Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Issues Caused by Porn?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Rising_Sun, Apr 8, 2019.

  1. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    Hey all,

    I've never really been what I would call "addicted" to porn or masturbation. I would go months at a time without either and not really put much thought into it. I'm 30, don't smoke or drink, pretty muscular (bodybuilder), and otherwise healthy guy.

    However, over the last two months or so, I noticed I was masturbating to porn 4-6 times per week and I was getting off quicker and quicker each time. Last week I was trying to masturbate (let alone get an erection) WITHOUT looking at porn and I could only get like 50-60% hard no matter how hard I tried. Out of frustration, I turned on a porn video and got like maybe 70-80% hard and ejaculated within 30 seconds. It was at that point I knew something was "off" and I needed to fix it.

    I've never had issues getting hard during actual sexual encounters (the last of which was about two weeks ago), but I've had instances in the past of being with sexual partners where I felt like my stamina was very short, like 1-2 minutes of penetration, especially when my erection quality is very high. Oddly, other times I would last 30-40 minutes but my erection would be weaker throughout, like I was "holding back" just so I wouldn't orgasm too soon.

    Thankfully condoms help me last longer even without numbing cream but I find them hard to maintain a solid erection in and I'd like to get to a point where my premature ejaculation "episodes" are not even a thought in the back of my head when I'm having sex, because it is definitely a form of anxiety now and I think a lot of it is due to the "hypersexual" response I elicit when I look at porn.

    I've been doing NoFap (abstaining from porn, masturbation, and orgasm) for six days now and my dick feels lifeless and dead. No erections no matter how hard I try, and I'm just not interested in really thinking about sex right now. (The NoFap community refers to this as "flatline".)

    My question, have any other NoFap followers been able to resolve their premature issues and improve erectile quality by simply giving up PMO? Were there any exercises (mental or physical) that you used in addition to NoFap to work through this problem?
    Renan_Finn likes this.
  2. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    Guess I'm alone on this one lol
  3. Renan_Finn

    Renan_Finn Fapstronaut

    I wonder the same here, it's been a while, I think it helps a bit, but only a person who have experienced it can tell properly.
  4. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    Hmm well hopefully someone can chime in :)
  5. bluesky71

    bluesky71 Fapstronaut

    Porn definitely affected the quality of my erections, and the overstimulation you get from watching porn can lead to PE. I posted a thread in the porn addiction section about being with a cam girl. On the screen, I would do it 3 times a day or more. In person, there were times where I lost my erection while putting on a condom....same girl, just different circumstances.
    Rising_Sun likes this.
  6. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    So you mean to say that watching her on cam you would masturbate 3x times per day and then when you were in-person with her you'd sometimes lose your erection? Man that is fascinating to say the least.

    Honestly, I know that the stimulation from the porn is the major cause of my PE issue (and now the erectile one as well). I'll check out your post to read more on this, thanks for the input!
    bluesky71 likes this.
  7. bluesky71

    bluesky71 Fapstronaut

    In the beginning, i was doing multiple times a day. I started feeling the effects of PIED and slowed down to 1 - 2x per day. At the site, the models move and respond in a different way than in real life, and it creates hyperstimulation. The porn was like catching a drug high.

    In person, it is much different. She was no longer an object but a person. It’s hard to believe that the same person who drove me crazy on screen was a much more conventional experience IRL.
    Rising_Sun likes this.
  8. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    Man I can relate, and the way porn presents females/sex does undoubtedly produce drug-like effects in the body. I've noticed that whenever I'm with a girl, if I start imagining certain porn scenes that really stimulated me then my urge to orgasm increases rapidly. But if I just focus on "being in the moment" and the girl I'm with that urge is much less (particularly if I'm wearing a condom). In my case (and likely yours), ED and PE are largely psychological issues, but I think there are some physiological components to it as well.
    bluesky71 likes this.
  9. nick young

    nick young Fapstronaut

    I've been having PE for the past month as well. I think its due to the fact that I've had trouble maintaining an erection for this past month. I read that your brain quickly releases your semen because it knows that your penis can't stay erect for long. Also, my erections have become weaker as well. I was on day 15 last night but like an idiot I watched porn and ending up cumming as well. It didn't last very long. Now I'm back on day 1 :(
  10. nick young

    nick young Fapstronaut

    Also, is it still considered PIED if I get erections during real life and through porn but I prematurely ejaculate in both cases? Also, I lose my erection in both cases as well.
  11. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    Hmmm that bit about the brain telling your penis to release semen due to ED seems kinda odd but I guess that's kinda what happens during certain wet dreams. But yes, I would say it sounds like you have similar issues that I've experienced and I'd consider it PIED.

    Sorry to hear about the setback last night man, but stay strong and occupy your mind/time with things not related to sex/porn as much as possible.
  12. Not had a problem with PE, but there's absolutely no doubt that porn has prompted me to have weaker erections overall. Your sexual function will return to normal the longer you abstain.
    Rising_Sun likes this.
  13. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut


    That's encouraging to hear man, thanks for the response :)
  14. The other thing I'd add is don't get disheartened if your streak breaks. Now obviously the goal is to never look at porn ever again, and certainly to never masturbate over it. However, I started this journey at the beginning of the year and have had to reset five or six times in that time.

    While I'm disappointed I've made mistakes, I've also reminded myself that the former me would masturbate over porn five or six times in a single weekend. So this year so far, I've done the equivalent damage of a single weekend. Yes, I wish I hadn't made those errors, but the reality is that even though I have, I'm still healing every day I stay away.

    Sounds like you're doing a great job, just keep going. Things will improve.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2019
    Rising_Sun likes this.
  15. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    I appreciate that a lot man :) I'm 3 weeks in today and going strong! I've had a few moments where I was tempted to look at porn but I resisted thankfully. Also noticed I get sort of "half erections" throughout the night and during the day so I feel like my penis is coming back to life a bit haha. Hopefully things will keep improving :)
  16. Yeah, I've been having a similar thing. A definite sign things are getting better, and I'm sure it will serve as encouragement to keep you going.
    Rising_Sun likes this.
  17. Rising_Sun

    Rising_Sun Fapstronaut

    Definitely man, I'm hopeful this is just the beginning of the recovery