About to be 16 and day 56.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by horny nerd, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. horny nerd

    horny nerd Fapstronaut

    You need 30 days to post here and I made it past that so it's time to write a success report. I learned a lot and I am a completely different person. I'm so much more aware of everything both in me and around me.

    I could have done this years ago when I started Nofap. You yes YOU the one reading this could have also quit PMO on your first try if you had enough strength. I wasn't strong enough so I didn't do it, but I definitely could have if I had enough determination and willpower. It sounds cheesy and stupid, but it's 100% true. You are the only one who controls your reactions and decisions. No one is holding a gun up to your head telling you to PMO. If PMO is a birdcage the door is wide open and all you have to say is I'm leaving and you fly out that door.

    If you can make it to day 14 you can make it to day 90 effortlessly. You just have to make it past the flat lines and it is easy with help. I used to relapse due to the anxiety and low self esteem during a flat line. What I did was I took l-theanine, phenibut, and kratom for that social and general anxiety. I don't exactly reccomend those last two because they are kind of addicting. Also Marijuana, but I don't reccomend you break the laws. I got lots of good social experiences and lots of good connections under my belt with their help and because of that now it's not so difficult to be in social situations. Also I realized how insecure most people are especially females since I used to be almost scared of them. I just needed a different point of perspective. Also just smile and make eye contact. If you have strong eye contact you will see how many people squirm and look away and just how insecure they really are. You will make lots of friends just showing a bit of self confidence. I'm not saying be fake. I became comfortable being myself and for some reason people just liked that. I even thought of myself as a main character of a cartoon show and that gave me enough confidence in social situations. Just be a bit positive and don't make people your therapist like I did. There's a reason you gotta pay therapists. It's tiring listening to people's problems. Don't put that on other people like I did. Also once you got some friends when you go into a social situation you go together and they give you lots of confidence. Just having someone say were friends puts a smile on my face and gives me lots of confidence. I feel for all my socially anxious homies out there. Now i'm a bro and I acknowledge my slight nervousness and I tell people it's ok if they tell me about their own social anxiety.

    Also meditation and going to the gym. These two will get you farther than any supplement. You will get lots of self confidence from going to the gym and doing no PMO will be so easy. You will also have a useful outlet for all that extra energy. It's like your investing your energy into your future well being. If your scared of being judged at the gym or something similar use that energy working out. It worked for me and I came out of the gym feeling like the man.

    I never knew it was so easy till I did it. My highest before was 49 days.

    Before this streak I beat my meat two nuts in a row to an instagram girl's page in somebody elses bathroom. Damn I was lost. No matter how lost/ addicted you think you are just know you can make it. It's as simple as saying no more I'm not your slave no more PMO. It took me actually screaming FUCK PORN in my house to get past some urges.

    When you feel yourself losing the mental battle to PMO. Your brain is making excuses to try and get you to beat your meat. Scream out FUCK NO!!! That helped me, just don't bother your neighbors.

    Also weed and lots of introspection helped my personality and mentality. Don't recommend it though.

    Pick up some hobbies/ interests. They help you make friends and seem more interesting. For me it was super smash bros.

    Also when you feel frustrated and mad or sad go ahead and cry it all out for a couple hours. Go ahead and punch some shit as long as you don't damage something or do it in front of other people. Don't deny your feelings for too long. Maybe you have to in the moment, because you are in front of others. Don't punch somebody cause your mad. I did that and it did not go well. It caused more pain than started it. Let it all out ponder it in the shower. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable and life will get so much better.

    I smile so much now and feel so much more now and overall I feel alive and before I felt dead and lost. Nofap gives you the window to see what you can become. You can stay inside or you can grab yourself by the balls and jump out the window.

    All you got to do is step out of your comfort zone and soon enough your comfort zone will be expanded and there is almost nothing that is outside of it.

    Also listen to some nice music. Don't listen to future or some garbage rappers. All they rap about is how great they say their lifes are and it's all just a big lie. They aren't really that rich. Listen to some greats like Mac Miller. R.I.P. I'm listening to him now.

    I hope to make it to at least day 90, but I have a feeling I will never ever want to bust a nut alone in my room and cry afterwards being so disappointed in myself.

    Memento Mori
    Remember you will die. Do you want to die tommorow knowing you still didn't commit 100% to stop playing with yourself. It's all just a big lie. You aren't really getting all those girls like your fooling yourself. Your really just a lonely fuck who isolates himself trying to think this fantasy world is real.

    Also I think a big part of this addiction is lacking of that female love. It doesn't have to be romantic it can be friendly just don't deny it if it comes your way. Don't deny a girl cause you think she's not attractive. She's a human just like you and maybe she wants to be your friend. In fact don't push anyone away. Be an oasis for all the tired souls in this world. Just know there are plenty lonely girls in this world so don't feel like your not good enough for love. There are plenty people worse than you who found someone. Just be a little patient and focus on yourself and you'll find that person one day. Or maybe you already met them and you just haven't paid them any attention.

    Say it with me

    Aren't you tired of the bullshit.
    I sure as hell am.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2019
  2. Enigma897

    Enigma897 Fapstronaut

    Man , also being a 16 year old i'm inspired by you brother , keep up the journey that will leas onto more bless experiences that you can even imagine , damn that was a good story. Can i ask how did you start with meditation because i want to start but dont know how or where?
    thanks for the great post brother.
    220woof671 and horny nerd like this.
  3. skater

    skater Fapstronaut

    Love your honesty and straight forward advice. This is a LIFE changer. Our CHOICE is to live in a false fantasy that will eventually bring you into hell or live life in the real world where YOU yourself can make a difference in someone else's life. How wonderful is that. I also like what you said about being a friend to anyone. Don't choose, just be real. God Bless
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2019
    220woof671 and horny nerd like this.
  4. horny nerd

    horny nerd Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. No problem. I started with guided meditations on Youtube. There's this one made by a monk that's real good. Once you got it down and you understand it you can just put your timer and meditate. I don't like to meditate first thing in the morning because I'm tired and don't have focus. I do it maybe an hour after I wake up.
  5. horny nerd

    horny nerd Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I had an urge today and remembering what I wrote in this post I decided to lock the screen and leave. I felt disgusted even thinking of the possibility of me going back to PMO for even a couple seconds. My stomach even feels weird now. Rereading this post helped get me back on the right track. Your reply also helped me a lot.
  6. skater

    skater Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear that. The nero-pathways that have been created in our brains will fight hard to stay active, when resisted, they will eventually fade away but can and will, pop up at anytime. Way to stay strong.
    220woof671 and horny nerd like this.