United Kingdom to block pornography. But will this work?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    As far as I am aware the UK is blocking free porn online. You will be asked for your details to prove you're over 18, and then will have to pay to visit a porn site. But the thing is even if you do pay to access a porn site, you will only be able to use that one porn site and be blocked out of the rest of them.

    I just really hope this works.
  2. scarecrow1

    scarecrow1 Fapstronaut

    Presumably not. Wouldn’t a vpn provide a way over the wall?

    That is how the Chinese beat internet censorship
  3. zeekland

    zeekland Fapstronaut

    VPN.....aaaaaand bypassed.
  4. At least it will keep the younger kids away and prevent a lot of damage to them.

    alfianlight and Deleted Account like this.
  5. zeekland

    zeekland Fapstronaut

    No it wont...my nephew is 13 and he can easily bypass the installed blockers my brother-in-law has setup on their PC. Kids + technology = a losing battle, you will never be smarter then they will be when it comes to technology.
  6. You make it sound as if it's a useless measure? Fair enough there will always be those kids that could get into the Pentagon's secret files if they wanted to but your average kid isn't going to forge an id and make registered online payments just so they could see porn. There will probably be exceptions and there will be kids who will start to deal in porn or whatever but it's still a huge step forward and it will keep a lot of people from becoming addicted to this poison. Adolescents especially need to be protected and I can only hope Europe or the US is next.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  7. BalancedLife

    BalancedLife Fapstronaut

    I live in the UK and I have never heard of this. Once you deactivate parental controls by proving your age (usually by giving your credit card details), the filters will be lifted and you'll be able to access whatever website is not blocked by law.

    Not that the pathetic filters the ISP use by default can do anything; a quick look in the Play Store on an Android device will give you plenty of free or cheap VPN's that can easily bypass the filter. I guess this is still okay to prevent accidental exposure, but if a kid wants to watch, he'll find a way.
  8. SpoonDog

    SpoonDog Fapstronaut

    This has been on the cards for a while, and apparently it's being rolled out from 1st April. I have read a few articles about it and it's really not clear how it will work in practice. And I don't think for one second it will make the slightest bit of difference. VPN is the obvious workaround but I'm sure there will be many others. Like anything else UK politicians touch, it's doomed to failure.
  9. zeekland

    zeekland Fapstronaut

    They wont have to pay for it...free vpn all over the place which unlocks FREE porn, can also use proxies (another free bypass), there will also be SSL based pornsites that will encrypt traffic and bypass regulations (look at torrent sites and how they can't stop them either). Even if by some magical fairy dust method they disabled it all over the world there would just be another dark web popup within a few months where they will still get porn for free. It's a losing battle and it's a stupid one, I don't need the government to censor anything, today it's porn and then tomorrow it's information. Funny thing about porn is every kid in the age group to want to watch it will share this wealth of information with all their friends....it will spread like wildfire. I recall being shown how to bypass school internet back in the 2000s to look up porn.

    The average kid can do all of the above...you are delusional if you think you can stop them. Your only hope is to sit them down and explain it or find more active methods. My method was I low jacked the little shits phone with custom spyware for android and I just watch his traffic with keywords and ssl encryption.
    Bigftninja and Longstretch like this.
  10. Bigftninja

    Bigftninja Fapstronaut

    Damn dude you were on it trying to figure out if your kid was messing with that stuff. And I agree with you that If this sort of thing were to happen it would would justify censorship of many other things those in charge decided was problematic so this is not an ideal situation even it did work.
  11. I'm not thinking anything about stopping them man. All I care for is that the goverment is actively restricting access to porn sites.

    You are right, kids will always find a way to get porn and that is exactly why prevention through information is as important if not more important. The kid has to realize the rewiring process is real and that they won't know it is until they are already heavily addicted. Perhaps they will then understand that the legal measures are there for a good reason: their own best interest.

