Stop blaming porn

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by benvy, May 2, 2019.

  1. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    I've been using nofap for about a week now and I gotta say, it's a mixed bag. I like the community, but I dislike how much people blame there issues on pronography. Porn is NOT Your problem. Just like drugs aren't the problem in a drug addicts life. The problem is that we are self medicating because we have unresolved issues in our lives. Your mindset IS the problem. Go to therapy, confront your issues, and face your demons head on.
    I would recommend Jordan Petersons "Self authoring suite" for most of you. I've completed about half of it so far and its brought to light some things I've never even realized before.
  2. It's mixed. Bear in mind that porn (especially in it's modern internet version) cannot have been an issue even a couple of decades ago.
    However yes, there is a deeper root.
    I hope it's going well on week one.
    benvy likes this.
  3. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    Addiction has been around for a long time. Just because the medium is new doesn't mean we can blame it. There are people who watch porn and don't get addicted, just like there are people who gamble and don't get addicted. If porn wasn't around, we'd likely latch on to some other drug of choice
    FX-05 likes this.
  4. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    Addiction has been around for a long time. Just because the medium is new doesn't mean we can blame it. There are people who watch porn and don't get addicted, just like there are people who gamble and don't get addicted. If porn wasn't around, we'd likely latch on to some other drug
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  5. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    It doesn't do an individual any good to pass the blame on to someone or something else
    need4realchg likes this.
  6. I concede on that!
    benvy likes this.
  7. For the drug addict it’s the deeply rooted issues AND the drugs that are the problem. I don’t know how familiar you are with opiate addiction but working on your deeply rooted issues doesn’t negate the physiological effects opiate addiction has done to your brain.

    Likewise with the alcoholic. My friend is an alcoholic. Even if he had the mindset you’re talking about, if he removed himself from alcohol via cold turkey he could die. He needs to go to a professional medical facility if he’s going to start his recovery journey.

    The irony here is you’re practicing the same mentality as the people you have a problem with except you’re reversing the blame. The reason why both sides get traction is because they’re both filled with partial truth.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2019
    Badvock, Fredi-the and need4realchg like this.
  8. Oh we should also mention genetics and upbringing. Some people are more susceptible to some things as a result.
  9. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    What about places like Portugal or Switzerland that have legalized or decriminalized drugs? They have virtually NO drug problems. It can be argued that there is an opiate crisis in America because we demonize drug users. People who are self medicating immediately become criminals rather than people who have trauma/ mental issues
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  10. That too!
  11. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    Very true. But again, porn is a new medium and DNA takes hundreds of thousands of years to evolve.
  12. The legalization of a drug does not remove the addiction component. Of course a country isn’t going to say it has a “drug problem” if drugs are not viewed as a problem.
    Fredi-the and need4realchg like this.
  13. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    It's true that these things have the potential to be addictive, but if it were truly the fault of the vices, then EVERYONE would be addicted to something. It's also true that genetics play a role but to what degree? Again, I doubt anyone has a family history where NO ONE has experimented with drugs, so why isn't the world filled with stumbling addicts? It's because the issue lies within the addict themselves, not the vice, and not their genetics
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  14. benvy

    benvy Fapstronaut

    Look up the statistics for drug addiction in Portugal vs the US. Also, look at the rate of drug addiction in Portugal before vs after decriminalization of drugs
  15. One thing I would add is that I'm not sure there is a simple, binary answer. The tricky bit is to simply find out what works for the individual.
    Maybe it's a bit like medical drugs for different populations in that often they need somewhat differing approaches.
    Deleted Account and benvy like this.
  16. Let’s take Switzerland; their solution to their drug epidemic was to not criminalize the addict but rather make therapy more accessible to addicts. They prescribe most with methadone while other hardcore addicts they prescribe them actual heroine in safer doses. While this has helped with their addiction problems as a whole in terms of overdoses, it doesn’t really support your position that the substances themselves are not part of the problem in an addicts life.
    need4realchg likes this.
  17. AngeZarate10

    AngeZarate10 Fapstronaut

    if watching a porn to masturbate becomes a habit, something is wrong.
    especially when you start having strange tastes.
    I speak from personal experience.
    benvy and Fredi-the like this.
  18. Hope this doesn't descend into an argument. You both make insightful points. So do I probably!
    I reiterate: there probably isn't one solution, but some things will work better than others. I know-vague.
    I need to learn what works for me.
  19. Not worried with the finer details or Politics for a sec, I agree rebooting is useless without taking responsibility. I don’t really have any issue with what you describe in the spirit of recovery.

    I think people use porn to hide from life. And to kick porn out we use life. Take it one day at a time. Congrats on starting your journey. Welcome bud.
  20. I don’t think it will descend into argument. For me I don’t think it’s as black and white as “it’s all your mindsets fault” or “it’s all porns fault”. Decriminalizing a substance doesn’t change it’s addictive effects. If it did then there wouldn’t be a porn addiction issue since porn isn’t something that’s criminalized right now in many society’s in the first place.
    benvy, MaxP71 and need4realchg like this.