Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Apr 26, 2019.

Do you want to participate in The Final Countdown?

  1. Yes, for sure!

    75 vote(s)
  2. Maybe later

    7 vote(s)
  1. Check-In 15 Day Goal Completed!
    @The Winner thank you once again for creating this challenge.
    No matter how many times we fall we must always get back up. We cannot afford to stay down, we will gain strength by not giving up. This is a fight to the finish. Never forget that PMO is a tricky lie that steals from us our dignity, self-control, happiness, peace, time, our natural and normal affections, focus and freedom. We have to start seeing ourselves as winners and stop fearing the PMO beast, we can stand up to it and say: NO! Eventually this addiction will lose its power over us and we will be able to see clearly once again then we will be able to really love life :)
  2. I really hope it's nothing serious, sending my best wishes and prayers your way :)
  3. Congratulations ✔ on achieving your goal on this challenge.

    It's my pleasure, great to see you are enjoying the challenge. :)
  4. Thank you! @The Winner :)
  5. And thank you so much for this, I really appreciate you caring. :)
  6. 2 weeks clean!
    New goal: 2 days.
    2 days left.
    @The Winner

    Also this group is great and helpful. It’s rules help me take the challenge one bit at a time. Thx the winner!!
  7. Randox

    Randox Fapstronaut

  8. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

  9. Hardcandy

    Hardcandy Fapstronaut

    136. Struggling lately, I hope the week will be fine.
  10. Checking in with 16 days to go. :)

    Thanks @Newgirl for all the inspiring messages, they're really nice.

    @The Winner i did that camera and thats how they found out about the acid thing in told you about, so maybe they'll be able to help you out. Good luck :)
  11. Congratulations ✔ on this achievement!

    I'm happy that this challenge is helping you to achieve your goals, that was the main goal I made it for after all. :)
    josbo21, Ju@n, Sammyforthewin and 2 others like this.
  12. Sammyforthewin

    Sammyforthewin Fapstronaut

  13. Black Duke

    Black Duke Fapstronaut

    3day countdown complete
    @The Winner
    Moving on to 7day challenge
  14. Goal 10 Days achieved ✔

    Goal 30 Days.

    Only 29 Days left!

    Personal Goals Countdown+

    Spiritual activities:
    Goal 30 Days.
    Only 22 Days left!
    josbo21, control your life and Randox like this.
  15. Randox

    Randox Fapstronaut

    Well done guys, keep going!
  16. 1 day left!
    Been getting some urges so gonna use the delay tactic to get through this.
  17. Check in
    Goal 16 days, 8 days left :))
  18. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut