looking forward to overcome

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by conquereor, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. conquereor

    conquereor Fapstronaut

    I failed again but I am looking forward to truly be over this addiction, before I would PMO 4 or more times within an hr or 2 and I wouldn't stop myself I was like a zombie that was controlled by Lust, but 13 days ago I stopped at the second try. After the second I said HECK NO! and even though I failed today everyone I am HAPPY :D because I stopped after the first PMO, If you guys can be able to stop after the second one and hold back the urges it will get easier I PROMISE, even though I jst PMO'd about 2hrs ago, I have much more control than before and I can control my thoughts and desire's more than when I would do it more than 4 times in that 2hr span bc the rest of my day would be full of urges and passions and P thoughts. WE CAN BEAT THIS EVIL ADDICTION EVERYONE DONT LOSE HOPE!!!:D
  2. new player

    new player New Fapstronaut

    yes we can beat this evil addiction. dont give hopes
  3. ForThePeople

    ForThePeople Fapstronaut
