i cant cry

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. I can feel it all bottled up like a dam ready to burst, no matter what i try i just cannot cry, infp problems?, my mom is an infj and also is having the same thing happening to her right now but maybe this is not a empath problem, any advice???.
  2. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    I cant cry either. And i am thankful for that tbh.
  3. Well, if you're trying to do it on purpose, that might be harder for some than others. If you really want to, watch a sad movie. I recommend The Color Purple or Million Dollar Baby. The latter made my mom cry so much, she couldn't talk clearly.
  4. I can just feel it backed up, i know it needs to come out.
  5. not good for your emotional health.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    Nah,i dont believe that.
  7. Chop Onions! While watching an ASPCA commercial with that in the arms of the angels song playing in the background
    u376 and BravelyKegger like this.
  8. why do you think our bodies were designed to cry?, i understand you most likely have that toxic viewpoint that "strong alpha men dont cry", but as someone who suppressed their tears and never cried once for 7 whole years, i can tell you that mindset of "no weakness, no tears", is complete bullshit and harmful, but you dont have to listen to me, live and learn friend. https://www.agingcare.com/articles/reasons-why-crying-is-good-for-your-health-146022.htm. https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/it-bad-your-health-try-not-cry.
  9. i cant stand that song lol.
  10. sepiga1009

    sepiga1009 New Fapstronaut

    I have the same issue Over the past 2 years I only cried once. I think the best way to have is to have a full reboot; you can connect again with your self and feel your emotions.
  11. I share your challenge @BravelyKegger .

    I think it is healthy to do so.

    I am a musician and discovered that the part of my brain that is used with music facilitated connecting with emotions.

    Wife says because of porn I cannot feel emotion, thus no compassion, thus making emoting or crying impossible.

    For me I find I tear up only when I am in church reflecting on how many times I have messed up— while listening to the words of a spiritual song.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  12. White Sheep

    White Sheep Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Lay down alone and stay there and the tears start to come out (that is how it works for me)...I have cried for 1 year in a row every single night. I would like to give you a bit of my power for crying and you give me a bit of yours to hold my tears
    u376 likes this.
  13. By the same logic, it's physically unhealthy to keep the hair on our heads short. Or to be celibate.
  14. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Ironic, I cried like a baby yesterday. I actually do feel better.
    Moatasem and u376 like this.
  15. I'm one of those people who don't cry. Not because I hold it in, but because I just naturally don't feel much emotion. When I want to cry, I usually watch the end of The Poseidon Adventure, when the Grandpa from Willy Wonka, Ernest Borgnine, and the other survivors realize they've been rescued. Gets me every time.
    GigglingTrout likes this.
  16. GigglingTrout

    GigglingTrout Fapstronaut

    I have a hard time actually crying too. My cat passed away a few years ago, and that was first time I've cried in a long time.
    Prior to that, I hadn't cried since I was young kid. Junior high, I think?
  17. I don't cry much either and like you it's really backed up, a lot of it for me I think is due to porn addiction since everything just feels numb and dead. You can try finding something like a video or audio that makes you cry, how about thinking about a specific memory?

    A good cry is always good for you, just don't force yourself and try to let it naturally happen
    need4realchg likes this.
  19. Erwillian0x3F

    Erwillian0x3F Fapstronaut

    Your brain is rewiring itself. You will rediscover genuine emotions and emotional outlets in time. It might help the express them in other ways. Sometimes a good scream helps (in the right place, of course).

    BTW, we're all different, but real men can cry. IMO God cries. I cry at lot: usually from joy, sometimes from sadness or empathy. I have had the privilege of seeing dozens of men in tears as one guy got up in front of 120 other guys and told his story of PMO addiction and recovery. A whole bunch of them began their journey to freedom that day.

    You'll get there. You can do this!
  20. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Try to remember all the sufferings you have been through
    Then just flow with that emotion
    Eventually you'll cry