My Journey Begins

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Zchar438, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Hello, my name is Zayd. I am currently a teen dealing with porn addiction. It started back about 5 years ago and it is only recently that I realized that I have an addiction and want to quit. I've tried to quit many times but to no avail. I consider myself as a religious person and my addiction is standing in the way of all that I believe in and want to achieve. I want to take control of my life again!
  2. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much! This means a lot.
    helpmefromaddiction likes this.
  3. helpmefromaddiction

    helpmefromaddiction Fapstronaut

    First i just want to say well done for addressing the continuous endless problem with porn addiction and having another chance in advocating for yourself and for everybody else about porn addiction that affects everyone of us for the our entire lives. I believe you can break out of those chains and free yourself from porn if seek AP, make one or two posts daily to see how your going and that way you can slowly build stronger connections with the community and see where that takes you if your able to support people on a daily basis by reading their posts and making them feel like they belong in the community and that they need help just as like you and me and like everyone else, set realistic reboot goals on how long you want to abstain like a week can slowly build to two weeks or two days and be easily be built to two days which makes it four days of abstaining from porn, when im a serious porn addict from now on im gonna welcome and support new members of the NoFap community so it gives me and you guys strength too.

    Sorry if this post was long
    Good luck on your Journey!!, And Welcome to nofap man!!, Make the best of your life the rest of your life!!
    jack_of_spades likes this.
  4. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Good afternoon to all my fellow fapstronauts. Soon I will be completing my second day of my new non PMO life! This morning, I started feeling the urges, but I was able to put them down and start being productive. I have set up goals for today and feel really energized. In about an hour I will go biking in the park! Keep strong fellow fapstronauts, and until next time!
  5. Great, welcome! Keep at it, and keep sharing how you're doing and what's going on.
    helpmefromaddiction likes this.
  6. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    zchar438 = welcome to the journey. As you continue on your journey, celebrate each success by doing something healthy, fun, or otherwise up-lifting. It can be as simple as saying "good morning" to someone you see on the street or holding open a door to let somebody in. In these small things, you'll reinforce your positive attitudes and behaviors. Stay strong.
    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    Zchar438 likes this.
  7. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your message. It means a lot.
  8. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    I have just completed my 3rd day! This morning I woke up feeling some urges. I had some dream where I relapsed but when I woke up, I put the thoughts away. Overall I think that my day was successful. I was able to accomplish all of my goals. I am now getting ready for school. My Spring trimester is now about to start and I feel excited and prepared for it. I hope that all of my fellow fapstronauts are doing well and keep pushing through all the difficulties and trials that life throws at us! Good night!
  9. I
    I've had relapse dreams before, they did go away in time. Keep up the good work.
    helpmefromaddiction likes this.
  10. helpmefromaddiction

    helpmefromaddiction Fapstronaut

    Keep on going good work
  11. Well said!
  12. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Sorry Yesterday I forgot to write on my journal. I had a pretty busy day. I though that it was a great day. I managed to accomplish all my goals and didn't have any urges. I know it is only the beginning of the week but, I am trying to prep myself for the weekend. Most of the time, it's on the Weekends that I relapse. I will need all the help that I can get.
  13. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    I know that I am writing 2 journal entries today, but it is because I was so busy Yesturday that I didn't have time to post anything. Overall, it was a great day. Spring just started where I am living and it was a beautiful sunny day. I was feeling a bit tired in the afternoon, but I managed to take a nap. I did some training with my Track team and was able to clear my mind. I didn't feel too many urges today. Sometimes they would come when I was looking at a girl, but I was able to force them out of my mind. I hope that all of my fellow faptronauts out there are having a great day and keep fighting their addiction!
  14. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Good job. Exercise definitely helps me control urges and of course, there is the physical benefit too. It also seems that on a bright sunny day everything is always nicer ! Good job on your journey. Stay strong.

    One day at time is how we all succeed
    Taqwa1 likes this.
  15. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Hello! It's been a while since I have been writing on my journal. I've been updating my status instead. Today was a very good day. I had some Track practice which relieved my head. After taking a nap, I had really strong urges. I was reaching out for my phone when I stopped myself and reminded myself of my commitment to no porn and fapping. Thinking about all of you in this community that kept encouraging to keep fighting made me more determined and deterred me from watching porn. I am making progress little by little. Thank you all my fellow fapstronauts!
    Taqwa1 likes this.
  16. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Keep up the progress ! You are doing great !

    One day at a time is how we all succeed
  17. Zchar438

    Zchar438 Fapstronaut

    Sorry that I have been away for a while. 2 Weeks ago I relapsed and dug a whole on myself for a week. I am back on track!
    Taqwa1 likes this.
  18. Alhamdulillah! Good to hear that brother! Hold tight on The Rope.
  19. fight it brother, we all are fighting shoulder to shoulder, have to defeat this ugly mess of pmo.