Using devices without internet connection is a good idea too when you feel likely you can't use a computer without ending up in google searching for P, but still need programs like a word processor that work without internet.

    I also realized exercising helps you a lot; it's a way to spend most of the energy nofap gives you so you don't get to feel with so much desire to PMO, or at least that happens to me. And cold showers everyday too.
    ilovesex and Deleted Account like this.
  6. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    I know that you tell yourself this with good intentions but you may ask yourself. Is it possible that these strict belive because you red it somewhere is making it hard? that if we say life is hard life prooves us that by giving it? :D
  7. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    If your interests, hobbies and work allows that perfect! maybe next step living in the woods?
  8. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    Yeah that what makes it easy for me so far exercise and business :)
  9. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Well ultimate relapse prevention kit will be living in a temple or Buddhist monasteries or maybe go somewhere where no one has any expectations from you but not everyone can do that. But u can opt for slow and limited internet so that u are frustrated enough and the pmo is tougher than relapse. Or live w/o internet get movies from a pendrive and survive on tv get songs or any news from a friend/parent/cousin/stranger.
  10. I have realized the best way to make nofap the easier to the common man is living with someone at your side all the time, the closer the best. When someone is keeping an eye on you, you won't be willing to do it because nobody wants to do such thing in front of the sight of anyone. Getting out with friends a whole day is a good way to relieve pressure and horniness when you feel you can't anymore, but with good friends who won't get you into PMO. Loneliness is one of the principal ingredients for your brain to push (P)MO on you.

    Living in a temple may be a better idea if you plan getting unto full monk mode, though.
    HegHeu likes this.
  11. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    i see no need from living in an bubnle. why dont you use you sparetime on your passions? its so fucking much you can do it. since the can is open i really have to set prioritys music, acting, coaching....ahhh and cats :D
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Get a fidget spinner. Play with that instead of your privates. There, easy.
  13. Targaryenn

    Targaryenn Fapstronaut

    Belive me, is not hard to give up technology. You will fell much better, I tell you because I fell this. That's why I write a thread about the spectacular benefits of give up technology.

    Look, for me is very hard to nofap when I loose my time to stay on technology(laptop, smartphone etc.).

    And is a waste of time. Why sit on youtube, when I can read a good book or make a sport or anything good things.

    Is just my opinion. I just want to be honest with me.

    And I don't need technology in my free time, is simple. I spend my time doing good things. And I feel much better, there is no term to compare.

    For me, giving up technology when I have free time is the best solution, and the best choice!

    Keep up the good work, guys.

    Last edited: May 20, 2019

  14. Are you successful at these? I always thought they were a crapshoot.
  15. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    what do you mean friend?
  16. Hey man,

    I've read about passion businesses, but my impression was that these had problems. Off the top of my head:
    1. Highly unlikely to succeed (I'm thinking of all the attempted travel blogs especially)
    2. If they succeed, unstable and unprofitable for the effort involved (the passive income of the 4-hour-workday type businesses is of the past)
    3. The internet promotes content consolidation; so it's likely everything viable (in English) is already taken
    4. The ones that are worthwhile require enormous effort (thinking of strongerbyscience, every tech startup)
    5. Passion doesn't equal expertise, acquiring expertise might take forever and be relatively unprofitable, yet be required for business
    6. There's people with less knowledge but way more money than money who can afford the technical experts to give them a major leg up. Look at bulletproof coffee and other con schemes.
    So my question was, do you have experience successfully starting a business like this? Do you have experience that suggests these to be worthwhile?

    Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm thinking objections 3-5 aren't so bad.
  17. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    first of all everything you mentioned is for you to learn or get help for example marketing.
    of course it takes time why should it so much different then training a muscle?
  18. ilovesex

    ilovesex Fapstronaut

    if you are a problemthinker thats fine. you know all problems then solve them. there is no problem without a solution. if you have a negative pessimistic mindset thats a different story... good luck to you :)