My habbits are out of control - anal fixation

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by XD005, May 17, 2019.

  1. XD005

    XD005 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I wasn't sure if this is the right section. I won't talk to much about my pornography addiction but it didn't occur to me until recently that I truly do have a pornography addiction. Long story short, my masturbation habits have gotten to the point where O from just touching my junk barely does anything.

    I ended up taking a page from some of the porn I used to watch and identifying as a straight male, I've developed this fixation on fisting and anal. I'm ashamed just to admit that. And I've been buying all of these toys and stuff to satiate my desires. I'm finding it extremely difficult to stop and I don't dare tell me girlfriend that I'm into this. Anyway, I know its a slippery slope until I either end up watching gay porn or having sex with a man. I don't want that. Has anybody else been in this situation any advice?
    Deleted Account and Transcendent like this.
  2. InnerFaith

    InnerFaith Fapstronaut

    1. stop touching yourself in that area (penis/ass), first and foremost.
    2. stop scavanging for porn/'accesories', its stronger than you and will lead you back to breaking rule (1)
    3. be clear with yourself, what is your motivation to do nofap? always remember the motivation and goal you imagine to have. without clear motivation, you will easily go back to breaking rule (2) and from there immideatly breaking rule (1).

      there isn't a specific cure for each specific sex addiction, all of the diffrent sexualities such as yours all stem from the root of sexual addiction, realy the more i see post here the more it feels like all posters could have diffrent sexual addiction instead, its just like life rolled its dice and chose that form of sexual addiction to them.
      the approach is similiar in all situations though, stop it "cold turkey" is the only way.
    the more devoted you will stay to this principal of avoidance from contact and exposure, slowly the knots will untangle..
    HecTormoku and Transcendent like this.
  3. XD005

    XD005 Fapstronaut

    Your right. I suppose there is no "magic pill".
    What motivates you if I may ask? For me, its having a healthy relationship hopefully sometime soon in the future.
    But I feel like it has to be deeper and more personal. I feel like in the past I've been using this as a sort of "sexual surrogate".
    As soon as the O hits, I ALWAYS feel unfulfilled and ashamed. I suppose its a moment of clarity and I try and force that clear thinking whenever I feel triggered to Fap.
    It isn't always easy, clearly because I have failed.
  4. Walter267

    Walter267 Fapstronaut

    That's very deep, you need a serious help.Wish you luck.
  5. InnerFaith

    InnerFaith Fapstronaut

    Similiar motivation, to focus myself, the sexual addiction is very scattering and confusing.. Regain sense of self trust, stop myaelf from gowing down further..
    Notnruining my life.. Building them
    XD005 likes this.
  6. XD005

    XD005 Fapstronaut

    It's settled then. I'm going to shoot for 60 days. Hopefully I can quit for good but we shall see.
    What would you recommend as far as sex goes? I've heard it's not good to O at all.
    InnerFaith likes this.
  7. InnerFaith

    InnerFaith Fapstronaut

    i would just tell the girlfriend to hold on, not to do it mroe than once 2 weeks at this time..
    and also physical excercise everyday
  8. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    I was in similar situation. Throw away all toys and stop watching porn that ignites those urges. You can chat me in private of you want. Anal masturbation is embarassing habit, but it can be overcomed.