23y/o male addicted from 7-8 years // need help please

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by thetan, May 16, 2019.

  1. thetan

    thetan New Fapstronaut

    hey this is 23 year old male. I have been doing this almost everyday for 7-8 years now. From highschool to college to work. I used to think this is normal but slowly i started saying demotivated, lazy and sad. I dont have any kick to work for anything. I feel depressed all the time. Just before sleeping I would do it and later I started doing it multiple times. I really wish to change course of my life and take a fresh start. I lost hope to live . It is killing me from inside. I used to be better than this. I NEED HELP.
    My current streak is 0 and i wish to quit it because it is affecting y relationship with my partner and family.
  2. Hello and welcome! Have you gone through the getting started guide you have received in your email.
  3. thetan

    thetan New Fapstronaut

    yes i just created my PMO counter badge.
    Will get used to this lovely community and new family. :)