    Unlike us, at least the kids in the UK will now know that they are breaching the nation's law whenever they lay their eyes on porn. This is a very important point and you are not going to tell me it's not worth it if by these measures whatever number of kids is going to grow up normally, sexually and mentally healthy, without porn. Honestly the kids that will take the illegal route will only have themselves to blame if like us they encounter all of the mental, social and physical problems associated with porn addiction.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  12. Nah, heroin, cocaine and other opium substances are illegal, yet people consume them worldwide.

    More business for vpn sites.
  13. zeekland

    zeekland Fapstronaut

    They will care about the law as much as you care about stepping on an ant. I guess you have forgotten what it's like to be a kid....the more forbidden the fruit the more appealing it is.

    I'm not one to give up freedoms because someone uses children as the tool to steal them, it's the parents fault for not being more active in their kid's life. I don't need the government to be my nanny, just like I don't need software to nanny my avoidance of porn.
  14. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    You'll be giving up as much freedom as you would if you were to pay for porn (except, presumably, you wouldn't actually be paying). I'm always surprised by the "freedom" arguments used against just about everything nowadays. It's not in the state's interests to allow hedonism of this sort to grow, especially with birth rates the way they are now. As such, they are taking measures in the interest of society without using parental blame as an excuse not to do the right thing. Good for them.
  15. zeekland

    zeekland Fapstronaut

    No you set yourself up for something worse, you set a precedence for the next thing they decide they want to remove. They always go for the worst of things first, and then slowly move to the things that matter....go read some history books if you need examples. End of the day you lose and nothing will change, says everything they have ever banned. Kids will still get easy access to porn, you will have set the precedence for the next thing they want to block/ban, and nothing will change other than the next "for the children" thing they want to stop.
  16. Granting kids access to porn is just as bad as giving them heroin or something. Minors need to be protected from instincts they can't yet control. Addiction is more likely to be a problem if a habit develops at an early age, especially during adolescence.
    Read Your Brain on Porn and you will know this to be true.
  17. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I believe that a lot more people would be cocaine addicts if it were available to buy over the counter at your local bar. Pornography being so readily available legitimises it in a way that it wasn't, as recently as the 90s (where, in the UK at least, one could buy h/c VHS tapes through the mail without incidence but they weren't available from stores at all. Most people saw the odd P tape when they were teenagers, maybe at a party laughing with friends, but nobody but the most dedicated dirty old man was a P addict.)

    Attempts to regulate P in the 90s backfired as the law failed to keep track of technological changes ... the granting of thousands of sex shop licences, and the introduction of a new BBFC rating R18 specially for P videos, just in time for people to give up visiting brick and mortar stores and order all their DVDs online. Now this has been replaced by streaming content. I would like to see ISPs provide an 'opt in' system that assumes that most people don't want to see P (and specifically h/c and extreme P), while providing unfettered access to news/discussion sites that are aimed at adults (i.e. different from a 'parental lock', which could be provided separately).
  18. Portugal made all of the drugs legal, number of addicts is rapidly declining throughout the years.

    You know, drugs is one very complex business, laws against drugs do not protect people as much as they protect those who create and dispatch the product, these people stay in power just because drugs is illegal. Anyways, drugs and pornography give you similar type of high, but those aren't the same "substances"
  19. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    This is pedantic, but an important point - drug use in Portugal was decriminalised, rather than legalised and regulated as with alcohol/cigarettes. They also reinvested the money saved from not going after recreational users into treatment centres and harm reduction (such as needle exchanges). I don't believe that a "war on Porn" is sensible, or winnable, any more than the war on drugs was. Full blown addicts of all kinds will always go to any length to feed their habit, including breaking the law. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't take steps to tackle the problems that lead people to becoming addicts in the first place.

    All IMHo, of course :)
  20. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Smh. No guns, no free speech, and now you cant access any more porn for a good wank. Smh. I just wonder when the UK will be dominated by full on Sharia law. Not if, but when.