Starting NoFap from today

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ajo1975, Mar 23, 2019.

  1. Ajo1975

    Ajo1975 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I'm a gay guy in his 40ies which lately has realized that has a very BIG problem with PMO. I never thought about that before, until I jumped in this website 2 days ago while I was searching for help on the internet because PMO (never called like that before) has gone out of control. I do it like 10 times per day, sometimes NO STOP, one after the other, feeling ashamed and stuck in it without any control, I lost all contact with the real world. I prefer getting home after work in order to do it and sometimes I do it at work as well. I watched all kind of P (even the most dirty and incredible kind) always looking for something stronger. I jumped in the NoFap and I recognized my situation in all the treads/videos that I saw. I immediatly realized that I do have a problem. I am starting today, I hope this will change my life and my relationships and reboot my situation which is affecting me a lot 360º.
  2. Rubzi

    Rubzi Fapstronaut


    You've taken your first step to the new you and you already let yourself open for change by telling it here. Be proud of every small victory you make and reward yourself for it! (With the right means ofcourse)

    It's going to be a hard journey i can tell you that. But giving in is not worth the 5 seconds of joy.

    You CAN do this! Believe in yourself (as should I in myself as well).
    Good luck and many strength to you!
    Ajo1975 likes this.
  3. Eleutheromaniac

    Eleutheromaniac New Fapstronaut

    That's so strong of you.
    I also found out of this site 2 nights ago. And I'm also starting today. I couldn't yesterday.
    I'm not feeling strong enough to start today...but I when I read about your story I new I could feel supported with others doing the same. We can beat this and master out minds!
    You are not alone!!
  4. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Hi guys !(Ajo1975, Rubzi, Eleutheromaniac)

    There is never a better time to start your personal journey to healing that RIGHT NOW. Don't delay and think you aren't ready or can't do this. You can do it.
    For many years before finding the lost treasure ship Atocha, (probably not spelled correctly !) Mel Fisher would start each day's exploration by saying "today is the day" meaning that today is the day he'd find the treasure. Well, today is the day for you to find your treasure of healing. Today is YOUR day.

    A good early activity is to think about exactly why you are here and why you want to heal. Whatever your reasons are, if they are something that is important to YOU, its fine ! You HAVE to want to do it and you have to have internalized your NEED to do this journey to healing.

    You are in a good, safe, place now to begin your road to a new, healed you. Reach out to others in this community for advice, guidance, and if you must, to vent some of your frustrations (but consider an approach of for each minute you spend venting, spend 2 minutes doing or saying something positive !)

    The pathway to healing isn't always clear or smooth, or easy, but the results are very much worth the effort.

    Get going on your journey.

    Be well.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    Ajo1975, Rubzi and Eleutheromaniac like this.
  5. Ajo1975

    Ajo1975 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much. First day was ok, today, Sunday, alone at home, starting to crave. I'll try to stay focused and busy. Thank you for your message
  6. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    staying busy with constructive activities definitely helps keeps urges from taking hold. Find some things you like to do, or even maybe some things you don't like to do but need to do or should do (house cleaning, exercise) that can keep you busy with constructive activities.

    One thing that definitely sounds crazy, but does help to reduce urges, is a cold shower ! I know it sounds like a crazy idea, but really, it does work (at least for me.) I usually do a short cold rinse off after a regular shower, and as I become more accustomed to the cold showers, I turn the tap colder and stay under it longer. It's not exactly the relaxing thing to do, but it definitely gets rid of unwelcome urges !

    Stay strong.

    One day at a time is how we all succeed.
    Ajo1975 likes this.