Can’t stop myself

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dhellice, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Dhellice

    Dhellice Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a long time reader and never posted here before so here I am

    I’m a lady, living in France, and I want to break my addiction, but I am currently in a severe binge mode I just am unable to stop. I think I need support and motivation to get through this

    I’ve read everything on neuroplasticity/dopamine so I guess I know my subject. I just need help to stay on track when I get those strong urges...

    Any tips welcome by the way
    Ogikubo and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Dhellice

    Dhellice Fapstronaut

    Day 0. Starting tomorrow
  3. daymare

    daymare Fapstronaut

    Hi Dhellice,

    Very good that you're trying to quit PMO.
    I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm on day 11, having these really bad urges the last couple of days.
    I didn't give in to them, though I nearly relapsed. What got me through these urges? I think it was the realization that I don't like porn, but that it's just my brain wanting that dopamine hit.
    What also helped me is to imagine how you'd feel if you give in to the urge. Let's say you relapse and you watch porn. You will feel better for a while, getting those dopamine hits. But, if you're anything like me - you will also feel really bad even while binging. Your brain going into HELL YES / HELL NO every second. Imagining how you would feel after you've binged, helped me greatly. It made me realize that I might feel really bad now - but after relapsing and 'failing' (as it feels to me, personally) I would feel even worse. Then there is the reassurance that it will get better over time. And that people will be proud of you. And most importantly, you will be very proud of yourself.

    I hope this helps you.

    By the way: why starting tomorrow, and not today?


  4. Hey & Welcome to NoFap Community! :)

    You are in the right place for recovery here. We are so glad to have you with us to beat this addiction together.

    You can go read some Success Stories in the "Success Stories" section to learn more about the benefits of NoFap , get useful tips and ideas to help you in the reboot.

    If you have any question about rebooting, you can ask it in the "Rebooting" section.

    And i would recommend you to make your own journal in the "Reboot logs" corresponding to your gender & age to track your everyday progress.

    Best of luck to you in your journey!

    +Here's a post where you can find many important information that will help you in the reboot, Check it out:

    -The Winner
  5. Dhellice

    Dhellice Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your tips! Not today because of my black & white thinking I guess :( I binged hard today so i consider this day ruined
  6. daymare

    daymare Fapstronaut

    You're welcome! Yeah, I know what you mean. Perhaps you can try and see it like this: there is only ever this one moment. The future and the past are non-existent, they only exist as thoughtforms in your head. When you quit PMO, you always quit in the present moment. Postponing it, by saying: "today was a total waste, tomorrow I'll try again", is a trick of the mind. I've done (and still do) this too much, but by being aware of the excuses your brain tells yourself - you'll get stronger! I hope you are doing okay. How was today?