Day 3 of NoFap

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by seagulls6878, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Guys it’s day 3 for me but I still wake up semi hard and still unfortunately stroke the bed a little in the morning:( is this a relapse I have not watched porn or masturbated. Going for hard mode for atleast a year I have PIED since I was 21 and I’m now 27. Wasted a lot of time and trying to get my life together now. Also it’s been three days but I keep dreaming of sex
  2. Don't worry.
  3. Heian

    Heian Fapstronaut

    After 3 days it's still a tough fight but keep it up!

    Keep yourself occupied to take you mind off it, thats why many people recommend exercise.

    It's usualy when you sit around feeling restless and lonely the relapses usualy happens.

    Also avoid staying up late, if you are tired you have less energy to fight the urge.
  4. Its the beginning. Goods things are hard to achieve. Just keep on! Dont give you up!
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  5. Seawolfee

    Seawolfee Fapstronaut

    Dont give up. Change your Life bro!
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  6. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much guys... day 4 trying to stay busy actually trying this time this the first time I’ve ever reached out about this issue
    Seawolfee likes this.
  7. Heian

    Heian Fapstronaut

    I didn't know i had a issue untill i found nofap and started reading up on the negative sides of masturbation.
    All i heard before this is that its good for you, It keeps you "warmed up" bla.. bla... bla.....

    Almost a month now of PMO rehab and i feel like I can hold a load for longer than ever before! (Haven't experimented but i don't feel the same strong urge to shoot my load as soon as possible anymore!)
  8. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Yeah bro I’ve have porn induced erectile dysfunction ... 27 now had it since I was 21 ... i want a family I want kids all that stuff . Gotta get myself straight first. Can’t keep lying to myself telling myself some girls gonna be with a guy whose dick won’t get hard. I was delusional for many years . This is my last shot at a normal life ... i just hope after a year of nofap I can feel like myself again. It’s strange along with sex all my emotions have become filled. Music doesn’t hit me like it used to . Lost interest in all activities all that shit. I went to the doctor they tested all my hormone levels. Said there shouldn’t be any reason why I can’t get an erection. He says it’s psychological
  9. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man
  10. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro long road but time flies
  11. Heian

    Heian Fapstronaut

    You are just 27, barely started life, but it's really time like you said!

    But it's not over anytime soon :)

    Going PMO rehab for a while will help you get a better life. Atleast it did for me. I'm eating healthy, music sounds good again and i have more control over myself.
  12. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Yes that’s what I’m saying ... all my emotions feel dulled not filled
  13. Heian

    Heian Fapstronaut

    I got past my first bump at about 14 days, thats when i experienced the first benefits of not masturbating
  14. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Yes well I work out a lot too ... this still brings me joy for some reason getting bigger and stronger I read I’ll be able to get bigger by doing this